Few minutes after Jung-Jin left, Caroline barged into Kiera's ward.
"Kiera!!!" She cried and hugged Kiera who sat upright without moving. Kiera had tried so hard not to cry anymore but seeing her mum, and feeling her warm hug, she couldn't help but let those tears roll.
"Mum. Are you alone?" Kiera asked after wiping her tears.
"Yes. Kiera you aren't meant to go through all of this. I am the one to blame. I put you through all of this!" Caroline said and wept bitterly .
Kiera moved away from her mum and looked at her.
"How wasn't I meant to go through all of this. Mum! You kept dad away from me. You stole the times we could have bonded together. He came to see me when I was a kid mum, but you got so angry and asked him never to come back! I only got to spend two days with my dad!!!!" Kiera yelled and for the second time after her father died she cried with her full heart.
Caroline became scared. "Kiera, it's not like that... I..I..I don't know what to say to you but it's not what you think. I loved your dad but him and his family betrayed me. They..." Caroline tried explaining but was cut short by angry Kiera.
"They were the evil ones not my dad. You didn't even try to explain to him. Whatever you were told or threatened with wasn't enough to let him go. You..." Kiera explained but was also cut short by her mum.
"They wanted to kill you Kiera!!! What could I do. I didn't have parents, or any relation. You were my only family Kiera. I endured a lot at first because I wanted you to live with your full family. I wanted you to have what I couldn't have. No matter what your dad told you before he passed on Kiera, it shouldn't let you hold grudges towards me. I get that you are angry and sad and....I..I..I know you feel like your world is torn apart but I'm here honey. Please don't resent me!" Caroline pleaded with Kiera and began to cry again.
Listening to all her mother had said, there was no way Kiera would still hold grudges against Caroline. She might not understand what love is now but she know that her mum loved her dad.
Kiera immediately realized herself and hugged her mum tightly.
"I'm so..r.r..y", she whispered to her mum and fainted in her arms.
"Kiera!! Nurse!!!! Doctor!!" Caroline yelled as she shook Kara.
Within seconds, nurses and doctors trooped in and they gestured Caroline to wait outside.
"Aunty, what is is happening to Kiera!!!!" Kyung asked as she sighted Caroline crying infront of the door.
"K.i..e..a...r...a.." Caroline stuttered. At this point it was her who felt that her world was about to collapse.
"What happened to Kierra!!!!!!" Kyung yelled and peeped through the window but she couldn't see anything. Then she called Lee Soo.
At the office, Lee Soo was seated with Jung-Su. They stared at each other. Lee Soo's stare made Jung-Su lose his composure a bit.
"I know the scheme your family pulled off but I just need to let you know that you can never hurt Kiera. Not under my watch." Lee Soo told Jung-Su.
"Who said anything about hurting Kiera?" Jung-Su replied.
"I'm not a fool and I can see through all your schemes. Maybe I should tell you this. Kiera, Jung-Ha, your estranged grand daughter who you attempted to murder is my fiancee. Do you understand now?" Lee Soo asked Jung-Su who was dumbfounded.
Ring! Ring! Ring! It was a call from Kyung. Lee Soo immediately picked it up.
"Lee- Sooah Kiera.. Kiera fainted!" Kyung announced and the call as cut by Lee-Soo as he ran out of his office, hurriedly got into the elevator and ran into his car.
Lee-Soo drove like a wild animal. He didn't care about any other person on the road. All that was running through his mind was Kiera's life.
"Get out of my way!!!" He yelled.
In no time, he arrived at the hospital and sighted the doctor speaking to Kyung and Caroline. His heart thumped seriously as many thoughts ran through his mind but he summoned courage and ran over to them.
"Lee-Soo is here. Doctor this is her fiance." Kyung said and Caroline lifted her eyebrows in shock.
"What happened to her?" Lee-Soo asked not minding Caroline's presence
"She is in a psychogenic coma due to stress. It should last for a few hours. We hope this doesn't lead to depression. Feel free to call us once she wakes up." The doctor told them and left after taking a respectful bow.
"Can I go and see her alone?" Lee-Soo asked as he noticed Kyung and Caroline about to enter the room. Though Caroline was a bit reluctant but when Kyung slightly nodded at her, she gave way.
"Unni, let's go to the cafeteria. You must be starving. Don't worry she is safe." Kyung said cheerful and wrapped her arms around Caroline's arm.
In the room, Lee-Soo glanced at Kiera and a tear escaped from his eyes.
"mi-an-he (I'm sorry) Jung-Ha-ah. Na ttaemune abeoji-ga doragasyeosseo (it's because of me your father died). Honestly Jung-Ha, he has been a father to me and I feel bad that he didn't have the time to be that to you. I will take good care of you and won't let anyone harm you. Whatever your decision might be, I promise to adhere to it and advice you in anyway that I can. So please come back to us. Your mum is here, Kyung is here, I, your future husband, though you might not have accepted it yet, but I am here for you. Come back in one piece. Please!" Lee-Soo said in a soft and pained voice.
In Kiera's coma world, she sights a man in white.
"Excuse me? Where is this place?" She asked.
"It is a place where I'll bid my last goodbye to you nae ttal (my daughter)." Jung-Sik replied and turned slowly to look at Kiera whose eyes were flooded with tears.