Using the power of the water talisman, I fill my lungs, and bellow out a spout of water. My own energy levels don't decrease as gallons torrent out of me into the oncoming force.
I hear sizzling as it strikes the first Myrmidons, and they go down. The Cherufes stay standing a little longer, but they slow down, and I see them grow stiff, their movements stopping as the deluge of water continues to buffet them.
Once unleashed, I can't stop the flow, and even after every enemy is either dead, or stalled, I continue to spew forth liquid. I have to slowly walk back, as the water pools, and still it comes out. By the time it finally lessens, and stops dripping from my jaws, there is a small lake in front of me.
"It's a good thing you don't cum like that, or you'd kill any woman you slept with!" Jennifer's voice sounds behind me. "I'm glad Thomas ordered us here to watch that display."
I look back to see her still riding on Blue.