A Pawn

He opens his eyes, and looks to Angela for a few seconds before continuing, "It was shortly after Douglas killed my wife that I brought you to the new world for the first time. You accused me of using you. . . . I won't deny that I did, but I never wanted you to be in harm's way. I didn't know you would grow feelings for my true son. I never meant to hurt you, Angela, as I have always tried to treat you as my daughter." He chuckles a bit to himself. "If I hadn't spent so much time as the leader of a species that delights in sex in all its glory, I might have a problem with my two children being together."

"He's not my brother," Angela says at the same time I claim, "She's not really my sister!" We look at each other, and then laugh a little uncomfortably. She tries to get up from my lap, but I tighten my grip on her, and force her to stay where she is. She gives me a thankful look, and then a quick peck on the cheek.