Sun Down

A young woman bumps into me as I try to leave. "I'm sorry, mister," she mumbles an apology, and I feel her hand at my waist. Gripping her wrist, I pull it away, before she can draw Muramasa.

"You don't want to do that," I growl at her, looking down into a young face framed by brown hair. Two blue eyes refuse to meet mine.

"Help!" the girl screams. "Rape!"

"Ha, ha," a faceless male patron behind me scoffs at her. "We already know his worth. And the rest of us know your thieving ways, Ondy. It's about time someone caught you."

Without releasing her wrist, I drag her out of the brothel.

"Did she tell you?" the older farmer asks as I walk out, ignoring the struggling girl in my grasp. "I heard some yelling in there. Did you have to get rough?"

I chuckle lightly as I answer him, "You could say that. It was definitely some lord, and he took your daughter north."

"Who's this?" he asks, finally noticing the girl.