Chapter 149: Solution and Hugging a Big Thigh First_3

"I hope Heller didn't forget his diving gear..." he paused, "what do you think?"

"The Imperial District needs management, and I am the best person for the job. I have a legal identity as a Federation person and maintain a strong friendship with the Imperial people."

"I will govern this place very steadily, and I will find ways to provide more job opportunities for the people here, as well as for the Federation people."

"Furthermore, I will quickly control over eight thousand votes at the docks..."

If the previous statements were somewhat dismissible to Mr. Pasiletto, the last one piqued his interest.

Being a manager doesn't actually require much personal ability, management isn't a technical job, you don't need to know the difference between one thread count or another by touch.

You don't need to be able to produce flawless stitch work either.

All you need to do is tell people what they can and cannot do, and make sure they understand the consequences of breaking the rules!