
I stand silently outside Shemhazau's door. My father's door. For most of my life I'd thought him dead, but now I know better. Inside this small hut is the man that helped bring me into this world, who'd raised me until that fateful day on the lake. And who is obviously mad with the curse of Masamune and living here in the Pillar of Light's domain, using the paranoia of the place to stave off his sword's effects.

How do I face him, knowing what I do now? I'd already talked to him once, sure, but then I'd thought he was just a means to an end and a silent benefactor. His actions take on a whole new light as I think back over what Angela had told me. He'd sent her to my office that day. He'd helped repair the Orange Bubble into a magical vehicle that Areth had made even more magical afterwards. How many other times had he helped me from the background, never letting his hand be seen?

Why couldn't he just be there for me like any other father?