Her Name

Sesshomaru walked down the hall holding his newborn in his arms. As he passed, everyone watched, silent. He had the baby dressed in a dress of white and red, something close to what he wore, and he then told the maid to prepare the room next to his to fit a princess, and he warned them that it had better be breathtaking, that his daughter was to have nothing but the best.

Sesshomaru looked down at his sleeping child; dark was her hair, like her mother's.

"What will you name her, my son?"

Sesshomaru looked up at his father. "Name her?"

"You do intend on giving her a name, do you not?" A silly question,

"Yes," Sesshomaru said; yes, it was his job to name his child; he had not known, though, that the said child would be a girl.

"May I?" His father asked; he wanted to hold his granddaughter. Sesshomaru gave up his daughter to his father and watched as the old demon smiled. "She is beautiful, my son."

"Indeed," Of course, she was, after all, his daughter. Just then, a knock was heard. "Enter," Sesshomaru spoke, bringing the maid inside. "My Lords, the Lady requested to see the child."

Sesshomaru turned to his father and took back his daughter. "I shall take her."

"Very well, my son."

Sesshomaru entered the room to find Kagone sitting up, her hair down and wild, but a beautiful kind of wild. A smile graced her face when he entered, but he knew it was not because of him but of what he held near him, their daughter.

Sesshomaru came close and slowly lowered their daughter back into her mother's arms; he then stood back and watched. Kagome looked down at her daughter and smiled, a smile only a mother could give, a mother deeply in love. Sesshomaru stood there and watched the two girls in his life, both with their fair skin and black hair, both his and both beautiful. Yes, beautiful did the woman who bared his child look to him at that moment. Then it came to him, her name,


Kagome looked up "What?"

"Her name, it shall be Kumiko."

Kagome smiled; what a beautiful name. "Long time, beautiful child," Kagome spoke, "It's perfect," She said, looking down at her child. "Kumiko, you shall be Kumiko by order of your father."

Yes, it was true that was what the baby's name meant, but that was not the only reason he had chosen it; not only was his daughter beautiful, but his mate was as well, even if it was just now that he realized it. He chose the name for one more reason; it held Kagome's name to, well, the one he called her by, Miko.

Pride hit him when he heard Kagome's words to their daughter, telling her that her name was to be by his order, pride indeed. "I shall send in your friends if you are well,"

Kagome looked up. "I'm well,"

Sesshomaru turned and opened the door, letting everyone flow in; he warned them all, though, that if they made his daughter cry, they would be thrown out.

Everyone was happy to see Kagome well and very happy to see her daughter.

"Her name is Kumiko," She told them; she surprised them all when she told them that it was, in fact, he that had named her.

"My mate needs rest," Sesshomaru spoke after a while, seeing her color change in exhaustion.

Inuyasha wanted to huff; since when did his brother care? Everyone left just the same.

Sesshomaru took his daughter and placed her in the crib Kagome had made some time back. He then order for food to be brought, though Kagome didn't eat much; she was far too tired.

"Sleep, Miko,"

"What if she needs me?"

"I shall tend to her,"

"But, you will wake me if she needs me?"

Sesshomaru looked at the woman whom he was sitting close to. "If you wish it."


"Then yes, now sleep."

Sleep she did, and she slept all night.

Kagome woke up to crying; she jumped up without a thought, the world turning on her a bit. Kagome did her best to run to the sound of her newborn; it was coming from the bathroom. Kagome rushed in and stopped; there in the middle of the water was Sesshomamru, their baby on his shoulder, his hand pouring water over her back.

The baby cried, and Kagome gasped, bringing Sesshomaru's attention to her. "Why is she crying?" Kagome asked, taking a few steps forward. "Perhaps you should join us."

Kagome was taken aback; he wanted her to join him in the bath.

The baby cried again. "Perhaps it will easy her,"

Sesshomaru's eyes were still on her. Without a thought, Kagome undressed, right in front of him, her eyes hard on the baby and not him. He watched as she undressed, heat filling him; he pushed it back, now was not that time. Kagome got into the water and walked up to him; she placed her hand on the baby's back. She cried out again.

"Perhaps she wishes for her mother," Sesshomaru spoke,

Sesshomaru turned the baby around and handed her to Kagome. Kagome took the baby close to her breast and lowered herself into the water. The warm water calmed the baby, and she stopped crying; Kagome could feel her little legs kicking as the baby latched on to feed. They stood in calm silence for more than half an hour as the baby ate and kicked.

Kagome giggled.

"What is funny, Miko?"

"She's kicking, she likes the water,"

Sesshoamru leaned down and nuzzled his daughter's cheek; Kagome watched. Sesshomaru leaned up a bit, and his eyes met Kagome's; they both froze for a moment. They were both unfroze when a knock was heard. Kagome's back was to the door, but Sesshomaru moved to stand in front of her. "Enter,"

A maid came in with a towel. "Perhaps the princess is ready to get out, my Lord?"

Sesshomaru looked down; it would seem that she was ready for a nap as she was already done eating and fast asleep. "Very well,"

The old woman came close to Kagome and held the towel in her hand, ready to receive the baby. Kagome placed the child in the older woman's arms. "You will put her in her crib, won't you?"

"If you wish,"

"Yes, thank you."

Then the woman and baby were gone. Kagome watched them leave; she turned back and looked down at the water, forgetting just who was in the water with her. That was in till she felt his finger lift her chin.

"She will be fine,"

Kagome just looked at him, him standing there with no damn shirt. "I, I know."

Sesshomaru let his hand fall; now what? What could he say or do? "Do you doubt me?" He asked; he was not sure if he was trying to start a fight or not.

"What, no!"

"You seem unsure, Miko,"

"No, I, I trust you." But this was all so new, and still, she was unsure.

She was looking at the water again. She felt the water move and looked up; he was closer, his hand once again holding her chin. "How much do you trust me, Miko?"

"I, I don't know what you mean?"

"Do you trust me to protect her, Miko?'


"To protect you?"

If he wanted to protect her, he very well could; there was no doubt in his ability there. "Yes,"

"Do you trust me enough for my touch?'

His hand held tighter to her chin, Kagome's hand moved up to his, and she tried to pull his hand away.

"I see your answer is no."

"What?" Kagome whispered,

He came closer; he was leaning toward her. "Do you trust me enough to kiss me, Miko, or are you afraid?"

She looked at his lips. Did he want to kiss her? She was not afraid of him! She looked up into his eyes again; if he was waiting for an answer, he was going to be waiting a long time. He leaned his face in; he waited for her to back away, but she didn't. His lips touched hers; he waited for her to back away, but she didn't. He pushed his lip harder into the kiss, biting her bottom lip, wanting in; he waited for her to push him away, she didn't. He kissed her with want and heat; he waited for her tongue, her lips, he waited for her to kiss back, and she did.

But that was as far as he would go. She needed to heal in more ways than one, and while he asked for her forgiveness, he knew all was not forgiven or forgotten that showed in her hesitation. His thoughts drifted to their daughter; what if someone did to her as he did to her mother, the thought angered him.

He was angry with himself. But he could not change the past, only the future.

He rubbed her lip with his thumb before getting out of the water and leaving her to relax in the warm waters.