Dragon Riding ?..

"Is this form better?" she asks me, her voice soft, yet commanding.

I nod, still not completely able to speak.

"And you are the one that Angela spoke to me about?" I nod again. The woman looks behind me at Angela. "This is not an aspect I've seen you in before, succubus."

"We ran into some trouble with orcs on the way here, my queen," Angela says, stepping up beside me and bowing her head.

"That's what you get for making your home in the Earth demesne," TanaVesta states bluntly. "If you'd move your home into my demesne, you'd be better protected." She doesn't wait for a response, before turning her considerable attention back to me. "She has told me that you seek to understand what is happening to you. That she has tried to feed on you while in our world, and you both grew stronger."

"Y-yes," my voice is barely above a squeak, "my queen."

The woman laughs, and there is neither mirth nor malice in it, but rather a very deep hollowness.

"I am not your queen, little thing. I am merely a power beyond your reckoning." Again, there is no malice in this statement, but simple fact. "I confess that I too am curious about the nature of whom or what you are. For as I'm sure even your diminutive race knows, nature abhors a vacuum. Yet, energy was not simply transferred from one to another, as is the usual succubus way, but rather duplicated."

She takes a few steps towards me, and my knees lock in place. Her movement is gentle and smooth.

Like a snake approaching a mouse.

"In order to learn from you, I must taste of you," she whispers, and I swear you can set a techno drum beat from the sound of my knees knocking together. She turns to Angela, and says, "You may watch from over there."

Angela bows, and goes to stand by one of the pillars, leaving me alone with the dragon in human form.

She's going to eat me, the terrified thought courses through my brain like lightning, but it's still not enough to get me moving.

She takes the last remaining steps towards me and leans in. Closing my eyes, I prepare myself for the pain I expect to feel.

Her kiss on my lips is gentle and soft, and completely unexpected.

"Yum, you taste divine," she purrs, and for the first time I hear actual pleasure in her tone. "I must have more."

Opening my eyes in surprise, I watch as the red clothe covering her is pulled away by invisible hands, leaving her naked before me. Her body is devoid of any hair, except for the light red tresses on her head. Her breasts are easily a D-cup if not greater, yet despite their size, they sit round and perky on her chest.

With a wave of her hand, my mentally conjured clothes vanish, and I'm standing nude before a creature that is likely on par with the gods.

"Mmm, Angela chose well in you," she says, reaching out, and cupping my flaccid cock. I've been too terrified to even think about being horny, but at her touch, a fire rips through my loins demanding attention, and I'm instantly hard. "Very well, indeed."

I'm overcome with lust and desire, my fear and trepidation vanishing in the flame of my desire for this naked woman before me. I no longer notice all the beings in the bleachers, nor do I care. I must have this woman, and I must have her now! Why won't my limb move? I wonder in frustration.

"Now then, let me get a taste of this first." The dragon drops to her knees, and kisses the tip of my swollen penis, sending new waves of lust through me and making my cock almost hurt, it's so hard. When she swallows the head between her ruby red lips, and I feel her tongue slide around my shaft, I moan in frustrated bliss at how good it feels. I want to place my hands on the back of her head. I want to bend her over and take her right there. I want to fuck her for hours, and never quit. That's right, I want to FUCK this creature!

Her left hand continues to fondle my scrotum, while her mouth does wonders, swallowing me deeper and deeper into her orifice. It feels so great that it doesn't take long before I'm firing deep inter her throat. Sticky jets of sperm fly from my cock, and are immediately swallowed by the powerful being.

As soon as I finish pumping what feels like gallons of cum into her mouth, this magnificent creature pulls back, and I can see some of my seed dribbling down her chin. She quickly scoops it up, and licks it off her finger.

I barely even notice the slight drain on my system from the powerful orgasm.

"Yes. . . . There is definitely something about you. I can taste the power you hold. But I understand the true power of an incubus is in the actual act of mating," she stands up, then says, "You can move now, my pet."

My arms and legs are finally free, and I don't even wonder that I'm still extremely hard as I pull her to me and into my arms. Her legs wrap around my torso, and my cock unerringly finds her hole, as I shove her down hard on it.

Her pussy slides around my shaft, and I feel complete, like I've never felt before. Her lips are on mine, as I move my hips in a frantic rhythm, driving into this goddess, and making her moan into our shared kiss. I can tell that her tongue is still forked, but I don't care, as for some reason I find myself being turned on even more. Her tongue wraps around mine at least twice, and she slides back and forth in time with our hips. My hands are on her small ass, and I allow my right pointer finger to delve into her crevice, until I find her puckered little hole. Without any warning, I shove my finger in to the second knuckle, and groan as her cunt clamps down on my prick.

"Oh, you humans sure are wicked," she moans, breaking the kiss, and I see her eyes roll back as she cums.

Pure life-sustaining energy floods into me. The torrent of life is so strong it tries to wash away everything that I am or ever was, and it takes all of my effort to hold on to who I am.

It also washes away whatever spell she'd put on me. I still find her attractive, and there is no denying that her pussy feels great around my cock, but I no longer see her as the greatest creature in the world.

She'd been manipulating me, and I feel my anger rise at the humiliation of it. All those creatures in the risers must be laughing at the easily manipulated human. Well, if they want a show, I'll give them one!

"You have no idea, sister," I say in answer to her statement, and see shock register in TanaVesta's large golden eyes.

Before she has a chance to do anything else, I use my new energy to quickly pull her off me, flip her around, and then impale her ass on my cock, before her feet even touch the ground. She howls in either pain or delight, I can't quite tell, and I don't care.

With my hands on her hips, I pull mine back, only to drive forward again and again, making her grunt with the force of each impact.

"Oh, yes," she screams, and I realize she's enjoying the rough treatment, but then again, so am I. "My last thirty mates weren't nearly this good. I think I'm going to keep you."

I feel her spell try to take a hold of me again, but this time I'm somehow able to block it. I act as if it works though, just to see how things go. I will never be her pet.

"Yes, mistress," I say, trying to sound full of lust and obedience.

She shoves her ass back hard against me, and I lose my balance, landing on the smooth rock floor. It stings a little, but her colon stays connected to me the whole time, and as she leans back, I lie down completely. She places her hands on either side of my chest, and her feet about my knees, and starts lifting her hips up and down, sliding her tight sphincter up and down my penis.

Reaching around her torso, I grab a breast in each hand, and twist her nipples hard, making her cum again. As her pleasurable energy fills me once more, I let loose with my own orgasm, stuffing her colon with my seed as we shake and shudder together in utter bliss.

We lay like that for a bit, trying to catch our collective breathes. She's the first to recover, and I can't stop the moan that escapes me as I feel her colon slide up and away from my cock, leaving it naked and bare for the court to see.

Bending over, she smiles at me, cupping my cheek in her hand. "You, my dear sweet pet, are an abomination that never should have been." Her voice is barely above a whisper, and I have to strain to hear her. "You're a Generator. I should by all of our laws kill you on the spot, but I won't. I can use you instead."

Once again, I feel her willpower lock my body into place, as she stands up, and faces Angela. "I'm afraid, my dear succubus, that you will have to be detained. You know it is against our laws to bring a human here, into our world, and this man is nothing more than that."

I watch in futile horror as a couple of large hairy black creatures grab hold of Angela, and drag her away. She screams that I'm more than a human, and didn't break any laws, but the crowd in the bleachers ignores her as they cheer their queen.

TanaVesta turns to another of the large creatures, similar to the ones that'd taken Angela away, and says, "Take him to my chambers. Tonight I'll snack on human."