Kill Them

"Wake up," Ondy whispers to me urgently, and I crack my eyes open. The sun is just rising on the horizon, and I can hear what sounds like a wagon creaking our way.

"Who is it?" I ask, suddenly wary.

"Looks like some traders," Thomas says without trying to hide his voice. He's walking from the direction the sound of the wagon is coming from.

"How many?" I ask, concerned. Lately it seems if it's not one thing, it's another.

"Two women, and a couple of caravan guards," he says easily, then eyes me sharply. "Listen, I don't care what your name really is, but I don't recommend you tell anyone else it's Lyden Snow."

"Why not?" I ask, but the wagon shows up, and I realize I'll have to get my answer later.

"Ho!" Thomas yells to the traders, holding his hands out to show he means no harm.

The two guards, riding on some fine looking horses, approach the farmer, and glare down at him. Well, glare as much as two faceless men can.