The man didn't take long to get over his shock, and came back at Eldon with a vengeance. Eldon saw every move coming before it landed and blocked or dodged them. He waited until he saw an opening, and lashed out, striking the man's wrist as he overextended himself. His knife dropped to the floor, as Eldon stepped into the man's reach, delivered two quick blows to his chest, then jabbed at his throat, crushing his windpipe. The man fell to the ground, gasping for air but unable to breathe.
Since he was no longer a threat, Eldon turned to find someone else, but their attackers were all down.
"I didn't want to do this," the same male voice he recognized earlier sounded, "but you leave me no choice." Eldon realized it was coming from many places at once.
He dropped down to examine the man he'd just taken down, then swore and stepped back.
"Get away from them!" he yelled as he ran for where Gloria stood. "Get back! Get back!"