Chapter 10: Who are you?

After two hours, Mr. Kim, Lee-Soo and Eun-Sang came into the emergency ward.

Kiera was wild awake but lost in her thoughts

"Jung-Ha". Lee-Soo called out.

Kiera looked up and smiled bitterly."What are you all doing here?". She asked.

"Ah Jung-Ha don't be like that". Eun-Sang said playfully.

"Miss Kiera, your father had prepared his will when he found out that you were coming to see him. Jung-Cha gets 10% of his property and then you get the remaining. He left nothing for any other members of his family. He recently added to the will that you had to get married to young master Lee-Soo. Your father has never really had anyone by his side. They all envied him and wanted what he had. Please Kiera don't avoid this". Mr. Kim said with red eyes. He ignored formalities as he really wanted Kiera to understand the importance of the inheritance.

Though nobody noticed it, but he was also grieving Jung-Sik.

Kiera looked at him with no emotion in her eyes and said. "You can leave".

They all glanced at her in shock.

"I want to be alone". She added and closed her eyes suppressing all her pains.

Lee-Soo looked at her with deep regret. He took the legal document from Mr.Kim and dropped it on Kiera's bed. He then signaled them all to leave.

Outside the emergency ward, Eun-Sang tapped Lee-Soo and said. "Lee-Sooah are you okay with such agreement? Marriage is not something that can be rushed".

"Ever since my father died, Jung-Sik had always replaced that father figure in my life. Eun-Sang I indirectly killed him. If he asks that I should get married to his daughter, he is only asking me to protect her and I will forever embark on that mission for the rest of my life". Lee-Soo replied Eun-Sang and walked away while Kyung and Mr Kim exchanged glances at each other.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Kiera kept replaying the short moments she had with her dad before he passed.

Tears streamed down her face and she wiped them off immediately and said to herself.

"Kiera, you don't cry. This isn't worth it. You shouldn't have come here at the first place".

Kiera tried to console herself but the tears kept flowing. Then she sat up and picked the document.

Indeed all Mr. Kim said was true but why? Why would Jung-Sik give her such a heavy load to carry.

In her attempt to lay back down, her phone rang. She glanced at it and hung up immediately.

It was her mom. She wanted to speak with her mum in person not on the phone. She laid down again and closed her eyes.

After watching Lee-Soo leave in pain, Kyung and Mr.Kim headed to the hospital's cafeteria to eat.

"She hasn't eaten yet right?". He asked as he chewed his rice.

"No. I really pity her". Kyung replied and continued eating.

"You know Jung-Sik really loved her". Mr.Kim said and looked at Kyung.

Though he was staring with pain in his eyes, Kyung turned red and faced down. Then she summoned courage.

"What has happened has happened. Now we just have to make sure she is okay and be by her side as she carries the load. We both know what her family is like but still I am sure that with Lee-Soo and us by her side, she will stand out victorious and I see that you are hurt badly to. We all are but if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I promise to be there for you". Kyung said and watched Mr. Kim look at her in shock.

She then realized that she had spoken more that she was to. She coughed and stood up. "Ah! I can't eat this alone and Kierra will be feeling lonely. I have to leave now". Kyung told Mr. Kim and ran.

"Kyung!". Mr. Kim called out and she paused but refused to look back.

"Thank you. It felt good to have someone look out for me". Mr. Kim said and smiled but Kyung closed her eyes in embarrassment and slapped her lips then she kept running.

In California, Caroline, Jack, Kara and Mira were at the airport.

"Aunty please be safe and tell Kierra to pick my calls or I will take the next flight and stay by her side". Mira told Caroline.

"I will tell her and there is no need for you to come. From what I heard, she is not in a stable condition and might not like a lot of people to be around her. I feel so...". Caroline said about to cry but Jack took her in his arms.

"I know how much Kierra loves you and you will make her feel better. I'll see how I can manage your business while managing mine so don't worry about anything okay?". Jack said and she nodded.

"Caroline whatever happens call me and I'll book the next flight to Seoul". Kara said and hugged Caroline.

After the emotional conversation, they all bid Caroline goodbye and kept waving till she was out of sight.

In a board room, Lee-Soo was absent minded as all he could think of was Kierra and blaming himself.

"Young Master! Young Master!". One of the shareholders called out shaking Lee-Soo back into reality.

"The meeting is over". Lee-Soo said and stood up .

"But Young Master we haven't gone through anything yet". One of them said but was ignored as Lee-Soo walked away without looking back.

Eun-Sang ran after him and got into the car. "Lee-Soo what are you doing?". He asked but got no response.

"Sir where are we going to?". The Chauffeur asked with fear.

"The Hospital". Lee-Soo replied and shut his eyes.

In the hospital, Kierra heard footsteps approaching her direction. At first she assumed it to be Kyung but the steps were quite slow and elegant.

Just then she sat up and saw an elegant old woman. "Who are you?". She asked coldly.

"Ah! Jung-Ha! I'm so sorry my granddaughter that you have to go through all of this. I am your haeomoni Jung-Jin-a". Jung-Jin told Kierra as she caressed Kierra's face but Kierra pushed her.

"I undertand how you feel but....". "Get lost". Kierra told her in a deep voice and this caused Jung-Jin to freeze.

"Are you deaf? I said get lost!! The only person I came to Seoul to see was my father not any of you backstabbing bitches". Kierra told her and looked at her with blood shot eyes.

Jung-Jin though had mixed feelings of fear and anger, tried her best to control it and said. "I will never intend to leave my only grandchild behind. I only said harsh words and wanted you to disappear when you burnt my son's eye but after that I regretted it all I..".

"Save it. Anytime I hear the story of how I made your son one eyed, it gives me so much joy so please stop wasting your time and leave". Kierra said and lay back.

Just then, Jung-Jin glanced at the document by Kierra's bed. "Seol-ma has your dad willed all he has to you?". Jung-Jin asked but got no response.

"Answer me!!". Jung-Jin yelled like a mad woman.

Kierra scoffed and sat up. "That's what you want isn't it? You want me to be good to you so you can enjoy some of this". Kierra told Jung-Jin and laughed bitterly.

"Have you gone crazy?". Jung-Jin asked and stepped back with fear.

Kierra ignored her and picked up the landline by her bed side. "Security there is a woman here that I don't intend to see. Take her away and do whatever you want to do with her". Kierra told the security and stared at Jung-Jin.

"This is the family's hospital. What makes you think they will easily kick me out". Jung-Jin asked Kierra.

"Wait and see. My dad's wife and his kids were sent away to by me and theirs was brutal. Don't think I am my mum". Kierra told her and lay down.

Jung-Jin froze at Kierra's last statement and then she walked out angrily. As she left, she thought to herself, "Looks like she has known every thing already but she can never be a bigger devil than I am". Jung-Jin reassured herself and walked out with an evil smile.