"Less talking, more fighting," Shelly scolded as the ant monster blew a second gout of flame across her metal surface. The heat was starting to move beyond uncomfortable and into pain territory.
"Right!" Jessica said. "Just protect me, and move when I tell you to." She closed her eyes, and Shelly recognized the chanting sounds of magic being prepared. Normally only humans used magic in this way, but apparently whatever Jessica was, she used it too. Shelly knew the woman wasn't human. No human could move as fast as she could.
"Any time now," Shelly groaned as sweat broke out on her surface. No, that wasn't sweat! She was starting to melt.
"Now," Jessica said. Shelly didn't wait another moment, before shrinking down. Jessica let go of the spell she'd prepared. A column of water sprang from her hands, slamming into the force of fire, and drove it back.