He sighed as he looked out the window of his castle, his home, their home, their domain.
She was out there with their child in the sun with her friends. She seemed happy, something he had not smelt on her since he first came to her. His fault, he knew.
Sesshomaru's father stood far behind him, watching his son watching his family. He knew he was thinking many things, observing what was now and would be forever his.
"How odd that the child came to be a girl; I was sure the Gods said it would be a boy," His father spoke to himself and then walked away, finally leaving his son and daughter-in-law to their own growth; he had done enough, they didn't need him anymore.
Sesshomaru watched as Kagome smiled at their little infant daughter. Kagome was breathtaking at that moment; she wore a long gown matching that of the one their child wore. Her hair was down, and the sun made it shine. Sesshomaru stood with his arms crossed and inhaled deeply. Down there was his family, his bloodline, the two things in the world that he would forever be protected along with Rin and Jaken, of course.
If only Sesshomaru knew at that moment what his daughter would become. If only he knew that one day not only would he stand tall with a sword in hand, but his daughter and mate would too. They would stand next to him and fight. If only he knew how beautiful his daughter would become or that she would have many siblings alongside her. But it was this daughter that would one day rule the land, and she would one day fall in love with a cruel demon Lord, much like her mother had him. Like her mother, she would change him and bear him children as well. If only he knew how much his mate would come to love him, he could only guess. She had gone from hating him to caring for him, and he was falling too. An overwhelming sense of pride hit him as he thought of his mate and child. Sesshomaru unfolded his arms and looked once more at the passage he had many times read in his father's diary. He smirked and threw the book behind him, it landing in the fireplace to burn.
"That was your fate, Father; I have found my own; my power is as great as it needs to be to protect them; no one will stand against me," He spoke to himself.
Sesshomaru watched as Kagome turned and looked up at him, she gave him a faint smile, and he made his way down to them. Forgiveness came, all the pain would one day be forgotten, replaced with happiness and bliss, and he would never be the same man ever again, and that was a good thing.
Sesshomaru didn't know the future or what was to come; he knew, though, that there were things he could do to set the course of the unknown. Sessomaru walked out of the castle and toward his mate and newborn. Kagome turned and smiled again,
"Hello, Daddy," Kagome spoke for the child, trying out the new name. Miroku and Sango bowed and took their leave.
Sesshomaru came to a stop in front of her and looked down at the infant she held, their child. "Hello, my daughter."
Sesshomaru bent over and rubbed his daughter's cheek with his nose; the baby pushed back against him, showing her love for her father. Kagome giggled, and he looked up at her,
"What do you find so funny?"
"Nothing. I think it's cute the way you sniff her."
"I was not sniffing,"
"Then what is it?"
Sesshomaru leaned in and rubbed his nose against Kagome's cheek, giving a push. Kagome giggled and felt warm from the action; then it hit her; he was showing affection. He pulled away, and she smiled with a sigh, her cheeks blushing. Again pride hit him, and he looked off to the sun.
"What are you thinking about?"
"I have sealed my fate; I shall forever be annoyed by your mouth." He was joking, and she knew it,
"Yeah, well, you sealed my fate too," She said with a hmm; he looked down at her.
"I seemed to have gotten married to a stuck-up ice prince," She said flat,
He looked up again. "Do not forget that, Miko, when it is time for you to bear me more pups."
He knew it would get a rile out of her.
"Oh, I wish I could sit you!"
He smirked, glad to see her old self coming out.
She then walked past him, and like forever and always, he followed her, and like forever and always, they would fight, but it was their fights. It was their way of showing they loved each other, her way of telling him he was wrong, his way of letting her know she was right. Forever and for always, she would be by his side as he hers; she would be there to tell him to shut up, she would be there to give him her body and his to her, and she would be there to give him all the pups they desired, and he would always be there to protect her as she would protect him. She did more than just protect him; she would, though they did not know it, protect his whole bloodline. Every pup she would ever give to him would be full blood and strong, and he didn't need to know the future to know that she would forever and always have him by her pinkie, and he was fine with that. It would take his brother a lot longer to come to terms with their relationship; he would stay away for months before coming back to see his friend, whereas Sango and Miroku would stay close by to be at her side. Sango would be Kagome's go-to talk, and while at first Sesshomaru did not realize, Mirkou quickly became his adviser on all things human.
He had sealed their fate, her fate, his fate, and the fate of their whole family, their whole bloodline. There were days when he would just look at her, and she knew he was asking for forgiveness over again; while he hated the way he had sealed their fates, he did not regret that she was his fate.
Sesshomaru looked down at Kagome and stopped walking; she stopped as well. "What?" He pulled her to him, minding the baby in her arms, and kissed her, answering her.
Forever and for always, for the rest of the days, he would reseal their fate by sealing her lips with a kiss and with a promise he would never hurt her again.
In the end, he learned and grew, she loved and forgave, and they lived happily ever after with the past behind them.