A Vampire

"It's not your fault," I tell her. "Being the Pillar of Fire was thrust onto you. You didn't have enough time to prepare."

"It wasn't thrust onto me," she reminds me. "I took it."

"Because there was no other choice," I reply. "Any idea where he might be?"

"No. I—" she starts to say, but is cut short by Lysa.

"Thomas says that our forces are being overrun near your eastern border." My daughter doesn't materialize as she speaks, but her voice comes from the air itself.

"Enough chit-chatting," Jennifer barks. "We've still got a war to fight!"

"How quickly can the rocs get us there?" I ask the open air.

"One is too wounded to fly," I hear Lysa's voice. "The other can carry you all, though it might be a bit crowded on its back."

"I can fly on my own," Angela says. Flame tipped black wings sprout from her back. "I can fly pretty fast now, also."