An Elf

Becky's cheeks burn with embarrassment, and I feel my anger begin to rise.

"That wasn't her fault!" I nearly shout. "Aldol was controlling her."

"I didn't say I blame her," Gaia says evenly, though it had sounded exactly like that. "I'm just making it clear that everything isn't black and white. You require my aid, but I have a task for you. Completing it, will help us both, and hinder the outsider."

"What do you want us to do?" Brooke asks, stepping up beside me.

"You?" she responds, arching one dark eyebrow. "I expect nothing from you for the moment. You can't go where I'm sending him. I asked you to all come here so that I could protect you, while Lyden and my agent go to save the Pillar of Air. "

Shocked silence echoes around the room for a moment, before Brooke gasps, "But TanaVesta killed Fujin!"