Chapter 13

Hiccup woke slowly. He felt buoyant, better than he had in a while. He couldn't remember the dream exactly, only bits and pieces. Flowing silver-blonde hair, and a bright smile. Light was filtering into the cave where they stayed. He must have overslept. A mild panic came over him until he remembered that Valdor had all but given him a day off. There was a large order for some hooks and fasteners that came in late yesterday. And since he was going to be in town anyway, he figured to stop by to see if the smith needed help.

Toothless raised his head and crooned, drawing his attention. Hiccup walked over and laid a hand on the dragons' head. "Good morning Mr. Sleepyhead!" The dragon huffed, and playfully pushed his snout into his chest. Hiccup ran his hands over his head and across his jaw. Toothless half-lidded his eyes in response, following with a short lick of appreciation. He then raised up on his front paws and crooned again. His head motioning towards the cave entrance.

"No -no bud! We can't go flying this morning. There's too many extra people about. We might be spotted. -We'll go for a good long flight tonight, OK?" Toothless chuffed, annoyed but accepting. Hiccup felt for him, cooped up in this cave all day. He scratched him behind an ear flap.

"Don't worry, when this celebration is over, we'll spend a day together, I promise!" The dragon crooned again, happily wiggling his tail.

Hiccup took a few fish from a saddlebag and tossed two over at Toothless. He took another to prepare for his own breakfast. As the fish was cooking, he drew out his journal and began sketching. Some of the hangers he'd made the other day might be useful back on Berk. When he ever made it back there. He just couldn't find it in himself to leave just yet. He wanted to experience the festival sure, but he also wanted to explore the surrounding lands. He also wanted to -explore- the possibilities with Elsa. To talk to her, spend time…

He checked the fish, not quite done yet. He took a quick look at his surroundings. The words from Eugene and Anna ringing in his head. He could do with both a hot meal and a hot bath. A soft bed and clean sheets sounded very appealing. He could possibly even do it for a night, but he couldn't leave Toothless to himself. He would have some explaining to do if he refused more than a nights' stay. He would have to tell, eventually. Either that, or leave.

He sighed. It was a nearly impossible situation. He felt sure he could trust Elsa and the others about Toothless. He was unsure of their reaction when he told them there was a dragon in their midst. It would be interesting, at least to see. He had heard the tales from the traders up from the Anglish Isles. About how their brave knights would go forth and slay the beasts who were ravaging whole kingdoms. Hiccup scoffed at this. You had to be pretty fast, and a little lucky to take down a dragon on ones' own. He wondered if any of these brave knights had even tried to train, or at least placate one.

He would tell Elsa, at least. But it had to be done delicately. If he could talk to her, and test the waters, so to speak. He would be able to say one way or the other. He thought if he could show her, introduce her to Toothless, it would save a lot of explaining. He was nearly fearful, what with these… feelings he had for her, of a wholly negative reaction. He sighed, he would tell her! So there wouldn't be any secrets between them. And if she did have a negative response, then maybe it wasn't meant to be. This thought caused the bottom of his stomach to drop. But at the same time it, -it had to be done!

He glanced down at his journal, not too surprised to see a woman with a long braid of hair draped over a shoulder, shining eyes, and a pleasant, playful smile on her face.

He walked up to the building that housed the forge. A dull ringing could be heard through the walls. It was like music, and home to him. He greeted Davan upon entering and pushed his way into the forge itself. Valdor was pounding away on his anvil. Upon seeing Hiccup, he scowled. Picking up his hammer and stomping his way across the forge in a not-so-pleasant manner.

"Oi! What're ya doin' here? I thought I told ye ta take the day off!" He was holding the hammer in a way that he thought the older man would split his skull with it!

"Whoa! Good morning to you too, boss! Y, you might not want to hit me with that, it would ruin a perfectly good hammer!" His scowl remained, for a moment. Then a wide grin slowly formed. Valdor gave a laugh.

"HA! Not like it couldn't easily be replaced!" He chuckled, "So what brings ye here then?"

"Well, that was a pretty big order that came in, so I just-" Valdor cut him off.

"Aye! That it was! But I've managed ta get it nearly complete. I'm not so old that I canna' keep up with the likes of you!" Hiccup took the jibe gamely, smiling. He really liked the man.

"So? Off with ye then! You'll no' find any princesses in here!" He gave a wink, and a knowing look. Hiccup could feel his face flush.

"Yeah, about that… I pretty much told them… so -I thought you should know… It's, I'm actually Chief Hiccup Haddock, of the Hairy Hooligan tribe of Berk…" Hiccup winced a little waiting for his reaction. The smith grabbed his chin and furrowed his brow in thought. His eyes widened at the realization…

"Why, Tha' would make you… a, a king?" The smith looked at him curiously.

"Technically, yes… I suppose in this part of the world." Valdor appeared a bit confused, until he started to pay Hiccup due respect. He cut him off. "P, please, Valdor… I'm… I'm not here in any kind of official… Stop, please! I'm just Hiccup remember? We… where I'm from, we don't hold our ranks and titles as closely as you do." Hiccup was flustered, and a little bit annoyed.

"Sorry, it's just… taught to us from an early age…" The smith furrowed his brow as another thought appeared to come to him. "But, you're so young! How…"

"My father died in battle… saving me… about five years ago." Hiccup closed his eyes against the memories.

"Ah, sorry lad. That must've been hard to take." He placed a hand on Hiccups' shoulder. "Was, was it the same, where you lost yer… foot?"

"No, that happened in another fight, five years before that."

"Ah, I see…" Valdor seemed to ponder this for a moment. Then a sly look came upon his face. "Well, if you're a king then, what're ya waitin' for? March right up there to the Palace, and sweep the queen off her feet!" He wiggled his brow suggestively.

"I… aahhh, ahem… I don't think… any sweeping will be… necessary. If, if I'm correct…" Hiccup knotted his brow. "It's just… there are -other matters."

"I see. Well, I'm happy for ye both, then. Take yer time, lad. Get to know each other. You're both still young." Valdor gave him a knowing smile.

"It's just… all… taking me by surprise really, I… I never thought I'd -feel this way -again." Hiccup looked away, lost in memories and -thoughts.

"Oh then? What is it?" He asked.

"I, I was married once, but I, lost her in, in another battle three years ago." Hiccup winced.

Valdor placed his hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle shake. "Aye lad, to fall for a woman at first glance… it's a rare enough thing to happen once. But to have it happen again is a gift! You must take it! And do whatever ye have to ta keep it." Hiccup nodded. He had already made his decision on this, now if he could only do it without endangering…'that's it!'

"I know, ah -thank you. Say, what do you know of -dragons? In, in this part of the world?" Smooth! He winced internally, but it was better than Hey! I have a dragon as a best friend! Wanna see him?

"Dragons!?" The smith cast him a questioning glance. "Hasna' been any dragons spotted 'round here in a hundred years! Why?"

"Well, it, it's sort of a… hobby! -of mine while I'm traveling, to listen to the ahh, -stories and find out how true. they. are." Real smooth! "I was thinking of -writing a book on dragon lore one day!" Partially true. "And the Prince of Corona mentioned a rumor he'd heard…" If you're going to avoid mass hysteria, you have to start somewhere! He thought.

"Well, my grandfathers' father used to tell tales of the beasts. 'owed they lay waste to whole lands. Of the brave men who'd go ta slay 'em. Childrens' fantasies! I should think. Although, now you mention it, I had 'eard something from a ships' captain about a land far off where they actually ride the damned things! I thought it was probably another sailors' boast abou' the places and things he'd seen." Valdor said.

"Yeah, I had heard those too. Do you think the stories maybe only, partially… true?" Hiccup asked. Still gauging his reaction.

"Well, I'm no' one to question, if anything but their -educational value. But sometimes yes! I do! It's always the victors that write the history books… I sometimes wonder at the other sides' view, if you take my meaning."

"Yeah, I have seen things, that, that make me question everything I've been told." He smiled. He thought back those many years ago. When he shot down a dragon, and against everything he'd been taught, made a new friend.

"Maybe ye can tell me 'bout all yer discoveries -some other time! For now though, off with ye! Go get ya tha' Queen!" Valdor gave him a wink and a smile.

"Yes! W, we need to spend… time together, but she's so busy at the moment… And, and it's not like I can just go up there and say HEY! I'm a Viking King! Now hand over your Queen! -Or else!" Hiccup puffed out his chest for effect.

Valdor guffawed. "Aye yes she works very hard. But perhaps, you could give her something else to focus on…" He wiggled his eyebrows at the younger man.

"Ach! Yes, well… that's only part -of it. It's just still -complicated you know."

"Ah! Indeed! Sometimes you royals make things more complicated than they need be. But you two need to make that choice together. So off with ye! Perhaps I'll see you at lunchtime!"

"Yeah, that would be great! And umm, Thanks you know, f, for listening!" Hiccup smiled sheepishly, half-lost in thought.

Valdor gave him a bow full of respect. "Thank YOU! Mi'lord, for helping out a poor lowly blacksmith!"

Hiccup was a little annoyed, but he could see a glint of mirth in his eyes. He gave the smith a curt nod, and a smile in return.

He made his way to the waterfront. First to see the ships that lay in the harbor, and second, to look for a cartographer. He wanted some maps of the area to help him get home, whenever that was going to be. He also wanted one to help him find Corona for an idea he had forming in his head. He was able to purchase two maps, and had to commission a third. The shop owner assuring it would be ready within the week.

He made his way to the courtyard, where the festival was still in full swing. He walked at his leisure, for he had all day, until this evening when he and Toothless would go on a long flight together.

He wound up buying two bolts of cloth and some sort of cream for making your bathwater bubbly. It smelled nice. He thought his mother would enjoy a couple of gifts. It would also serve as bribery if he wound up staying longer than he should have. If he was lucky enough, he would bring her home something no gift could out do!

Valdor found him at noon, and the two men had lunch together. It had been a busy morning, the smith told him. But things had slowed down. Valdor talked of the regional politics and Hiccup did the same. When they parted, the smith took Hiccups' purchases, explaining he would leave them at the shop for him much to Hiccups' protests.

He stayed a while longer. Finally able to take in the artists work on the walls of the courtyard. The sculptures depicted events in Arendelles' history, or reliefs of famous persons. There was also a rendition of Elsa and Anna. He learned they were supposed to be judged tomorrow, with the winner getting an invitation to dine with the royal sisters. He was amazed that the walls had been up for three days now, yet showed no signs of melting.

He heard music from across the courtyard. Arriving at the source, he found people gathered in a circle. In the middle were several couples dancing. The music was not familiar, but the dance seemed to be similar to one they did at home at the gatherings. He watched for a few moments as the dancers twirled and spun. They looked like they were having a good time. The music finished and everybody clapped. It started up again, and it looked like another similar dance. More familiar, and one of his favorites. He sighed to himself. Lost in watching the dancers and didn't notice the music trailing off. He happened to look up, and what he saw struck him like a physical blow.

She stood across the circle from him. Dressed in a light blue dress that sparkled from a dusting of crystals. Her shoulders were bare, with the lacy sleeves of her dress covering her arms from her wrists to just below her shoulder. Her hair was done in a single braid that was draped over her left shoulder. It also had a few larger snowflake crystals. She wore a small amount of makeup, with light purple shadow over her eye that made them seem more deeply blue.

He stood there dumbstruck. GODS! She was gorgeous! Like a goddess herself. She seemed to take a breath herself and tilted her head to the side just so, smiling. She looked like she was… -relieved? happy? To be seeing him? She straightened after a moment raising her chin. Her eyes darted quickly from one side to the other. He snapped out of his gawping to realize he was the ONLY ONE not showing their respect! He bowed quickly at the waist, tilting his head giving her a sheepish look. She had raised a hand to her mouth, hiding her mirth. And was she -blushing? She then raised her hand and spoke clearly, "Please! Everyone Continue!" Motioning to the center of the circle. Behind her he could see Anna, smiling brightly and waving. Kristoff was with her.

They watched the dancers for a few moments. Well, watching the dancers half the time. the other half they were looking at each other, at the same time it seemed. After the third time catching her, he motioned slightly with his head and eyes toward the circle. She seemed to slump in disappointment. Ever so slightly shaking her head. He nodded slightly. He understood, but couldn't hide his as well.

The next thing he knew, he was shoved unceremoniously from behind. His arm was grabbed by a middle aged woman who took great surprise at her catch. He spun his head around, and spotted a young woman in a pink dress, short brown hair with a circlet on top. She was smiling widely and waving. The man standing next to her laughing heartily. Oh! He was getting her back! Some day, some how!

At the moment, he was too busy trying to find his place, and not step on anyones' toes. Yes, step -turn, step, -turn, oh! lift her up, -turn -set her down, -spin -change partners! He'd gotten it after the first few turns and was starting to enjoy himself. He thought he could hear Anna laughing maniacally, but was too busy trying to keep up. Another change of partners, and he chanced a look around. He couldn't see Elsa, and was slightly disappointed.

He changed partners again, and he was gripping a laced forearm. He looked up and caught her bright smile and shining eyes. She seemed almost giddy as he spun her. When he lifted her up a laugh exploded from her lips. Before he knew it, the music had stopped. They stood there, his arm around her waist, her hand atop his shoulder. Holding the other hand lightly. He caught someone out of the corner of his eye speaking to the musicians.

The music started again. This time a slower, bouncy tune. He knotted his brow trying to catch the rythm. He looked down at her, shaking his head slightly. She was looking up at him through her lashes with -hopefulness? She nodded, but when she bit her lower lip, he was done. She started guiding him through the steps. He started tentativley at first. But when he realised it was the same three motions, it came easily. He thanked any of the Gods that were watching. All he wanted to do from that moment on was to get lost in her eyes. She smelled of honey, and lavender, and of fresh fallen snow. He held her close. All their surroundings melted away. It was just her in this space and time.

They danced for what seemed like hours, turning, spinning, floating. Her eyes never left his. They were shining, a beautiful smile on her lips. Her whole face seemed to radiate warmth, and he felt like the luckiest guy in Midgard. To be the sole recipient of it.

He wasn't aware the music had stopped. There was noise all around them, he knew. There was only her, looking up at him. Her eyes held something different, but he couldn't tell what. He felt two of her fingers stroking the back of his neck where it met his shoulders. It was a feather-light touch, and sent a shiver up his spine. He stood there with her for a few more moments. Until he leaned his head forward ever so slowly. She turned her head to the side, tapping her fingers against his neck.

That snapped him out of it, mostly. She was still so close. He took her right hand and brought it up to his mouth and kissed it, longingly. He withdrew his arm from around her waist and taking her left, softly caressed her cheek with the back of his finger before kissing the hand. He lowered their hands, but she didn't let go.

He finally looked around to see the crowd cheering and clapping for them. And did he detect a few disappointed awwws? Anna was standing there next to Kristoff, her eyes bright. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet clapping, then clasping her hands bringing them to her mouth. Kristoff had a knowing look on his face, peaceful. He turned his head in the other direction, and spotted a few pairs of wet eyes. One of those belonged to Rapunzel, who was smiling widely. He scowled at her, even though he was smiling. She started towards them, with Eugene in tow. He had a fond smile on his face.

Next he knew, there were a pair of arms flung around his neck. "Oh Hiccup! That was… Amazing! And, -and wonderful! Oooohhh!" Anna was beside herself in happiness. It was infectious. He smiled widely. He wished right then he could be even just a small part of her life for the rest of his days. He turned and saw Rapunzel exchanging a few words with Elsa, he rounded on her…

"YOU!" He said in mock offence. Her eyes got wide and her jaw dropped open. He fixed her with a glare. "I don't know if I should be angry with you…" He lowered his voice, raising an eyebrow. "… or hug you to within an inch of your life!" She took it gamely, and hugged him fiercely. She took a step back, and placed a hand on his cheek. Smiling widely, her eyes bright and wet. "Hiccup…" was all she could manage. Eugene clapped him on his shoulder giving him a nod that spoke volumes.

He looked over the princes' shoulder, and saw a middle aged man standing at a distance. Arms folded, with his chin in his hand. And, -were his eyes a little… misty? The smith smiled and nodded at him. Hiccup returned with a wink, and a nod. One corner of his mouth twisting in a smile.

He turned back toward Elsa the same time she to him. She cast her eyes down. He realized just then they were holding hands. She looked away slightly, blushing. He took her arm and wrapped it around his, placing his hand atop hers, and started walking back towards the palace. She waved to the crowd, and bade them to continue. The other two couples falling in step behind.

Upon reaching the top step, she turned around and looked over the throng of people in the courtyard. She sighed, and he seemed to pick up what she was thinking.

"It's a good feeling, knowing they're all having a good time, and that you are a big part of the reason for it, isn't it?" He said.

"It is. This makes it all worthwhile. To see all the happy faces, to know you have brought joy to others." She said.

"We don't have anything this grand on Berk, but when I look across the hall, during a feast. I can't help feeling that at least in that small thing I've done well."

She turned towards him taking his hands. "Hiccup, -I, -we, we have much to talk about, but, m, my schedule simply won't allow…"

"I know! Believe me! When we have the gathering, I'm lucky to get a full nights' rest for two months!" Hiccup told her.

"It's just-" She scowled, frustrated. "It would be easier, if you would -stay here, -in, in the palace." She blushed, he found it very endearing.

"Elsa, I trust you, but this won't ever be just about -us! There's your people, my people. Your kingdom, mine… I'm trying to work this out, but yeah, we, do -have a lot to talk. about. After the festival is over, yeah? Maybe before if those two have anything to do with it!" He tilted his head towards the other two girls, smirking.

She smiled."Yes, they do seem to have their -ways. I, -I'll be looking forward to it Hiccup!"

"Yeah,… ahhmmm Yes! me too! erm -looking, spending. time with…" Stammering? What's going on there?

She looked at him tilting her head just so, then shaking it. She seemed to come to a decision. She bit her lip, making his insides roil. She released his left hand, and brought hers up to his chest. She hesitated for a moment, before placing it flat, feeling his heartbeat. Her hand then rose to his neck, stopping on the side of his face. She then rose on the tips of her toes, and placed a kiss on his cheek. It was a bit lingering, but chaste. He felt it was either a challenge, or a promise. She let her hand slowly fall along the same path. It left a trail of heat across his chest. She took a step back and dipped, nodding her head. He bowed in return.

"Master Haddock-" She said.

"Mi'Lady-" He returned. She smiled slightly at his use of the term. Then turned and started to walk away. She only took a few steps, then looking over her shoulder shyly, She called his name. "Hiccup?" She was blushing, he thought she was adorable. "-Goodnight!"

"Goodnight -Elsa!" Her expression softened, and she nodded. She slowly walked towards the doors. His view was interrupted by Anna, who along with Kristoff, stepped in front of him. Dipping slightly, Anna spoke- "Hiccup? I want you to meet me here tomorrow at eleven-thirty! NO EXCUSES! And DON'T BE LATE!" She was glaring at him. He was taken aback by her forceful tone. But hey! This is Anna… right?

"We'll be having lunch in the garden. You, me, Kristoff, and Rapunzel too! And maybe Eugene, if he's not busy. Elsa's pretty busy tomorrow, but I'll see what I can do-" She told him.

"I'll go to the forge right now, and make you a pry-bar, just for the occasion!" He deadpanned.

Anna laughed. "Great! That might come in handy! Ooooh! I could use it on you too! If you try anything funny with my sister!" She tried to give him a hairy eyeball, but she couldn't tuck away her smile.

"Ho HO! I do love a challenge! Avoiding the overprotective sister whilst making off with the maiden!" He wringed his hands evilly. She and Kristoff burst into laughter. They were joined by Eugene and Rapunzel.

Anna took his hands, and gave the a squeeze. "Hiccup, I- I really hope you two-" She bit her lip. "I'm, -I'm really happy…" She finished her sentence by hugging him fiercely. She pulled away slightly, and kissed his cheek. She was looking at him fondly, with overly-bright eyes. He bowed to them in farewell. Kristoff stuck out a hand to Hicccup, which he accepted. Kristoff pulled him in. He lowered his voice-

"Maybe we could have our weddings together-" He cocked an eyebrow at him.

Hiccup was floored. He stood there slack-jawed for a moment spluttering. Kristoff let him off the hook. "Just- Kidding!" He said smiling. Hiccup gave him a wink and a smile "Touche! Kristoff!" He walked away to join Anna.

Rapunzel and Eugene paid their respects as well, and they wished each other goodnight. Before they walked away, Hiccup spoke "Prince? I, I was -wondering if we could… speak tomorrow? I'm -interested in these rumors you spoke about. About the Vikings?" Eugene frowned for a moment.

"Sure Hiccup! I'm a little busy, but I'll make some time!" He nodded, and they turned to walk to the palace doors.

He watched them go. It was all he could do not to march right up there and take her up on her offer for a room. His insides clenched a little. He wanted to spend time with her, but Toothless would worry. And a worried Night Fury roaming the countryside was not something he wanted to deal with.

Valdor met him just inside the courtyard. He threw an arm around the younger mans' shoulder, smiling widely. They walked through the gates and into town.

"I believe you were right, lad!" Valdor said.

"Huh? What's that? Right about what?" He was lost in his own thoughts for a moment.

"There's no sweeping needed here! The Queen seems very -fond of you, and no mistake!"

"Yeah… the feeling is… is, mutual." Hiccup mused.

"Well lad? What's to be done for it then?" The smith looked at him, cocking an eyebrow.

"I uh, I have to talk. to. her. Which reminds me, I'm having lunch with the princess tomorrow. Maybe, maybe I'll have a chance to spend time with her, at least-"

"Aye! That's a start! Go ahead and take tomorrow off too then! And tell me-who were those presents for, might I ask?" Valdor gave him a sly look.

"Wh-what? Oh, those were for my, my mother. I thought she might like them. And if I don't get back soon enough… They just might save me!"

Valdor laughed loudly. "A sound plan laddie! Always have to keep the ladies happy!" He gave him a knowing look.

"What? Do you think I'm all brawn and no brains?" Hiccup gestured at himself, which caused even more laughter from the older man. They kept walking, with Valdor talking about his day, and the goings-on of the town. They parted company after Hiccup retrieved his goods, and bid each other a goodnight.

Spinning, twirling, dipping, turning, He was dancing again. Although he had a different partner now. He had to get rid of some of this energy. Hiccup was sure he would have a hard time getting to sleep if he did not at least try. The thought of her was making his head swim. Yes, he knew they still had a ways to go in their relationship. And yes, he was still unsure about how she would take the news about Toothless. But for now at least, he let his heart soar, along with his body, and his best friend.

The irony was not lost on him at that thought. It gave life to another and without thinking, or preamble, he unhooked himself from the saddle, stood up and leapt. He was falling headfirst high above the ground. It was both exhilarating, and frightening at the same time. Before long, he could hear the extra rustling of the wind. A slight change in the air pressure around him. He tucked his head to find Toothless, mouth open in a draconian smile, tongue flapping madly. He let out a croon of approval, Hiccup could do nothing but smile. It had been a long time since he felt his good.

After a few moments, Toothless turned his back to his rider. He grabbed the handles and clipped himself back in time for Toothless to pull out of his dive, and swoop back straight up in the sky. He performed a series of barrel rolls until their upward momentum was lost. The dragon then rolled on his back, free-falling again. He tucked his wings in, turning upright. then swooped back up to play "Dodge the Clouds" for a few minutes.

They had been at this for a while, and the dragons' movements started to become strained. They found an outcrop on a high mountainside overlooking the ocean. Upon landing, Hiccup dismounted. He ran a hand affectionately on Toothless' head. His breathing was a little labored, but nothing a few minutes resting wouldn't take care of. He looked out over the water gathering his thoughts. He was interrupted by a series of grunts and huffs from Toothless.

"Yeah buddy! I know! That was great!" More grunts and croons from the dragon…"I, I'm sorry. I've been -busy… I've met some people -and I'm sorry. But people around here don't know dragons like we do. They don't know they shouldn't be afraid-" Toothless offered more grunts and offended barks.

"Yes, yes! They should be afraid of the big, scary Night Fury!" He offered more jaw-and-ear scratches. Toothless was placated -a little.

"I'm, I… I'm falling for her, -Elsa, and… I, need -to spend time with her. But I can't… I can't leave you alone like that-" Toothless huffed, shifting his weight on his front legs and puffed out his chest.

"Yes, I know! You can take care of yourself! But against an entire village? A whole army? By yourself?" The dragon huffed again.

"No-no! I couldn't, I wouldn't let you face that alone!" His mind wandered through the possibilities. His best friend killed, him rotting in some dungeon. Sure, he had his papers. Letters drawn up by a royal scribe on the mainland many years ago. But he doubted that in this case, it would do any good. And with Toothless gone… he shivered at the thought.

He was snapped from his musings by a questioning grunt from Toothless. Years of spending time together honed his reactions to the dragons' senses. This was surprise, and a little fear? He was immediately on the defensive. Eyes scanning their surroundings quickly. Not finding anything outwardly wrong, he turned to the dragon. His gaze was upon the open water. He looked quickly to Hiccup, then back to the water. Hiccup followed his gaze. He couldn't see anything. He saw a fish jump out of the water, about less than a mile from their position, then another a moment later. There seemed to be a -disturbance- on the surface. The water was choppy, except for a spot where it was smooth. As if something had broken the surface. He watched for a few more minutes.

After seeing nothing, he turned towards Toothless-"What, what was it, Bud?" He was all business. He was a Night Fury! Nothing spooked him! The dragon shook his head, growling from deep inside his chest. Hiccup placed a hand on his head to calm him. Talking to him soothingly. He looked out over the water again, and made the decision to take their evening flights a little more seriously. If something out there put Toothless on edge, it bore investigating.

They stayed there a little while longer until the light began to fade. After which they flew to a favorite fishing spot. Hiccup let him have his head, and let him fish. When Toothless had his fill, they flew back to the cave. Hiccup directed the dragon in a couple of circles around the camp, just in case.

Upon arriving, Toothless lit the fire and waited patiently while Hiccup removed his flying rig. The dragon then flopped on the ground tired, but content. Hiccup felt the same, although he was still feeling the rush from their flight, and also from dancing with Elsa. He took out his journal and started to put some thoughts on paper. Coming to Arendelle, meeting the Queen, and Valdor. The town itself and the festival. It would be over in a few days. Maybe then, he mused, he and Elsa could talk and explore this… whatever it was between them.

His eyelids started to get heavy, so he put away his journal. After banking the fire, he curled up against Toothless. He dreamt of gliding through the sky, someone was clinging to his back laughing melodiously in his ear.