Chapter 14

She was floating. White puffy clouds all about. One of which she was standing on. The sky was clear blue. With light, cold winds blowing. She looked down and saw the ocean shining dark blue-green, and silver. She noticed a small island below. A village of small houses nestled at the foot of a single mountain peak at one end. There was a windmill, and what looked like a waterwheel also.

A cloud passed quickly below her. It was moving so fast, it was just a blur. It soared up and out, just above her level. She spun in place following it as it circled her. As it got near, she saw a figure standing on this cloud. She felt rather than saw, it was -Hiccup! He circled her a few more circuits, drawing closer. She began to make out his features. Auburn hair, wearing a green tunic, and his heavy brown pants.

His cloud joined with hers. Her insides did a flip as it did. He had a smile on his face that reached up to his eyes. His brilliant green eyes. They were shining like the brightest stars. He started walking towards her. Her heart was fluttering by this point. He stopped in front of her, standing close, VERY close. She could breathe in his scent. Leather, the forge, the sea, and the wind. There was -something… different about him. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. -But something…

His smile grew wider as he slipped his right arm around her waist. He took her right hand in his left, and held her lightly. He was looking down upon her with so much affection. Her heart was pounding so hard, she felt it would burst out of her chest, to go soaring among the clouds with them. She placed her left hand on his shoulder. He moved slowly at first, one step right, then one step left, then a pause. He started again, and she followed. They were dancing, floating. High above the ocean in the clouds, on a beautiful cold, clear day.

They danced for what seemed like hours. Spinning, twirling, holding each other close. A peaceful calm came over her. The likes of which she had never known before. She knew right then this was all she ever wanted to do for the rest of her days.

He spun her under his arm, and they stopped. Arms outstretched, holding hands. He laced his fingers with hers smiling. He turned to the edge of the cloud and looked down. Then, looking back at her still smiling, he cocked an eyebrow… and leapt.

He took her with him. They were falling headfirst towards the ocean. Panic started to rise as she looked up, and saw the water rushing at them at a frightening speed. The wind was roaring in her ears, whipping her hair and clothes wildly. She looked to her left and saw they were below the level of the clouds and gaining even more speed. She looked to her right. Hiccup was looking at her, still smiling, still holding her hand -calm. For some reason she couldn't explain, she felt a calm come over her too.

He stuck out his right arm and nodded at her. She stuck out her left, and they swooped out of the dive. She felt a queasy, yet exhilarating feeling in her stomach. They rose up, up, through the clouds and over them. They were -soaring like the birds! They rose up a little, then back down, riding unseen air currents. It was both unsettling, and at the same time, amazing! They swooped around the clouds, dodging them. She looked over at Hiccup who was looking at her, still smiling. The wind was tousling his hair. He looked peaceful, unafraid. He looked ahead, and let out a loud whoop, laughing. They leveled their flight. Elsa looked down and she could see -Arendelle! Her own city! The town, the castle, it was like she was seeing it for the first time, from an angle never before possible!

A gust of wind hit her, unsettling her flight. She felt herself losing balance, falling. At that moment, Hiccup pulled her in, bringing her flush with him. She felt heat rise from her belly. Spreading all over her body, not mere warmth, but heat. She had never felt this before. He had his arms completely around her holding her to him. This only intensified the flame threatening to consume her whole. He brought a hand up and lightly caressed her cheek. It then rose to he back of her head, threading her hair in his fingers. He then tilted her head slightly. Looking into her eyes, he moved slowly, closer, and closer…

She sat straight up in bed, panting. Not from exertion. This was something else entirely. The heat from the dream remained. She flopped onto her back with a groan. What is wrong with me? She and Hiccup still had such a long way to go in their relationship, and already she was thinking, -yyyeahhh… She shifted a little, and noticed the dampness at her core. She groaned again, now she would need a bath.

She got up, and drew the water. This was her normal time to be in her office going over paperwork. There was nothing pressing as far as that went. She made the decision yesterday to devote her full attention to the state dinner and the ball. Most of the plans had already been completed. It was just the finer details to work through for the event tonight.

She sighed, trying to relax in the warm water. She was fighting against the thoughts of a very full day ahead of her. Her thoughts eventually strayed to Hiccup. His hair, his eyes, the way he would smile at her. This seemed to do the trick, as she thought of the way he held her dancing. A relaxing warmth spread through her that was more than the water.

But what was it, exactly that made her feel this way? Hiccup was handsome true enough. But she had been approached by other men who were more… muscular than him. That alone did not appeal to her. These men were from established families who were well known. With lineage dating far, far back. Full of great deeds and heroes. She didn't know anything about Hiccups' family and lineage. But the way he carried himself. The way he insisted he be called by his name rather than his title. This spoke of a self-depreciation that he was no better than the next person. He was, in the end, just a man. More than his title. This appealed to her.

He was also a leader, like her. Even though he hadn't come out and said it. The way he understood what it was to be a ruler. To have all eyes looking to him. How he acted, what he said -all carried weight. The sense of accomplishment at seeing your subjects happy and enjoying themselves. This appealed to her as well.

The more she thought about it, the more it came down to the basics. He just made her feel… comfortable? familiar? Around him, she felt she could just be herself. Not Queen, not the daughter of a well established line of rulers, just… Elsa. No one else made her feel this way.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Her handmaidens had arrived to help with her wardrobe for the day. She got out of the water, and dried herself. Pulling on a robe, she let them in. And thus started a very busy day.

Breakfast was a crowded affair. It seemed everyone who was staying in the palace was in attendance. Conversation was light, and she did her best to engage as many people as she could. She also noticed Anna and Rapunzel stealing furtive glances at her, as well as each other. Those two were up to something, She just knew it!

When breakfast was over, Elsa made her rounds of the palace. There were a few problems, but they were easily solved. She also lent a hand with a few of the decorations. She then left for her office for a flurry of council meetings. First with the entire council, then with most of them individually.

The council meeting went well. The festival was going smoothly. Everyone had gotten positive responses from the people and foreigners alike. Nobody had caused any problems, or gotten into trouble. And it looked like it was going to wind up being a huge success! Plans were gone over for the closing ceremonies, and the cleanup after. She adjourned the meeting with no further business outstanding. When they had all left, she took a few minutes to go over some letters before her next meeting.

There was a knock on the door, and Heimir, the Minister of Finance was announced and ushered in. They went over a couple of books. Yes, the festival was expensive, but already compensated for. They would make up the costs, both of the event and the extra guests quickly. He wrapped up the meeting with plans for the next festival, along with a few other small matters. He appeared to have something on his mind, but didn't speak on it. He gave her a bow, and left.

About twenty minutes later, General Hroldstadt was announced. He marched up to her desk, gave her a bow, and stood at attention.

"At Ease, General. Please sit" She told him. "What do you have for me?"

"My staff and I have spoken to most of the captains who have come for the festival. There have been no reports of trouble, or suspicious activity."

"That is good to hear! Although I suspect it does not mean we have heard the last of these -brigands. I was thinking of dispatching a few ships to go patrol the shipping lanes." She said.

"Yes My Queen! My thoughts as well. I took the liberty of speaking to the ships' captains yesterday, and told them to be ready."

"Very well, General! The festival ends in two days. Dispatch three ships, have them leave tomorrow morning. Their mission will be to scout the shipping lanes, and to protect the visitors returning home." She ordered.

He stood. "My Queen. I will have the ships supplied and ready to depart!"

"Very well. Is there anything else?" She asked. He paused for a moment, as if trying to choose his words carefully. But in the end he just shook his head. "No My Queen!"

"You are dismissed then, General." He gave a respectful bow, then turned on his heels and left. Curious she thought, two of her ministers had something on their minds, but wouldn't say. Weather they were the same thing, she didn't know. She figured she would hear about it later. There was so much going on right now…

About twenty minutes later, there was another knock. Lady Catarin was announced and let in. She and Elsa went over her schedule for the rest of the day. They also went over matters of the dinner and the ball. Seating arrangements, the menu, The music arrangement, and the decorations. There was also planning for the rest of the week. More meetings, the closing ceremonies, and some appointments that could no longer be put off.

When all the matters had been gone through, Catatrin made to end their meeting. She hesitated, Elsa could see the concerned look on her face. She was however trying to choose her words carefully.

"My Queen? If I may…" Catarin asked tentatively.

"Yes Lady Catarin?" Elsa was curious. This was not like her.

She opened her mouth to speak, yet closed it and frowned. Finally-"I, -we, that is, the council was -wondering- about the man you were dancing with, who he was, and… what his -ideas were as far as the royal family was concerned-" She winced, as though she feared a backlash at such a question. Elsa had not thought about it much, how should she explain if these very questions were raised. She should have seen this coming, what with their -very public display yesterday.

"I see- what are your concerns then?" Elsa asked.

"It's just, -he has been seen with princess Anna, and also the princess Rapunzel as well. And with the… events of the. former. Prince…" She spoke hesitantly.

"I see…" Elsa furrowed her brow in thought. They had every right to be concerned, she knew. That scumbag had nearly killed them and taken over the kingdom. They also had a right to know. This wasn't just a matter between two -interested young people. This was a matter of State. A matter of two countries and two peoples. Hiccup understood this she knew. It was why he had not said anything. He was not here in any official capacity, and there was this… issue he still had not spoken of…

"Catarin, we have had this discussion before. I will choose who I spend my time with, without interference from the council." She held up a hand as Catarin rose to interject. "I realize this is not about just me, and the council has a right to know. But I ask you and the counsel to please trust in my judgement in this matter. I will inform them when I am positive this -relationship- progresses any further than it has currently." This was sufficient she thought. It would stifle any questioning from them. It would also allow Hiccup, and in a sense her as well, time together without any interference. Still…

"For you, Catarin…" She sighed, she could allow a little more information. "I, I… met the gentleman in question last week. I wanted something made for the Princess, from me to her, in appreciation of her taking on more responsibility."

"But Your Highness! That is my job! I could have done that for you!" She sounded a little hurt.

"I know Catarin! But I wanted to do this thing myself! Personally! For my sister!" Elsa said. "Anyway, I… met… the gentleman, and we… talked" She had to fight to keep a smile from curling her lips. "We met a few more times under different circumstances. The princesses and even Prince Eugene have spoken with him. In the interest of finding out who he was and where he comes from. While he has not yet come out and said so, we believe him to be a leader of a viking tribe, far to the north." Catarins' eyes grew wide, and her jaw dropped.

"Vikings!" She said almost in shock. A thought seemed to form in her head, but she chose to not utter it. "But, My Queen? If he is indeed a leader as you say, why has he not declared himself? Why would he not allow us to afford him proper respect? For us to show him our hospitality?" she asked.

"He is on a holiday, and wishes to remain anonymous. Indeed! It is a wish I have as well. To travel somewhere, and just… be myself!" She envied Hiccup in this regard. "I also have been told that where he is from, they do not hold to ranks and titles as we do here." Elsa explained.

"I see… He's very handsome!" She blurted out. She blushed scarlet, and turned her head away at her impertinence. She turned back to her, still blushing. " I, I mean, you-" She scowled. "You seemed to be -happy… dancing with him. I've not seen you, -look at anyone like that, -before…" It wasn't a great recovery, but Elsa took a little courage from her statement.

"He, -he makes me feel, -like no one else has, -ever…" She trailed off. Getting lost in her thoughts of him.

"I see. I will speak to the other counsel members on this. And please, forgive me my impudence. I, I will see what can be done about the -situation, My Queen." She said.

"Thank you, Catarin. I think though, things may have to wait until after the festival. There is just too much going on right now." Elsa said.

"Very well, your Highness! I will see if I can steal you some moments from your schedule. For now, if we are finished, I will go see to the preparations." Catarin curtsied to her deeply. Elsa tipped her head, and Catarin left. Elsa took a relaxing breath and slumped in her chair. That went about as well as she could hope. She hoped this would free Hiccup from further scrutiny. In fact, if it went well enough, his presence in the castle and even the palace itself would not come under question.

She sighed, there was still a long way to go for them. She desperately wanted to talk to him, especially since questions were being raised. But her schedule for today was full she knew. And she would be better served to tend to matters of the dinner and after.

She decided to go over some letters before her next meeting. She read carefully and when she was satisfied, signed them. She was trying not to let her thoughts drift. When they did, she thought of Hiccup, or her dream from last night. It was all she could do to push those thoughts back and focus on the tasks at hand.

The next few meetings went well. One being from an old trade partner. They were laying groundwork for a renewal of their trade agreement. Another for another partner, but there was a dispute over exchange rates. Heimir was summoned to her office, and an agreement was reached without much ado. Plans were made for a formal signing. The third was with an ambassador from the tiny new kingdom of Hlafstaad. It lay to the east, and were simply trying to make friends in the bigger world.

When they were done, she noticed it was time for lunch. She left her office for her own quarters to freshen up a little. She washed her face, and had her handmaidens restyle her hair into a more relaxed fashion. Satisfied, she made her way to the dining room.

The guests all rose as she entered, which she answered with a bright smile. She took her seat at the head of the table and noted the absence of her sister. Eugene was here, seated to her right. Rapunzel was also missing. She thought this odd, but did not dwell on it. The table was full, both of guests, and food. And she started the meal eagerly, for she was feeling quite hungry. She engaged people in conversation as did Eugene. He seemed a little -distracted. She caught him a few times starting into the ether, or at his plate. With a polite clearing of her throat for him, he would look her way and smile sheepishly.

When the meal was finished, she rose and exchanged pleasantries with her guests before leaving the room. Eugene followed her out, but he only had a few words with her as he left. She had a small amount of time before she had to prepare for her afternoon schedule. She put it to use making a short round of the palace. She found herself at the gardens, and thought it would be nice to relax a little.

She strolled along the path. She had warm smiles and greetings for the visitors she came across. She could hear raucous laughter coming from nearby. Curiosity piqued, she walked toward the source. Rounding a corner, she found a table had been set under the boughs of a large tree. At it sat Anna, Kristoff, Rapunzel, and who she assumed, Hiccup. He had his back to her.

No one noticed her approach, so she thought she would have a little fun. She brought a hand upright, making snow snake around her hand and forearm. She released a small burst of magic that floated towards them. It circled and curled around them, paying particular attention to Hiccup. Pointing her finger down and twirling it, she created a small, foot-tall likeness of herself in the middle of the table. Rotating her wrist, she started spinning it. Slowly at first, then faster and faster, until four tiny snowballs flew out and struck each one in the face. Much laughter and a little sputtering ensued.

She tried… She even brought a hand to her mouth to help, but alas, it did no good as she burst into laughter. Anna turned her way with an annoyed, flat look on her face.

"NO FAIR SIS! We have to wait 'til winter to get back at you!" She said in mock-offence. Everyone turned her direction. Hiccup was wide-eyed. His mouth hung open in wonder. Her laughter wrangled to small fits of giggles, she walked up to the table. The two men made to rise at her approach, but she held up a hand, as if not to bother themselves. Hiccup got to his feet regardless, and tipped his head to her in greeting.

Elsa crossed her arms, "Well, well, well! What do we have here? An ill counsel, I presume?"

"Yes! We're planning the downfall of a local monarch! Seems she's gotten too big for her britches!" Anna deadpanned.

"My, my! The insolence!" Elsa said, smirking. "Whatever shall we do?"

"We're working on it! We have some great minds thinking through the plan as we speak!" Anna returned.

"I'm, -I'm sorry but-" Elsa looked around the table, as if taking a head count "-But between you four, there MIGHT be one complete mind here!"

Hiccup straightened in mock-offence "HEY! I'll have you know I'm considered really smart, by viking standards!"

"Then I guess we have to fear no raid for some time to come then!" Elsa countered. Everyone laughed, and Hiccup took the ribbing gamely.

They locked eyes. They were shining with mirth, and -something else. He was wearing a crisp, white tunic. There was a broad belt around his waist, with a buckle that had a peculiar insignia carved into it. Dark green pants and heavy boots -well, boot. He seemed to radiate warmth and affection.

The spell was broken, It was then she noticed the pressure. They both looked down, and saw they were holding each others' hands. She quickly released, and clasped hers in front of her, and looked away shyly. Hiccup brought a hand up and started rubbing the back of his neck nervously. She could feel her face redden. She chanced a glance at Anna. She was biting her lip, looking at her fondly with eyes bright. Elsa cleared her throat.

"Well! As Queen of Arendelle, it is my duty to remove this, n'er-do-well, for questioning! And thus, foil your dastardly plot!"

"Aaarrgh! Curses!" Anna playfully raised her hands up and smacked the table in frustration. Kristoff was shaking his head, a fond smile on his face. Rapunzel was red in the face from laughing through the whole exchange.

"Come along, -you, -you ruffian! I'll have words with you!" Elsa grabbed him by the arm, dragging him away to his fate.

"No! -Stop! -Foul! -The horror! Imprisoned and tortured by a beautiful and powerful Queen! -Help!" Hiccup intoned flatly. This raised more laughter from the table. Elsa chanced a look over her shoulder, walking away. Rapunzel had both palms pressed to her chest, smiling. Anna was smiling as well, making a shooing motion with her hands. A coy tilt to her head.

They walked for a bit, then turned a corner. Elsa was guiding them to a spot where the flowers were particularly beautiful. They stole a few glances at each other. She had yet to release his arm, but she did not care at the moment. They stopped in front of a particularly pretty display. Admiring the soft petals, and vibrant colors. She absentmindedly leaned her head on his shoulder, only to feel his head atop hers a second later.

They stood there for a while, enjoying each others' company. Elsa could take in his scent. The sea, the wind, leather. It was soothing. There was no busy schedule, for today, nor the rest of the week. Only him and herself. She tilted her head to look at him. His vibrant green eyes had a slightly different look. His irises were wide, eating up half of the green they contained. She felt his hand atop hers on his arm, rubbing it gently. He then took it, and brought it up to his cheek. Her insides were fluttering at this point. He seemed to melt at her touch, closing his eyes. He then brought her hand to his mouth. Looking her in the eye, he placed a lingering but chaste kiss on her knuckle. She had to fight to keep her knees from buckling. The kiss sent a bolt of fire straight to her jumbled insides.

He smiled at her. Bringing his arm up, he placed her hand on it, and his on hers. He turned them to walk along the path they had been traveling. They moved in silence for a moment, until Hiccup spoke.

"So how has My Lady's day been so far?" She blushed slightly at his use of the term.

"Oh, -busy! First a full council meeting, Then a meeting with each individually, then paperwork, then more meetings with ambassadors, then lunch." She hesitated, "But it… it's much better now, thank you!" She mentally chastised herself for her boldness. But realized she needed to take every opportunity.

He flashed her a lopsided grin, which she decided was her favorite. "Yes, it can become tiring at times!" He deepened his voice. "Yes! yes! We're all very concerned about that bare spot on your favorite sheeps' back… But let us tend to the matter of feeding an entire village for the rest of the winter, shall we? Or how about this- Excuse me, you're from which bare spit of an island no one has heard of? Oh! THAT One! Very well… One order of grovelling with a side order of boot-licking coming up!"

She was initially shocked at his irreverence, but what started as giggles turn into an all-out guffaw by the time he'd finished. "YES! Or… you were a pig farmer, until your fathers' fathers' grandfather personally beheaded a chicken at, -which skirmish? Here! Let me get you an overstuffed chair to fit that overstuffed ego!" They were both wiping tears of mirth from their eyes. She wanted to stay longer, but her time was short. She turned him to face her. looking upon his face, his eyes. She took his hands in hers. she then remembered something she needed to tell him.

"Hiccup? You- have been -noticed by some of my council members. I have told them I will choose who I spend my time with… I, I am Queen after all. And I, -I've told my head courtier what I knew, about you. I, I just thought you should know. And, and if they should approach you, I want to know, and please direct them to me before you say anything!" She wasn't sure how he would react, but this had to be said.

He gave her a knowing look. "Yes I, I know. Thank you! They, they're just looking out for your kingdom. And after your… troubles, I understand their suspicions. My own Council has started telling me to take another… to, take. a, a wife. It, it's really what, -it's the reason… I left." She blushed slightly, but his reaction was wholly different. He seemed to wince, and a shadow crossed his features for a moment. She had heard from Rapunzel, and was shocked. But seeing his reaction here and now, She took pity on him. She placed a hand on his cheek. He leaned into the contact.

"Hiccup? I, -I had heard… Do you, do you -want to talk about it?" She was biting her lip, wanting to comfort him somehow. He placed his hand atop hers on his cheek and shook his head. "Not, not now Elsa but, thank you!" His eyes were bright, and sad, and earnest. She didn't want to part this way… She placed her hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eye. She raised on her toes, and placed a warm kiss on his cheek, lingering, but chaste. When she returned to her feet, his face had brightened some, and there was that lopsided smile. She'd hoped that one was just hers.

Someone cleared their throat in the distance. Elsa turned her head, and saw Catarin. She looked a little sheepish. "My, My Queen? Your presence is needed in your office…"

"Yes, Catarin." She answered, a little exasperated. She looked at Hiccup and gave a small shrug of her shoulders. He nodded. He understood. Her hands were still on his chest. He took her right, holding it palm up. He placed a kiss on it, then placed it back on his chest, over his heart. He placed both his hands on top of hers, cementing the kiss in place. She looked at their hands, then his face. Her insides did somersaults as she grasped the meaning of this gesture, willing her knees to not turn into liquid. She took his left hand, and brought it up to her cheek, caressing it. She then kissed the back of his hand. She gave it a squeeze, and flashed him a bright smile.

"Thank you for, for your time, Hiccup! I, I… it, it was nice?" She frowned. Back to the stammering again? Dear gods!

"Thank You! Elsa f, for, for… that!" He blushed. It was cute.

One last glance over her shoulder and then back to work…

Upon reaching her office, she learned a minor squabble had broken out among the guild leaders. A few stern words and a slight lowering of the room temperature was all it took to quell it. She settled into her chair, rubbing her temples as they left. Catarin remained, and apologized to her for her intrusion.

"It's alright, really!" Elsa said. "He understands, and I was just starting to make my way back when you found us."

Catarin nodded, and then started going over the queens' schedule for the rest of the afternoon. Three meetings, some papers to sign. After which, the final decorations to put in place in the dining hall, and the ballroom. Then her own personal preparations, then the events themselves. She sighed to herself. She wished he could be there with her. Dancing, enjoying his company. She thought of their walk through the gardens. She felt so natural, so comfortable with him. She didn't want to be at the dinner, or the ball with anyone but him.

The rest of the afternoon went well. The meetings were pleasant, and Arendelle had possibly found another trade partner. It was still early in the proceedings, but she was up for anything that would help her people and kingdom prosper. The papers had been signed, now she took a few moments to relax before she was to put her personal touch to the hall.

Decorations completed, she made her way to her quarters. She bathed with scented oils, washed her hair, and sat while her handmaidens went about preparing her for the event. She sighed as the final adornments were placed. It seemed the closer the time came, the more melancholy she became. She almost wished it was over already. Indeed, she wished the week itself was over. And she and Hiccup could… could…

She shook her head, she shouldn't think those things tonight. This wasn't about her, it was about her subjects, and all the gathered guests. She had to be Queen tonight. She steeled herself, applying her usual neutral expression as she stood outside the doors to the hall. She heard the announcement, the show was on…

She made a small speech, thanking everyone for attending. She recognized some of the more distinguished guests, then bade them all to enjoy the feast. Anna and Kristoff were seated on her right, Rapunzel and Eugene on her left. Anna was dying to know what happened after she left them at lunch. She spared few details, and no, he didn't kiss her. When she told her of his gesture at their goodbye, Anna just went starry-eyed, biting her lip.

The rest of the meal went well. She engaged people in conversation. The food was delicious, and everyone was enjoying themselves. Soon, it was time for them all to enter the ballroom. As she was last to enter, she spared a few moments with a couple of ambassadors with light conversation. She also spoke with Rapunzel and Eugene. At last, it was her turn. She was announced, she managed to plaster a smile on her face. The doors opened, and she walked to her place at the other end of the room. Upon reaching the top of the small dias, she turned. There were more people in attendance, as some couldn't make it to the feast.

"Welcome everyone, to our Spring Festival Ball! I would like to personally thank you all for attending. Please! Feel free to dance and mingle. There is food and drink available, at the tables to my left. Everyone enjoy themselves! The Princess and I are happy you are all here!"

With a gesture of her hand, the music started. The couples joined and started dancing. She felt a small pang as her thoughts drifted to Hiccup. Indeed, he was always there in the back of her mind. She pushed them back as she was confronted with a small line of people waiting to be introduced.

That done, she looked out again at the couples dancing. She took a small comfort that at least they were having a good time. She was interrupted by General Hroldstadt, who offered his hand for a dance. She accepted, wishing to put up a front. The general was a good dancer, and it might help her -distractions.

After a few steps, he spoke. His voice low. "My Queen! I must say I… have misgivings toward this -gentleman you have been spending your time with. If he is as you've been told… he certainly does not act like a -superior. We know nothing about him, except what he has told you…"

"Please General! I do appreciate your service to the kingdom, and myself and the princess personally. But I ask you to trust in my judgement on this matter. My family has spoken with him as well. And I am sure that when the festival is over, and things quiet down. We will be able to speak at length with him." She told him.

"As you wish, my Queen." He didn't seem convinced, but at least her wishes had been directly declared. They continued to dance, making light conversation on the party and the guests. He finished with a bow, and excused himself.

She was met by Kristoff, who bowed as well. He offered his hand. She made a quick scan of the area around them. Anna was nowhere to be seen. Curious, she thought. She graciously accepted. Kristoff was a fair dancer by now. She knew these events made him a little nervous. Having someone familiar close by made him relax a little.

"So! Lost your princess Kristoff?" She said, slightly teasing.

"Ahh, NO! I ummm. she… she said she… needed. some. air…" He trailed off. She could almost hear the gears of his mind turning.

"Oh? Needed some air you say? But she didn't take you with her?" Teasing again. Obviously not a part of whatever was going on. Anna was good, she would be a exceedingly formidable political force, given the chance.

"I, well… no- I, I think she may be up to -something!" The poor man. He was right though, but what? This was Anna, it could be anything. A few moments later their dance was over. She was met by Eugene. With a flourish, half teasing, offered his hand. They they took to the floor.

"Enjoying yourself tonight, Elsa?" He asked. She flashed him a smile.

"Y, yes I am…" He cocked an eyebrow at her. She was mildly annoyed. Was it really that bad?

"It'll be alright. Those two are up to something, I think you are on the receiving end. Unless I miss my guess…"

"Hmm, what? W, what do you mean?" She was distracted again.

"I'm not sure. Frankly, I'm glad we're on the same side. I would hate to go up against those two in any kind of fight." He said.

This time, her smile was genuine. They would get into all kinds of mischief on their visits when they were younger. She softly chuckled.

"Yes, it's a little scary when you think about it."

They finished their dance, her mood greatly improved. His company usually brought a smile to her face.

A moment later, Anna came to her. Red faced as if she had exerted herself. "Elsa, you've got to come with me. Th, there's -a disturbance… in the gardens." She took her arm, and practically dragged her to the balcony. This particular one was long, and had a door which opened on the next room. Her exit wouldn't be noticed. As they made their way, Anna was looking side to side. It was as if she was trying not to be noticed. Elsa was trying to think of any reason she had to be the one to quell this "disturbance". She figured it to be some trouble Anna had gotten herself into. She could only imagine what that could lead to.

They arrived at the entrance, and Anna shoved her gently into the garden. She turned around, and Anna had a small smile on her face making a shooing motion with her hands. This had better be worth it she thought. She walked along the paths. She couldn't hear anything, only the sounds of the ball coming through the doors of the balcony above. There were a few lanterns lighting the gardens. She knew a few spots were left entirely to the moonlight if there were any. That was the case tonight.

She thought that under different circumstances, it would be a beautiful night for a stroll indeed. But she quickly stamped those out. She had to quickly take care of this, and get back to the party before she was missed. She walked deeper into the garden, keeping quiet. She glanced furtively around. There was nothing here…

She turned a corner to a less well lit area, and noticed someone standing in front of a flowering bush she remembered that was particularly pretty. He had his back to her, and didn't notice her approach. He was wearing a tunic of the servant staff, which she thought was a little odd. They should all be at the party. She got closer, then cleared her throat loudly, what happened next was comical…

He spun around quickly, obviously startled. He reached for his belt when she heard a metallic clink. She took a step back, gathering her magic for a strike. All of a sudden he was off balance flailing his arms and falling. He landed hard on his butt. His feet, well, his foot came off the ground upon impact. He rolled on his back, his head contacting the grass. Wait!? FOOT?

"Hiccup?" Everything seemed to click into place. The other girls' absence, their somewhat stealthy exit from the ball. She wasn't sure whether to be angry, or elated. Her heart flipped at the realization. He raised to a sitting position rubbing the back of his head. Moonlight was filtering through the trees, but her minds' eye filled in the details.

He looked up at her. Was he pouting? It was adorable. "Good, good evening -Elsa." He said finally. She brought her hand to her mouth to stifle the giggles that escaped. She just couldn't help it… He sighed heavily, obviously embarrassed.

"Is it too late to tell that I've… fallen for you -again?" His voice dripping with sarcasm. She laughed outwardly this time.

"Well, it is kind of obvious, given your last… trip?" She said. Her insides flipped at the dual meaning of his statement. She took pity on him, as he never released his pout. She might have to do something about that lower lip. She offered a hand, and helped him to his feet. He stood close, VERY close. She was brushing the dirt and grass off his shirt, and out of his hair before she realized. Her hands came to a stop, her left on his cheek, the right on his chest. She could feel his heart beating, matching the pounding of her own. His hands were on her upper arms, gripping her softly. She looked up at his face. A smile was now on his lips as well as his eyes. They were shining like stars. She rubbed his cheek with her thumb absentmindedly, losing herself in his eyes.

She brought her left hand down, trailing it against him to rest beside her right on his chest. She leaned forward, placing her ear to it. He released her arms, wrapping his around her shoulders. He hugged her tightly. She felt him rest his chin atop her head. She felt the warmth, the security, the rightness, of being in this space in his arms. She never wanted to leave.

He released her, then took her hands in his. He stepped back, looking her up and down, she shivered a little. His eyes went wide as he admired her.

"Elsa! You, you look fantastic!" She could tell it was genuine. She dipped a little, gushing, also because her knees failed her a little at that moment.

"I mean, before you were, -but now, you're just, wow!" He drew out that last word a bit, Looking at her face, he gave her that half smile.

"Thank you Hiccup!" She was sure she was blushing. She was not particularly vain. But she was confident. She had received many compliments on her beauty. Some genuine, some not. His made her feel appreciated.

He released her hands, and offered his arm. She grasped it firmly. They walked along the path, enjoying each others' company. Relating the time that had transpired since their last encounter. As they were walking, Hiccup suddenly stopped. She looked to his face and saw a small shadow there. She followed his gaze and saw a bunch of small flowers. The centers were yellow. Surrounding that were eight slender blue petals. They were a little more than an inch across. While not particularly impressive, theirs was a simplistic beauty.

"Hiccup? Wh, what is it?" She asked.

"Those, those are -Snowdrops…" He said. Yes, she remembered, that was one of the names for them. But why?

"Do, do they grow there? Where you come from?"

"Yes, they… only for a few weeks, after the show melts… They are a rare find… afterwards." He said, seemingly lost in a memory.

"Oh? They are not very common here as well, nor anywhere the further south you go." She told him. He sighed.

"They, they were her favorite…" He half-laughed still within his memory. "But you'd better not have said so in her presence! She would punch me in the arm, and tell me I was a sap!"

Now she understood! "Hiccup? What happened? How, How did it happen?" This was something that had to get out. She thought herself a little forward, but they needed this.

"She- There was a war. -Actually just a couple of battles. About two years after the one that claimed my father." He drew in a breath. She gave his arm a squeeze in support. "My -ideas were not well received by all in the archipelago. They said I went against tradition. And change itself is not received well, if at all, by Vikings." Her opinion of him soared. Not only instigating change in his 'kingdom', but an entire region! He went on.

"This one leader attacked, but with the help of our… friends and most of the tribes in the archipelago, we won the day easily. Setting fire to half his fleet. A messenger arrived, saying he wanted to treatise with us, being all apologetic. Of course, we suspected a trap, his name after all was Dagur the Deranged…" She gasped. "We made several plans, and chose to take his word at it, for a chance of peace…"

"You did, you… acted on what you thought was the right thing…" She agreed.

He nodded. "We rode out to his island the next day. Myself, my contingent, and some of the other leaders…" He drew in a shaky breath.

"As soon as we landed, he attacked…" He winced. "I… I don't think he wanted to kill her, not right away. But he engaged Astrid, and was able to land a blow. She was a fighter though, and would not go down easily. He managed to press his advantage and…" He squeezed his eyes shut. A single tear escaped. "He, he caved in her skull with a heavy mace. Her, her mount was killed shortly after, pierced through the heart, her throat cut…" She gasped again, she immediately faced him, and wrapped her arms around him. Her heart broke. He continued shakily.

"The, -a signal was given, and our army descended upon them, we… we won the day but…" He drew in a ragged breath, composing himself a little.

"Her… her loss was hard enough to take… but before… before we rode out that morning, she…" He drew in another breath. She felt something fall on top of her head. Looking up, she saw he was breaking. His next breath was a half-sob. She held him tighter.

"She… she told me she was pregnant with our first child." She gasped, and her heart went out to him. She could not even begin to imagine what that was like. To lose someone that you shared with, -and the child, the life that might have been. She hugged him fiercely, wishing his pain away.

"OH! Hiccup! I'm so- so sorry! I, I didn't mean to… to be so, I, I was curious…" That didn't explain it all. She felt badly, but…

"It, it's been three years. And I, I have accepted their deaths, it's just… every now and then, something… reminds me…" He composed himself a little.

"I, I haven't spoken about this to, to anyone, for a long, long time…" She only then noticed he had wrapped his arms around her as well, anchoring himself. She separated a little from him. Drawing her hands around, she brought them to his face. She wiped his tears with her thumbs. He relaxed to her touch closing his eyes, as she carded her fingers lightly through his hair. She could only say his name, half-whispered.

When he opened his eyes, the shadow had past. There was light in them again. He gave her that smile. Her heart leapt. He took her hands in his, and placed a kiss in each palm. He placed them over his heart. She could feel it beating, thrumming, soothing. She felt as though they had passed through a door, and the room beyond was bright, and full of… possibilities.

He took her right hand in his left and they started walking towards the entrance. Both realizing the need for her to return. He seemed to brighten a little, despite this. Perhaps he too felt as she did, that a milestone had been passed. That there was a brighter future ahead for them both.

They had almost made it to the last pathway, when she heard the tune coming from the ballroom above. It was the same one from the day before, only with an orchestra. He noticed too, and after the first few notes recognized it as well. He turned to her with a crooked smile and a flourish.

"May I have this dance MiLady?" He bowed. She curtsied deeply.

"Certainly! Kind Sir!" She giggled, giddy with the… possibilities. He held her close, and they were dancing. Twirling, spinning moving as one. His earlier clumsiness lost. Just the two of them. She thought of the other day, and her dream. She never wanted this moment to end. Being so close to him, moving with him…

The music was over way before she wanted, but it was past time for her to go. They stood there for a moment, looking upon each other. As if on cue, they both moved slowly toward each other. Closer and closer, stopping only millimeters apart. Breathing the same air. Pausing only for a half-second.

Their lips touched, and Elsa melted. It was chaste, but it felt like no other she had felt before. Electricity flowed through her from the point of contact to her toes and her fingers. Conveying all the unspoken feelings they held for each other. She was back in her dream, floating among the clouds with Hiccup.

They broke apart after what seemed like hours. She released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Elsa looked upon his face, there was light in his eyes sure. But it seemed to be a fire now. Threatening to consume them both. She brought her hands to this shoulders. She then traced her fingers over his chest. He brought both hands to her waist, pulling her close. The action making her look up at him. Tilting his head a little, he closed the gap between them again, she met him halfway.

The angle deepened the kiss. Although still chaste, it lit a fire within her. He slowly opened his mouth, sliding his lips against hers. The contact fanning flames that were burning white-hot with passion. She slid her hands up over his chest, around the back of his neck, and into his hair. Threading her fingers though the soft silkiness of it.

The kiss ended too soon for her taste. She stood there with her arms around his neck. She was half hanging, for she was sure she would not be able to stand properly. Her insides felt like jelly. She couldn't form a coherent thought. She just stayed there until she floated back to the ground. As the fog slowly cleared from her brain, she felt Hiccups' hands on her back. Tracing slow circles with his fingers from her spine outwards. It felt so relaxing, but her brain was nearly fully recovered. She needed to get back.

She stepped away hesitantly. Looking upon him, taking him in. She stepped in one last time and planted another kiss on his lips. Short, but sweet. Feeling giddy, and a little playful. She stepped away from him, curtsying deeply…

"Thank you for the dance My Lord! It was divine!" She said, flashing a bright smile.

"Thank YOU! My Queen! I've never, ahhh, I, I just… Yeahhh." Stammering, It was soo cute.

She turned and after a few steps, he called to her again.

"Elsa? Umm, Good, Goodnight, and thanks for, for listening." There was that smile again. She wanted to run back to him, and kiss him again but… yeah. She looked at him fondly, tilting her head. "Goodnight, Hiccup…"

She walked back towards the entrance. She didn't notice Anna until she almost ran into her. She had been leaning against the doorjamb, resting her head upon it as well. Her arms were crossed in front of her, hugging herself. Her eyes had a faraway look to them. Indeed, she seemed not to notice her until she was right in front of her. Snapped out of her reverie, Anna quickly looked around Elsa and gestured at Hiccup. She didn't catch it. Anna gave her a fond smile, taking Elsas' hands. They walked back to the ballroom in silence. Stealing furtive glances and smiling at each other.

It was impossibly hard for her not to seem too distracted for the rest of the evening. Between talking to her guests as she was supposed to, and generally looking the Royal she had to be, every moment in between was filled with thoughts of Hiccup. His smile, his eyes, his awkwardness, his jokes. Everything she - liked? -just LIKED? about him… Both kisses had sent her reeling. Opening up a whole new set of feelings and emotions she could barely get a grip on. She wanted more. More time with him, more talks, more dancing, more -Hiccup! -Oh and definitely more kisses!

As the evening wore down, the guests started to leave. Some came to her formally. Thankfully not all of them. Both Heimir, and the General gave her a slightly raised eyebrow, but said nothing, they bowed respectfully and wished her a goodnight. Catarin came last. She curtsied, and gave her a slightly knowing look. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped. She only wished her a goodnight as well, and left.

She was at the door to her chambers without even realizing she had left the ballroom. She looked down, and Anna was facing her, holding her hands. She released them and hugged her sister fiercely. When did Eugene and Rapunzel arrive? Rapinzel hugged her. Eugene took her hand, and placed his other atop it. He smiled at her fondly and wished her goodnight.

She undressed mechanically. Putting on her favorite nightgown, she crawled between the sheets, drained physically and emotionally. She was asleep quickly.