
A hand on my shoulder tries to wake me, but I refuse to give it any attention. Why won't they leave me alone in my grief? Isn't it enough for them that I returned with the talisman, and augmented my curse? All I want to do is sleep, to forget my pain. Who cares what happens with the two worlds anymore? Brooke, MY Brooke has been taken away from me. Nothing else even matters.


Sometimes I even imagine I can still hear her voice. So soft and sweet, yet with a strength beneath it that belies her past.

"Lyden, wake up. We need to be going."

I roll away from the voice. Whatever bad guy it is this time, can have me.

"Dammit Lyden, I don't know what you did, but I'm not strong enough to carry you out of here." The imaginary voice of Brooke is becoming more insistent. "I didn't kill my mentor just to let you stay out here and waste away."

Annoyed, I turn and look at the speaker.

And have to do a double take.