Seeking temporary refuge with the Pasiletto Family was currently the best option Lance could imagine.
At any time, in any society, what's actually being discussed is value and the display of value.
It might differ due to various social cultures, historical backgrounds, or other reasons, but the essence is the same.
In some times and regions, value is equated with money, but in other places, value represents status or loyalty.
You have to make people feel that you are useful, that you have value worth keeping, in order to be retained.
Now Lance lacked the kind of power he could proudly show off. If he didn't want to become a fugitive, then the best method was to follow the rules of the game, join one of the sides, and become someone "valuable."
Actually, almost everyone had come up this way!
The President, the Speaker of the House, the Senate Majority Spokesperson, various ministers, big capitalists, and even family leaders.