"I didn't bruise your arm when I pulled you out of that club, did I?" she asked.
It took him a moment to realize that she was worried that she'd already hurt him. "No, I'm fine," he reassured her. She relaxed. "Okay, so you followed me, and saw me getting into trouble and pulled me out of there. Why did we have to hurry back?"
She hesitated for a moment before answering. "Let's just say that bad things can happen when I'm somewhere that has a midnight and I cross that time. If we went back now, I'd be fine. As long as the time shift hasn't altered things so that it's still before midnight."
That wasn't enough of an answer, but he wasn't going to push it. He understood having secrets. Talking about the time shifting though, brought his mind to that. "Any idea how long we were away from here?" he asked her.
"Sure, let me just look at the sun and judge what time it is," she arched one eyebrow at him. "Oh, wait, there isn't a sun here."