The old doorknob, its surface even polished smooth by the touch of many passengers, displayed rusty spots on its metallic edges.
Such was the worn sliding door Ronald laid his hand upon when the sound of splintering wood emitted from it.
He didn't need to continue the action, as the person inside made the first move.
After all, not only could Ronald see inside through the compartment door, but the person inside could also see out!
It all happened in an instant.
A gleaming silver dagger pierced through the door of the compartment, without dragging even a splinter or chip, its sharp tip thrust rapidly towards Ronald's palm!
Naturally, the attack failed.
Sharp though the blade was, it couldn't pierce the black mist formed by the sin of "strong assault"!
"Heh heh..."
Ronald watched the dagger tightly seized by the black mist and felt the strength of its owner trying to pull the dagger back.
Ronald laughed.
Did the adversary think him a fool?