Chapter 147 Chapter 144: Quicklime Against the Enemy


Five or six little brothers were already exhausted. Receiving the order, they decisively let go, and the rubber bands catapulted the bag of lime powder out. The enormous sack hit the first little brother who rushed in, and lime powder instantly filled the air. Another bag of lime powder hit the door directly, the powder settling on every little brother that surged in, flooding their eyes.

"Ah. It's lime, fuck, it hurts like hell!"

"God, it's lime, it's so painful!"

In an instant, those who had rushed in were now lying on the ground, covering their eyes with their hands, writhing in pain. The intense pain from their eyes made it unbearable. Feng Zhixiao and the others had already wrapped wet towels around their faces, looking like masked heroes in the night. Feng Zhixiao gestured, "Second floor, pour water!"
