"I thought all the elves died centuries ago," Ondine states, and then closes her mouth when Thomas looks at her. I'm definitely going to have to have a talk with her later to find out what's going on.
"I am the last," the woman states, her voice somehow both sad and at the same time, full of conviction.
"How are you going to be able to help Lyden?" Becky asks. I detect a strange note in her query, and turn to see that she appears to be slightly taken with the elf. Remembering how she'd acted the first time she'd directly met Brooke, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
"I know where the Pillar of Fire is keeping what we seek," she answers evenly. "I will guide him there, and then he can do whatever he needs to, to get it." The way she refers to me, makes me think she already dislikes me greatly. When her eyes land on me, I have to revise that statement. She doesn't dislike me, she loathes me. I can almost feel the hatred pouring from her.