"Would it finish healing me as well, without taking any more from you?" she asked.
"I can work it that way," Jessica said. "But don't worry about it. Your brother mentioned you had a couple rocs at your disposal. If you'd be willing to take me to a healer, I can be out of your hair."
"I've got another idea," she told Jessica. "If I support you, do you think you could walk?"
"I don't think either of us are in a position to walk," Jessica told her.
"I know this area," Shelly replied. "Just around that hill is a natural spring that fairies like to play in. I'm certain it can help us both. The fairies have made it magical. Well, that, or the spring was magical to begin with, and so the fairies like it."
"Can't you call your roc to get us there?" Jessica asked. She pulled her wounded leg around, and Shelly saw how bad it was. The flame had cauterized it, even as it burned away the flesh and much of the meat around her foot.