He lost himself in her touch, letting go of who and what he was. All that mattered was her touch, her taste, her smell. She was everything to him, and he was nothing without her.
"That's right," Gloria moved her mouth to his ear. "I know what you like. I know what you want to feel. You like my hand, don't you?" Eldon nodded. "I'll bet you would enjoy my pussy even more. Mmm, I know I want to feel you deep inside of me." She lifted up her pelvis, straddled him, and rubbed the tip of his cock against her sopping wet slit. "Mmm, yeah. It's a good thing I have a magical pussy, or this monster would never fit," she cooed into his ear, and right into his brain.
He was under her spell so deep, he couldn't think for himself. All he knew was her body making him feel good, and her voice saturating his senses. He knew he wanted to thrust himself up into her, but didn't, letting her be in complete control.