Chapter 146 Chapter 143: Before the Decisive Battle

The crowd grew thicker and thicker, the underlings densely gathered at the headquarters of the Flame Dragon Gang. There were already five to six hundred people, a dense throng brought together. Usually, these people didn't have so much time to mingle, but responding to Yan Bu'er's call, they finally managed to gather, enhancing their camaraderie, exchanging knowledge and experience, and discussing which establishment had the quality ladies and where the ladies' skills were commendable.

"Boss Yan is here!" someone with a booming voice shouted.

The scene immediately fell silent, everyone uniformly turning their gaze towards the Flame Dragon Gang headquarters as Yan Bu'er emerged clad in a black outfit with shiny shoes, a smile spreading across his face. He looked like an exceptionally affable middle-aged man. Yet, who could know the venomous heart hidden behind that smiling face?