
Angela finds a large stick that'll work as a club and somehow finds a leather thong to tie it to her skimpy leopard skin outfit.

I try to find something I can use as a weapon too, but other than a half gnawed bone, I see nothing.

Silence is our only other companion as we exit the cave, and see the peak where TanaVesta resides off in the distance.

After a while I get sick of the thick silence, and decide to break it with a few questions.

"Brooke, what did you mean by saying that TanaVesta was one of the pillars of this world?"

My long-time friend glances at me, then to Angela, before reluctantly saying, "I'm not surprised she hasn't told you more of this place." I shoot her a warning glance, surprised at my own behavior. Not that long ago, I was quiet and meek around her, despite having been friends for years. Her beauty was always intimidating to me, but after almost getting eaten by those orcs, I feel different inside. Stronger. Brooke sighs, and continues speaking, "Did she tell you that this world was created? Good. There were six creatures that banded together in ancient times, to create a world that we could live in relative peace; in other words, a world without violent humans.

"The most powerful creatures were of each element: Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Light and Dark. They became the six pillars of this world, and set forth the laws that govern this place, as well as all of us that choose to live here.

"TanaVesta is the Fire pillar. All creatures that belong to, or are tied to, that element serve her. Like your succubus."

"Succubae are from fire?" I ask, confused.

"The fire of your loins, burning desire or lust. Sound familiar?" Angela pipes in, and I can see her point.

"Just so," Brooke agrees.

"They're also a bit demonic, remember?" Brooke adds, and I just shrug.

"You said that you can't go beyond her borders. Does that mean you serve a different element?" I ask, trying to wrap my head around the idea of six creatures powerful enough to create a whole world. And of course, I'm going to go talk with one of them.


"That's one reason. I'm under the Pillar of Water, Varun." The way she pronounces the name, I can tell she has a lot of respect for him or her.

"Is he. . .she. . .they, I mean, is the Pillar of Water a dragon also?" I finally sputter out.

"Ha!" Angela laughs. "Not hardly, he's nothing more than a—"

"Enough!" Brooke says quietly, as she draws her blade, cutting off Angela's speach. "Do not speak ill of my master, and I'll show yours the same respect." The silence is once again thick, and I wonder what Varun is, and if these two are going to come to blows before we reach the border.

If so, which side will I choose?

After about another half hour of silent walking, the air suddenly feels a lot dryer and warmer.

"I can go no further," Brooke says officiously, before turning to me, and I can see pleading in her eyes. "Lyden, it's not too late to turn back. We can find the answers another way."

"Will Varun know?" I ask her, and see tears begin to fall from her eyes.

"I can't. . . . I'm not. . . . We can't ask him," she finally finishes.

I look at Angela, and see calculating confusion on her face. At least she isn't taking this moment of weakness to poke at the redhead.

Walking up to my friend, I take her hands in mine, and look deep into her green eyes. "I need to know. Something has changed in me, something big. Is there a reason for it, or am I just a mistake?"

"You're not a mistake, Lyden," she tells me, hugging me close to her. With her chest pressed against mine, I'm surprised at how supple her armor is. I'm also shocked by her behavior, as this is the most touching we've ever done. "Never believe that you are a mistake."

I hug her back to me for a moment, before she pulls away. "I'll wait here for you. If you're not back within a day, I'll know you're dead." She takes another step away from me, before turning her back, and I know there is nothing more I can say or do for her.

Angela takes my hand, murmuring, "Come on," as we turn and face the peak.

Besides the air, the ground is noticeably different here. Before, it had been rich soil with lots of growth, now it's barren and rocky.

We walk in silence for a bit, which is disconcerting, as I'm getting sick of silence. I'd thought Angela's silence earlier had been because Brooke was there, but now that Brooke is behind us, the usually jovial succubus seems depressed. In her Amazon guise, it's actually kind of scary.

I open my mouth a few times to try to start a conversation, but I can never seem to form any words, and just end up shutting my mouth again.

The ground is rough and rocky, and very little grows on the side of this lone mountain. Thankfully I'm still juiced after my session with Angela before the orcs, or I'd have long since been winded. My throat is dry from breathing in the arid atmosphere, and trepidation about what is ahead really begins to sink in.

"You know she loves you, right?" Angela finally asks when we're halfway up the side of the peak. The question sucks the air from my lungs.

"What?" I ask, flabbergasted. "No, she's never. . . . I mean, we've always been friends, so I just thought. . ." Thought what? I wonder, unable to finish the sentence. Truth is, I've always wanted there to be more between us, but was always afraid I'd ruin our friendship if I tried.

"It can never be, though." The succubus's voice is quiet and somber. "One of the laws of this world is that there can be no permanent relationships crossing the boundaries of our two worlds. It's not the most powerful law, but when it's broken, an assassin like your friend there, is sent out to deal with it."

I suddenly fully comprehend her statement to Brooke earlier. "You think she killed my parents, because one of them was from this world?" Shock registers in my voice, but this time I can't shake the thought.

"It can't be, though," she continues. "The offspring of such a liaison is supposed to be put down as well. You can't be a cambion. That's one of an assassin's main jobs: to kill and destroy any such offspring."

"So, because I'm still alive, she couldn't have been sent to kill my parents," I conclude.

"But then why was she even there? Did she just happen to be in the lake you were boating in?" Angela asks, and then shakes her head. "There are too many questions, and not enough answers. Hopefully TanaVesta will be able to shed some light on what's going on."

"What's a cambi-whatsit?" I ask, confused by her term.

"Cambion," she clarifies, "the offspring of an incubus and a woman or a succubus and a man. Merlin was one, you know. It took decades to finally get rid of him. They're very dangerous."

And we're going to see one of the pillars that decried cambions were unlawful? Great. . . .

I spend the rest of the climb trying to cheer Angela up by picturing all sorts of sexual acts and mentally sending them to her. It seems to have little effect, until we reach the summit. I'm not entirely prepared for what I see, as I look out across a massive plateau. Four giant pillars, carved with intricate runes and various images representing fire, support a triangular roof, which is completely engulfed in flame. The flame doesn't appear to be consuming the structure, but I can easily feel the heat from at least a hundred feet below it. Tiered seating rises up on either side of the columns, filled with creatures from fairy-tales and horror stories. Most I don't even recognize, like the one with two heads, but one eye each, or the one that seems to be made entirely of hairy arms and sharp claws.

My attention is drawn, however, to the massive creature at the far end of the pavilion. Its scales glimmer red, refracting the light of the flames above, and smoke curls lazily from its nostrils. Its long sinewy neck seems to go all the way to its tail. Six large legs, each with six toes tipped with six deadly looking talons, protrude from its body.

A true embodiment of the Chinese dragon: TanaVesta.

I have no idea how long I stand there, frozen in fear, sweat trickling down my back and my whole body shaking.

"Look at the human quiver," a creature made entirely of blue flame shouts from the bleachers to a round of applause and jeers from its fellows.

SILENCE. The word seems to come from everywhere and yet nowhere. I don't hear it with my ears, but feel it in my bones. HE HAS COME A LONG WAY TO SPEAK WITH ME, AND I WOULD HEAR HIM.

Angela's hand on my back propels me forward. As if on their own, my legs seem to remember how to walk. I step forward towards the center of the pavilion and then stop, my mouth going dry. I try to work moisture into my mouth, but the golden eyes, easily as large as I am, terrify me, and I can't speak.

Without warning the dragon vanishes, only to be replaced by a woman in a long flowing red cloth wrapped tightly around her body. Golden red tresses float around her shoulders, and if there was any doubt that this was still TanaVesta, her golden eyes vanquish it.