Lunchtime in Berenwich.
Though there were fewer pedestrians on the main street than an hour ago, people from all walks of life could still be seen walking about.
Patrolling policemen, workers transporting goods, amblers lost in thought—all were busy with their affairs on this street, everything proceeding in an orderly fashion as usual.
At that time, a rented horse-drawn carriage came galloping from the northeast direction of Long Beach Street.
The structure of the rented horse-drawn carriage was a two-wheeled, double-seated carriage with a hood, and the driver's seat was positioned above at the back, with passengers entering through the door at the front of the carriage.
In all of Berenwich, there were more than 500 such rented carriages in service to the public.
And now, this carriage had stopped at 21 Long Beach Street.
When the carriage pulled to a halt, the driver seated above at the rear spoke:
"Sir, we've arrived at 21 Long Beach Street."
"Thank you."