Chapter 15

Hiccup woke quickly. Only in that, his eyes snapped open. Blinking at the cave ceiling, he brought his mind into focus. Most of that focus was on Elsa and their encounters yesterday. He thought about their meeting during the ball. His words came out only as a kneejerk comment. But thinking about it, he huffed to himself. There was only one meaning now. He had indeed fallen for the Queen of Arendelle. Yes, there were still things to talk about. Things to -discuss. They still had a road to travel there. But there was no denying it, he loved her.

A soft brushing noise broke him from his thoughts. Toothless wasn't curled around him. Lifting up on his arms, he craned his neck. The dragon was at the entrance to the cave looking out. His tail swishing back and forth. He was concerned and alert. He got to his feet as quickly as his wakeful lethargy allowed. Standing next to him placing a hand on his head, calming him.

"Toothless? Wh, what is it bud?" The dragon huffed and shook his head. He let out a croon. Something was bothering him, but he didn't know. The horizon was just now giving slight signs of the coming dawn. They could go out, as long as they didn't stay very long. He shook his head, waking himself up the rest of the way. This was serious. If it bothered dragons, it could be bad for the humans.

They left the cave without preamble, for it was still dark. Hiccup let Toothless have his head. He led them out over the water. A few miles off the coast, he slowed. His earflaps were twitching. He swung his head from side to side. Hiccup was scanning the surface of the water. He could barely see. Toothless started flying in slow circles, searching.

After almost an hour, Toothless let out a series of irritated huffs and growls. Hiccup placed a hand on his head. "I… it's OK Bud, we'll come out again this evening." Hiccup was concerned. They hadn't seen any sign since arriving. But he couldn't help but think that whatever had Toothless on edge… They needed to get out there to look around. As much as possible.

He got to the shop a little late. Much to the grumbling of Valdor. As the visitors would be leaving in a few days, orders came in for all manner of ships' tackle. As well as chains and various fittings. They would be VERY busy. Valdor promised to close the shop so they could both attend the closing ceremonies for the festival. They made short work of some of the requests, although the chains would take more than a day to make. Valdor closed the shop after a few hours, and they both went to the courtyard.

They made their way towards the steps of the palace. They weren't able to get very close. A very large crowd had gathered. Most of the townspeople had shown up to see the spectacle. He noticed a small girl jumping up and down, complaining that she couldn't see. She was carrying a doll with a ragged dress with brown yarn for hair, and a tiny crown on her head. Hiccup took a few steps sideways, and introduced himself to the girls' mother. He then motioned to the child. The woman nodded, explaining that her husband was out on a fishing boat. He knelt down to her level.

"Good morning, young lady! What's your name?" He asked. She shied away, looking to her mother. She nodded to the child.

"Kir, -Kirsten sir!" She brought her doll closer to her, she was shy and a little cautious.

"Well, Kirsten! My name is Hiccup!" The girl knotted her brow, and tilted her head.

"That's a funny name!" Her mother chided her, but Hiccup held up his hands to placate her.

"I know! I was given that name to frighten off Gnomes and Trolls!" He told her. The little girl tilted her head again, processing this.

"Does it-does it work?" She asked him.

"I think so, I haven't seen any yet… Who is this you have with you?" He said, motioning to the doll.

"This is Princess Snowdrop!" She said brightly. She held her out. Hiccup made a short bow to the doll.

"I'm pleased to meet you, your Highness!" Little Kirsten giggled. It went straight to his heart. Taking stock of the doll, he noticed the dress was torn.

"What happened to her dress?" He asked.

"My stupid cousin tore it!" She huffed. She started pouting. It was incredibly cute.

"You know, I have a cousin who used to beat me up, and call me names!" He could smile about it now. They had both grown. Snotlout was a Nightmare expert, and one of his top Generals. Kirstens' eyes grew wide.

"What, what happened?" She asked.

"Can you keep a secret?" He asked her, lowering his voice. She nodded vigorously.

"I became Chief of my tribe! Now, he has to do what I tell him!" Her eyes went wide again and her mouth dropped open. "Wooow!" Was all she could say.

"So! Miss Kirsten? Would you and Princess Snowdrop like to see the Queen?" He asked. She started bouncing up and down.

"Yes! Yes please, Sir!" He chuckled.

"I'm Hiccup! Kirsten, just Hiccup!" He said.

"Please! Sir Hiccup! PLEASE!" Something in his chest clenched. She was so adorable. How could he resist? With a look to her mother, who nodded her assent, he picked Kirsten up and placed her on his shoulders. She started bouncing, and thanked him several times.

And not a moment too soon. Just then, trumpets sounded. The doors opened and Elsa came out. A loud cheer sprung from the crowd. She looked particularly regal this morning he thought. She was wearing a deep blue dress with a dark purple cape that trailed behind her. Her hair was in a bun on the back of her head, her crown on top. Anna trailed her a step behind. Rapunzel and Eugene behind her.

Elsa stopped at the top of the stairs. Anna at her side on her right, Rapunzel and Eugene on the left. They were all smiling and waving to the gathered crowd. Anna looked their direction and seemed to notice him, or maybe the little girl perched on his shoulders. She gave a small wave. Kirsten was bouncing vigorously.

"She saw me! The Princess!" She was wiggling with glee. Anna leaned to her left and spoke to Elsa. She scanned the crowd. Upon finding them, he could see her eyes grow slightly wide, and her mouth opened a little as if shocked. She recovered, then bent a little at the waist, as if putting herself on Kirstens' level, and gave a small wave. He locked eyes with her and smiled. He gave a small tip of his head in acknowledgement. She straightened and tilted her head sideways, biting her lip. Shaking her head slightly. She was looking at him with so much… affection? He wasn't sure. She had never looked at him that way… before. Little Kirsten was beside herself. He turned slightly to her mother. She had her hands to her mouth, eyes bright. She looked at him gratefully. He gave her a smile and a wink.

After the people had quieted a little, she made a short speech. She thanked everyone for attending, and her staffs' hard work at making the event happen. She expressed pride in her citizens for making the guests welcome, and invited them all to attend the next event in six months' time.

Another cheer rose from the crowd. Hiccup could hear her name. "Long live Queen Elsa!" or, "Our beautiful Queen!" He thought his heart would burst for her. For this was truly what a ruler desired. To be beloved by their people. To have complete affirmation that they were doing right by them. His newfound feelings for her bubbled forth.

She came down the stairs holding her arms out. The people made a small circle for her. She had closed half the distance between them when she stopped. She dropped her arms, closed her eyes and put her chin to her chest. After a pause, she lifted her arms to shoulder height and raised her head. She looked at him briefly. Her eyes were glowing. She bent slightly at the knees then straightened. She raised her hands, palm up, just above her shoulders. She looked up at the sky.

The ice and snow around the courtyard began to lift. Curling towards the sky. The great crystal which had been floating over the city all week flattened. It too lifted higher in the sky turning slowly. All the snow and ice came together at its' center, making the crystal grow in size. When all had been lifted, Elsa had her hands together over her head. She flung her arms apart, dispersing the great crystal in a shower of snow spreading outwards. Many ooohs, and aaahhs came from the people expressing their wonder. After which everyone was clapping and shouting.

Elsa looked at him smiling widely, eyes bright. She looked truly happy in this moment. His heart swelled for her. He took Kirsten off his shoulders and settled her on his hip. Elsa took a few tentative steps towards him and stopped.

She looked skywards and tilted her head. She then frowned as though confused. Hiccup looked up and saw a clump of the recently dispersed snow above his head, falling slowly. He saw Elsa out of the corner of his eye. She lifted an arm towards the clump, but it didn't seem to have any effect. This seemed to confuse her more. She lowered her arm, following its' path. Taking slow steps towards him. The people around him, and perhaps the whole courtyard, watched in amazement.

When it was about ten feet over his head, Hiccup put out his right hand. The nebulous ball came to rest inches above his palm. A cold electricity seemed to eminate from it. Not painful, it was as if a tiny blizzard was taking place right there on his hand. He looked at it, then to Elsa. She seemed just as surprised and confused as he. The space between them cleared, she stepped up to him. Her arm was still outstretched. Kirstens' mother had stepped around behind him, sensing something. She gently took her little girl from him, holding Kirsten to her side. The little ones' wonder eclipsing any protests.

Elsa waved first her right hand, then her left over the ball, to no effect. She then took half a step back, stretching out her arm. Rotating her wrist, she made a small amount of snow travel towards it. Her majic curled around it, and the ball glowed a bit more brightly, but nothing. He was studying her face. She was obviously confused. She stuck out her bottom lip, looking away in concentration. It was all he could do not to grab her and try to kiss it away.

She then looked him in the eyes. It seemed she had made a decision. She took two more steps towards him into his personal space. He could not decipher the look in her eyes. A mixture of love and adoration, of trust and faith… it almost seemed she was challenging him. She bit her lip. Elsa then brought up her left hand, cupping it under his. She brought her right over the top of the glowing sphere. Nodding at him, Hiccup brought his left hand over hers. Slowly bringing their hands together, the glow intensified. He barely noticed, for he was lost in her eyes, and she in his.

When their hands met, there was a flash. They looked upon each other for what seemed like an eternity. He finally glanced down. She bit her lip and nodded slightly. They unraveled their hands, and lying in his palm was a large, crystalline snowflake. It was in the same shape as the larger one she had dispersed. Indeed, the very same shape as her personal sigil. At the center was an image. It was both of them standing next to each other. He slightly behind her. Both had neutral expressions on their faces, a small smile on their lips. He could make out his bearskin cloak. He could also see his belt, with his Night Fury sigil upon the buckle. She was wearing a queenly gown, her crown upon her head.

He brought his free hand up at the same time she did. They both touched the crystal. There was another flash, bright and momentary. He looked again, and at the center of their chests on the image, a tiny pinpoint of light burned bluish-white. Hiccup looked at her with wonder. Elsa looked at him with what he guessed was the same expression. She manuvered herself to his side to look upon it at the same angle. As he drew a finger across the surface, it split into two layers. She reached up and took one and looked. They were exact copies of each other. He took his between his thumb and forefinger. He held it up to the sky, looking at it, admiring the detail, and she hers. There was a collective gasp from the people nearby. He barely registered the sharp intake of breath from little Kirsten.

They faced each other and clasped their left hands. He kissed the back of her hand, and placed it on his chest over his heart. She in turn caressed his hand with her cheek, before kissing it and placing it over her heart. They gazed at each other for a few moments. They would argue until Ragnarok, that she moved first. But in this moment, it didn't matter. They kissed each other with passion, with promise. It was chaste, but to them, it conveyed everything that needed said to each other.

A cheer went up from the crowd that broke them from their reverie. He immediately felt his face burn. It was more than the bright sun and warm air. He looked at Elsa, and saw he wasn't alone. For her face was bright red as well. They both shrugged their shoulders, and turned to the crowd waving. They were joined by Anna and Kristoff, and Rapunzel and Eugene. Hugs were shared, as well as handshakes and pats on the back. The girls had tears of happiness flowing freely. Indeed many of the womenfolk around had wet or overly-bright eyes. Valdor was standing a little ways off. His hands covered his chin and mouth, his eyes shining.

His attention was drawn to a small child jumping up and down. Kirstens' mother had her hands over her mouth. Upon facing her, she curtseyed. He tipped his head to her and flashed a smile. He knelt down to her level, and showed his crystal to Kirsten. She looked upon it with fascination. One of her tiny digits tracing the surface. "It so pretty!" She said.

Hiccup felt a hand on his back. Elsa knelt beside him smiling. "Well Hiccup! I see you have met Lady Kirsten and Princess Snowdrop!" She said. He looked at the little girl incredulously.

"Hey! You didn't tell me you knew the Queen!" He playfully poked her in the belly, eliticing a squeal and a giggle from her mouth. It went straight to his heart.

"Oh yes! We've met before!" She asserted. Elsa noted the doll, and its' ragged dress.

"Ooooh! What happened to the princess' dress?" She asked.

"My cousin Therese wanted to play with her, but I didn't want her to… and, she tore it!" The poor thing looked to be on the verge of tears.

"Let me see if I can fix that!" Elsa said. With a wave of her hand, the dolls' dress was mended. She added a little color with ice she used on her own dresses and hair. She also added an underskirt, and a tiny crown made of ice. Kirsten stared mouth agape. She was bouncing on her toes straight to Elsa. She threw her arms around her neck.

"Oh! Oh! Thank you! Thank you! My Queen!" Seeing her with this little girl made his chest clench. Until he himself had an armful of little girl.

"Thank you too! Sir Hiccup!" She stepped back scrunching her nose, thinking.

"Are you a king now?" She asked, honestly not knowing. He flustered.

"I, Ahhh, No! no, not, not yet anyway…"

She bounced the few steps between them, and she placed a kiss on his cheek. She then backed away and curtseyed to them both. It was a little clumsy, but incredibly cute, and good for a five year old. He rose to his feet with Elsa. He bowed and she dipped to the little girl. He addressed the girls' mother.

"Madam?" The woman dipped to him. "My Lord?" He reached for her hand. She gave it, looking confused. He placed a gold coin in her palm, closing it with his other hand.

"Go to the finest dressmaker! And have them make her matching outfits. From, from the both of us!" Kirstens' mother was wide eyed, and had trouble containing her gratitude.

"Y -yes my Lord! Th, -thank you!" He shared a look at Elsa. She was looking at him fondly, hugging his arm to her. Yes, Gods willing, there would be children. Hopefully a little girl like this one.

He took her arm and draped it around his. He led her back to the steps. He heard calls from the people. "Please Sir! Your name!" And, "A name give us your name!" He stopped on the bottom step and turned to them, chest out, chin up. In a clear voice, he told them.

"My name, my name is Haddock, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third!" A cheer went up. He heard calls of his name. "Lord Haddock!" One voice said. "Queen Elsa and Lord Haddock! Long may they live!" It made him a little uncomfortable, but it seemed to make them happy. He looked at Elsa. She was looking upon him fondly once more. Her eyes held a different kind of light. It was a fire, a burning flame.

Passing through the doors of the palace, she led him down a hallway, and up a flight of stairs. Her pace was quick. She seemed agitated. They went through a set of double doors into a small room. She ushered him in and quickly went to close the doors behind them. He heard a worried Rapunzel and Anna in the hallway. She told them.

"Not right now! -Please!" Was she pleading? What exactly was wrong he wondered. She closed the doors and walked past him, starting to pace.

"Hiccup! I…" She trailed off trying to gather her thoughts. One arm was hugging her middle, the other was supporting her chin, deep in thought. She stopped and turned to him. She opened her mouth, then closed it again. She paced a little more, then stopped again. Facing him, She asked.

"Hiccup? What, -what does this mean?"

"I think Ahh, -isn't it kind of obvious… you making those, for -for us?" He couldn't quite grasp what she meant.

"Hiccup! Were you not watching? I, I didn't -make those! My, my powers didn't have ANY effect on them!" She started pacing again, hugging herself. He noticed the temperature in the room -dropped? He thought it might be his imagination.

"I, I just… Don't -understand! How? What? How did this happen? Why did it happen?" She turned and walked to the window. Head down, lost in her thoughts. He noticed the room temperature still dropping. Snow was starting to swirl. It was centered around -HER! It started to dawn on him -part of the nature of her powers. He walked up to her slowly. He placed his hands on her shoulders, and spoke softly.

"Elsa? I, I don't know why things happen. I'm not entirely sure how things happen." He started rubbing her shoulders. His thumbs working small circles on her back.

"What happened out there? Some of the leftover majic came to me, and together, we created something beautiful from it." She seemed to relax, tilting her chin up. Almost resting her head on his chest. The snow started to dissapate. The temperature started to return to normal.

"Why? I guess we will have to wait to find out." He told her. "How? You have majical powers over snow and ice. How can you begin to explain that?" He turned her around to face him. She was calm, serene. She opened her eyes and looked at him. The fog of confusion seemed to leave them. He pulled her in wrapping his arms around her. Her hands rose to his chest. She turned her head to the side, and rested it there as well.

"I DO know one thing…" He separated her from him to look her in the eye. "I love you Elsa. You are an amazing, wonderful woman. Smart and kind. I would be the luckiest guy in the world if, if you'll have me." Her expression changed. The look in her eyes said all he wanted to hear. Tears welled in her eyes.

"I, I will Hiccup! I love you too!" Their lips crashed into each others' expressing emotions and the certitude of their confession.

They broke apart after a half minute. His arms wrapped around her again. Her head and hands resting on his chest. They stood there for a few minutes in each others' embrace.

"Hiccup? This, this changes things… Can you, will you… stay?" She was looking at him so earnestly.

"Elsa, your schedule, and -and this… thing, it's huge. More along the lines of changing-everything-everyone-was-taught-to-believe, kind of, -thing. I, I want to, but there's still work at the forge. And -there's -something… going on out. there. I need to figure it out. Please! Just, trust me in this. When you know, you'll understand." She separated from him slightly, looking at his face, searching his eyes.

"I, I do, I will -trust you Hiccup! I jus, I just want you near me, always!" They kissed deeply, and rested in each others' arms. She huffed.

"So much for your being -discreet huh?" He chuckled.

"Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later!" He told her "But, you're worth it!" She pulled away, narrowed her eyes, and cocked an eybrow at him. She grabbed him by the collar.

"You had better believe it, Mister!" A corner of her mouth curled into a small smile. She planted a short kiss on his lips, and stepped back. Smoothing his shirt, brushing his shoulders. It kindled a fire within him.

"I think we should let them in?" She said, and moved to the doors. The other couples entered as soon as she opened them. Worried looks on their faces. "Elsa? Is everything alright?" Anna asked. She put a hand on her shoulder.

"Everythings fine Anna! I just… My majic had no effect on these and… I, I panicked."

"What are they anyway?" Rapunzel asked. She produced her crystal, and let them look upon it. Hiccup took his out and placed it in Elsas' hands. Their eyes lit up with awe as they each inspected the two crystalline snowflakes.

"They're exact copies" Hiccup said. "A, token for each of us…" He frowned, thinking.

"What are you wearing here Hiccup? I recognise the belt but…" Anna asked.

"It's a bearskin cloak. A symbol of chieftainship among my people and the whole of the archipelago." He said. Anna nodded.

"So… A token, for each of you… from, I dunno, a higher power?" Eugene forwarded. Hiccup thought this too.

"A gift from the Gods, sure!" He said.

"But for what, -what purpose?" Rapunzel asked. He had a growing respect for how her brain worked. Eugene was indeed a lucky man…

"I. Don't. Know… Maybe we have a task to perform, -together?" He thought on this more. He was up for it, as long as she was there with him. He felt a smile creep across his face. He took two steps up to her. Sliding his arms around her waist, he pulled her to him. She looked upon him with surprise at first. She placed her hands on his arms, Her expression softened.

"So what does Mi'Lady say? Are you game for a wild ride?" He smiled at her. She looked upon his face searching. If she thought about it at all, he guessed, it was only a split-second. For her answer came right away.

"Yes Hiccup! With you? -YES!" They kissed, long but chaste. He felt her hands travel up across his shoulders to his neck. Two of her fingers made it to his hair, twining it gently. They separated when there was a knock on the door.

A woman who he recognized as the one from the garden yesterday entered the room. She dipped respectfully to all present. "My Queen, my Lords, Ladies. Your Highness? Your schedule?" She was obviously curious, but held her tongue. An older man in a military uniform seemed to have no such compunction.

"Young man! The council and I would speak to you!" He leveled a glare at him. Hiccups' anger sparked.

"General!" Elsa exclaimed. It seemed to have little effect. Hiccup shot a glance her way.

"If you think you can waltz up here to our kingdom, indeed this very castle…" Hiccup cut him off abruptly.

"Have a care Sir! Did your Queen not speak to you? Do you not trust your Queen?" He could hear a collective sharp intake of air from the rest of the council.

He flustered. His face began to turn red with anger. Good! It would make the effect all the better. "I DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE…" Hiccup cut him off -again.

"ENOUGH!" He roared. His father would have been proud, Toothless too! "You forget yourself Sir! I am Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third! Chief of the Hairy Hooligan tribe of Berk! Dragon Master! Slayer of the Red Death! And Emissary of the Entire Barbaric Archipelago!" There were a few more titles he'd garnered, but this should suffice for now. Indeed! It seemed to. The look of shock was upon everyone's faces. Even Elsa and Anna and those present who knew him, seemed very surprised at his outburst.

It had the desired effect. The general looked pale in comparison to his earlier expression. The rest of the council shot worried glances at each other. He would not be surprised if a few of them had wet themselves. The weight of his blunder caught up with him. The general bowed deeply.

"Forgive me, My Lord! I, I meant no disrespect!" Hiccup let the silence hang for a moment.

"You are forgiven general, but only just! I am not here in any manner of official capacity! You are only looking after your kingdom! I can respect that! But, take care! I'll not have any loose talk! And I will take ANY gainsaying of the Queen VERY seriously!" He leveled a glare at the general, and at the rest of the council members in the room. They looked sufficiently cowed.

"Y, yes! Your, Your Highness!" He finally straightened. The rest of the council bowed their heads.

"I will speak with the council when there is more time! Now, if there is nothing more. You are dismissed!" He glanced at Elsa, she was looking at him with, -he-didn't-know-what. She nodded at him slightly. If he didn't know any better, he would say there was major kissing in his future.

The council filed out the door. "Catarin?" Elsa called out. Hiccup recognized the woman from the garden. "Lord Haddock! May I present the Lady Catarin Almbech. She is my head courtier, and an adviser for my council." She curtseyed. He gave a nod.

"Lady Catarin will see to your needs, for the rest of your stay." She dipped. "My Lord." He gave another nod. "Lady Catarin."

Elsa addressed her. "Catarin? Would you see that a room is prepared for Lord Haddock, should he need it?"

"Of course my Queen! Right away! But, Your meetings? Your schedule, My Queen?" She said.

"Yes Catarin, I will be along in a moment…" Elsa sounded a little exasperated. It had been an eventful morning. She stepped in front of him and took his hands in hers.

"Hiccup? Will you, would you come later? For, for dinner? It won't be too large, and Rapunzel and Eugene will be leaving soon and… I, I…" She looked away, frowning. She looked at him again earnestly, pleading with her eyes. He should go out for an evening patrol with Toothless. He knew the moon would be out tonight. And with the way she was looking at him…

"Of course. After, after I'm done. That is, if Valdor doesn't kill me for leaving him with all that work!" Her whole face lit up. Then her smile turned into a smirk.

"Lord Haddock! Please inform Master Bregemann I would be VERY upset at your demise! Untimely or otherwise!" She stood straight, chin up, but there was mischief in her eyes.

"And can we please dispense with the Titles? They, they make me sound like some kind of -deity!" They made him -uncomfortable too.

Elsa swatted his hand. "Oh shush Hiccup! This is MY kingdom! And you will do as I say! Is that clear?" The other two girls tittered. Her tone was forceful, and yet playful.

"Yes ma'am!" He played the petulant child. She smiled and stepped up to him. She placed her hands on his shoulders. He put his on her waist. They kissed briefly, then embraced each other. She smelled of lavender, and honey, and fresh fallen snow. "Oh, Hiccup!" She breathed in his ear. As they separated, she kissed his cheek. She stepped back still holding hands. He brought them up, and gently kissed each one, looking her in the eye.

The other couples said their goodbyes. Anna hugged him. Rapunzel offered her hand, and he kissed it lightly. She answered with a kiss on his other cheek. The girls then left the room. They all seemed to relax at their departure. Then the questions came out.

"Dragon Master?" Eugene asked.

"Red Death?" Kristoff said. Oh crap! He had forgotten about the whole -explaining -part.

"Ahh, yeah, about that, Umm. Look guys this, this is big but, we have to keep it from every body else. I will tell Elsa, I promise, but for now…" He needed to choose his words carefully.

"OK, when I was younger, dragons raided our villages. They would take livestock, and carry it off. Burning houses and farms." The other men were listening with rapt attention. He pressed on. "I managed to find the reason behind this. It was another dragon, larger than any one we had ever seen. My guess, it could fill the courtyard there, and still be sticking out on both sides!" Their eyes widened at this. Kristoffs' jaw dropped. "We named her the Red Death. With the help of our, -friends, I slayed the beast! It was in that battle, where I lost… my foot. But our lives were changed for the better for it!"

Kristoff stood there slack-jawed. "Woahhh!" Was all he could muster. Eugene sat with his chin in his fingers, deep in thought.

"Woah indeed! Hiccup! That, -that is some tale!" He seemed to process a little more, then shot him a wiry look. "Dragons?" He only mouthed it. Hiccup only shrugged his shoulders, tipping his head sideways. That was the most he could let out for now.

"Well Hiccup, that was… wow!" Eugene said. "I'm sorry, but I have to go as well. I have some meetings, and I have to see to our departure too. Maybe I'll see you in town? But if not, later at dinner?"

"Yeah sure Eugene! I'll -see you later!" He got up and went to the door. Upon reaching it, he turned and bowed. "Lord Haddock!" He said, with a smirk and a wink.

"Yeah -yeah! Right back at you, smart guy!" Hiccup was irritated, but he was teasing -wasn't he?

Hiccup had to get back to the shop. Kristoff came along and helped him navigate the corridors, giving him notes and advice on such. They parted company at the gates, they would see each other later.

Valdor was accommodating to his absence. Especially since he relayed the queens' message. He guffawed, telling Hiccup that was the ONLY reason he'd smith examined his crystal with awe when he showed it to him. Alas, he couldn't think of a valid explanation either. The two set to finishing the orders, and began to make the chains. They made great progress, thanks to a special anvil and tools that Hiccup thought would be a great addition to his own forge back home. Whenever he made it back, that is.

They closed the shop a bit early. Valdor explaining some business to attend to, and with a suggestive look, Hiccups' -business to take care of. Hiccup apologized to the smith for his tardiness, promising to be on time tomorrow. The smith dismissed him with a wave of his hand. He would understand if he was late. He gave Hiccup a cloth wrapped package, asking him to give it to the queen personally. They said their goodbyes, with Valdor bowing respectfully, and parted company.

Hiccup made his way through the city, and to the palace proper. There were few people about, most hadn't recognized him, much to his relief. After introducing himself, he was let in. The guards regarding him respectfully. He managed to hail a staff member and asked after Lady Catarin. After a few minutes of waiting, An older woman came up to him wearing the uniform of the palace staff. She introduced herself as Madame Gertrude, and bade him to follow her.

He was led down a couple of hallways, and up three flights of stairs. They came upon a set of doors with two guards standing in front. He eyed them suspiciously, but went in and looked at the room he was given. It was large. One wall had windows, with a large glass paned door leading to a balcony that overlooked the fjord. There was a large carved fireplace next to it. A wardrobe was situated in the corner. Doors on the next wall lead to the bathroom. A large bed was against the next wall. It looked very inviting. There were chairs against the wall on the other side of the doors. There was also a small couch with a table. along with a small writing table with a chair for it. It was slightly bigger than the main room in his own hall on Berk!

"I trust the room is adequate My Lord?" Gertrude said.

"Oh yes! more so! Thank you!" He was still taking it all in.

"I will send two servants to help you in your stay, Your Grace! The Queen has sent clothes for you. Dinner starts at seven o'clock MiLord! One of the servants will guide you to the dining hall. Is there any thing else you require?"

"No! Ahh, no thank you! But umm, servants Gertrude? Really?" It made him even more -uncomfortable than the titles. "I just, I never ask someone to do something I can do myself."

She lost a bit of her formal veneer. "Please My Lord! You are our guest! Let us show you some of our hospitality! They are all professionals, and are sworn to -discretion!" She paused to think a moment. "It, it may take some getting used to, but! If you are on a holiday as they say, why not -indulge yourself? Yes?"

"OH, Very Well! Her Highness says this is her kingdom, and I'm to do as I've been told!" He told her grumpily. She stifled a laugh behind a hand.

"Well then! In the name of Elsa Ellesmyre, Queen of Arendelle, I command you to enjoy this!" She smirked.

"Fine! Fine! That will be all Gertrude! and, Thank you!" He was a leader. He knew when to charge, and when to cut his losses. Now was such a time. He went to the bathroom and started to draw his bath. He then went and sat on the bed, removing his boot. He thought for a moment, and looked at the tub again. There was no edge to speak of to sit upon. He moved a chair into the bathroom, so he could remove his foot, and maneuver into the task completed, he removed his clothes down to his underwear, removed his foot and got into the water.

He sat there for a few minutes, letting the warm water ease the day from his body. He then tested the various soaps near the tub. He found one he liked and started washing. There was a knock upon the door. The servants had come with his clothes. He bade them come in, but to stay in the next room until he was finished. He sat relaxing once more. He heard the patter of feet on the floor, the rustling of clothing. He heard the door open and close again, then silence. There was a feminine voice at the bathroom door behind him.

"May I wash My Lords' hair?" It was a simple request, at least she asked. "Must You?" He sighed. This was really pushing the borders of his comfort.

"Please! My Lord! We ARE professionals! It is our duty to serve you!"

"FINE! Fine… just, -oh, very well!" Very uncomfortable indeed! He closed his eyes. He just wanted to get this over with. Warm water was poured over his head. Soon, smallish hands were working lather into his hair. He wondered if Elsa would be jealous at this point. He dismissed such thoughts. They were professionals after all. He felt the fingers pulling at first, then sliding as the soap was worked into his head. Those fingers then started massaging his scalp. Working to the sides and rubbing his temples softly. Then fingernails gently scraped his scalp from back to front. He could feel the rest of the day leave him. Professionals indeed! He was done when two thumbs worked the back of his neck. Moving from the base of his skull, to where his neck met his shoulders. He Hmmm'ed absentmindedly, relaxed. The hands slid to the tops of his shoulders. A soft, strangely familiar voice asked next to his ear.

"Does My Lord approve?" A small kiss was planted on his ear.

His eyes immediately shot open. He sat straight up, and scooted forward. Water sloshed. There was an undignified yelp of surprise. He turned his torso around to see Elsa, hands to her mouth first, then reaching out to him to calm him. He looked at her hands, full of suds. When he looked upon her face, he… he -just couldn't help himself! He burst out laughing!

On the tip of her nose was a clump of soapsuds. But around her mouth and on her chin was a stylish, frothy goatee. He was laughing so hard! She gave him a quizzical look, tilting her head to the side. This only increased the hilarity of it! He tried to get words out between breaths, he was only partly successful…

"You should see… sh, Shoould… your… your face!" His sides were beginning to hurt, tears were leaking from his eyes. She stood, and looked in the mirror, her expression changed. She turned back towards him, crossing her arms. She gave him a flat look, although a corner of her mouth was curled. She deepened her voice bowing at the waist.

"Will that be all, MiLord?"

"Yes, Yes! Manfred! But loose the dress! You look silly! And, -and no kissing next time!" They were both laughing now. The servants looked in and saw the queen, and bless them, they tried not to join in, to no avail. After a few minutes, they calmed. Hiccup leaned back in the tub and Elsa rinsed his hair. Running her fingers through it getting all the soap out. He straightened again as his thoughts turned -racy.

"Elsa -are you, -is this, -proper?" Sure, they had witnesses. But he was pretty sure a line had been crossed. She bit her lip.

"Maybe? I, I'm sorry Hiccup. I was told you were here and… I, I needed to see you." Her face turned red. Was she embarrassed? "At any rate, Hiccup, I think with what has happened… We can, -dispense with most of the formalities?" Formalities? What was she- Oh! -ooohhh-

"Ahhh, Elsa I, We -uhhh We still have ummm, things to talk about, and discuss!" He didn't mind the idea at all. But this was a little too quick for him. She pulled back a little. Traces of hurt showing in her eyes and face.

"Hiccup? Do you want to marry me? Do you… do you not -want me?" Oh shit! That was not what he meant! He took her hands in his. She resisted a little.

"Elsa no! I, I want you in the worst way! But, but this is new to you and I, I think you -we should take our time with this." Some of the hurt left. "Elsa, I want you to be comfortable with this. I, I want it to be right for, -for both of us." She looked at him. it seemed the hurt had dissipated. A small smile brightened her face. Gods! She was beautiful. It was all he could do to resist dragging her in the tub with him, and… yeah…

Elsa rose. "Get out!" It sounded half-commanding. She asked the servants for towels. She was handed a stack dutifully. He pushed himself up on the edge of the tub. A towel was placed on the chair for him to sit on, another on the floor. He heard a sharp intake of air. He stopped. Getting out meant that he would reveal his -stump to her. He was fine with it by now. But this seemed, -wrong somehow. Too, -intimate? No one ever saw him like this, except those closest to him. He steeled himself. This was one of those things that had to happen. For them to -move forward.

He pushed off again onto the chair then swung his legs around. A towel was thrown over his head, another -thankfully in his lap. He felt her hands rubbing his head, drying his hair. Then they moved to his neck and shoulders. They stopped. She then came around and knelt down in front of him. Taking the cloth on his lap, she continued toweling him dry. He watched her face. She was completely focused on her task. He was slightly proud of her. Had their roles been reversed… yeah…

She continued across his chest to his stomach. She avoided the - tender parts, and worked his right leg. When she moved to his left she stopped. She inhaled sharply. He continued to watch her face. She didn't blanch, she looked -curious. He was pretty sure she had never seen a man mostly naked before, but he was positive she had never saw anything like this. She toweled it off gently. Tracing the scars with her eyes first, then her fingers. She set the towel on her lap and took his leg in her hands. She turned it one way, then the other. The feel of her soft hands on his skin sent his blood racing to places he didn't need it to. He shifted a little. She looked up at him, and it seemed suddenly she caught on to what exactly she was doing.

"OH! Hiccup! I, I'm…" She looked away, shaking her head. He leaned forward and kissed her hair.

"It's alright Elsa! It's just, -nobody ever really sees me like, -this." He gestured to the stump.

"How, how did it, -happen? W, what caused you to lose it?" She asked earnestly.

"Wh, when I was fifteen, dragons raided our villages. They were and had been our sworn enemies for generations. They would take livestock, and carry it off. Burning houses and farms in their wake." She gasped. "I managed to find the reason behind this -behavior. It was another dragon, larger than any one we had ever seen. It could have sat on your castle and squashed it!" Elsas' mouth formed an O. "It controlled the other dragons. It sent them out for food for her. We named her the Red Death after, because of her coloration. With the help of our, -friends, I slayed the beast! It was in that battle, I lost my foot. I, I don't remember much. I took a blow… then… Falling and flames. I woke up a week later, and… well. But our lives were changed for the better for it!"

"So young! And so… so brave!" Hiccup! Th, that's amazing!" Hiccup shrugged his shoulders.

"I, I was just… trying to save my tribe…" She was looking upon him with awe. She rose up on her knees, placing her hands on his shoulders. She leaned in and kissed him. It started out as chaste, but she tilted her head after a moment, and opened her mouth slightly. Her soft hands found his chest, and the back of his neck. Fingers threading through his hair. Their lips sliding against each others'. Tasting each other. His left hand rose up to the back of her head, his right the small of her back. He pulled her to him, Gods! he wanted her.

They separated with an audible smack. She was breathing heavily. She brought a hand to her mouth, testing her bruised lips. He fared little better. His breath was ragged. The fog of passion slowly receded from his mind. Her eyes roamed from his face to where her hand was on his chest. They grew wide as she noticed his scars. He had a few of them by now. Some from battle with two-legged beasts, some from winged ones. There were more on his back. She took a finger and traced one, then another. Her gentle touch only re-fanned the flames that had begun only now to subside. He drew in a breath and grabbed her hand as she was tracing one that went from his lower ribcage to his navel.

"Elsa, -I…" It was all he could get out. Her eyes traveled to his face again, and his mind went blank. She was studying his face, taking in every detail. She tilted her head slightly and bit her lip. He brought her hand up and kissed it lightly. A small smile formed on her lips. She seemed to read his mind. She looked to the side, and picked up his prosthetic.

Elsa turned it over in her hands. This was a design he used when traveling. It was plain, with no ornate carvings like the one he wore all the time at home. This one did have something extra…

"Aaah, careful…" He said gently. Her eyes snapped to him, a questioning look on her face. "-this one has a little surprise!" He took it from her. Moving a small lever that was invisible while wearing it, there was a click. An eight inch blade sprung from the bottom, and locked in place. She jumped in surprise. Then her eyes widened again. He handed the foot back to her. She continued her examination.

"Sometimes, -you can't be too careful." He told her. She tested the blade. Turning it over in her hands once more. Trying to figure out how it all worked. Her face was a mixture of awe and concentration. He fell in love with her again.

She set his foot aside. Picking up a cloth, she took it and ran it over his leg. She was testing the dampness of his skin. "-Hiccup?" She looked at him, then turned away frowning. Her expression softened as she looked upon him again.

"-Does, -does it hurt?" It was an honest question, there was only curiosity in her eyes.

"Sometimes, when I run or stand too much. Sometimes when the weather changes. And sometimes, I can feel my foot itching…" A look of surprise came over her face. "That's… strange…" She frowned as if in thought.

"Gobber says he can feel his hand stinging sometimes, along with his foot. And he is much older than I. I, I guess it's something I'll have to live with."

"Gobber? Who is Gobber?" She asked. There was still so much to talk about…

"He's the village blacksmith. I was apprenticed to him when I was young. He was also my fathers' best friend." She nodded. She then looked at him. He could still see questions she wanted to ask, but their time was growing short. She carefully handed him his foot.

"Hiccup, I…" She rose to her feet. "-I should be going. I, -have to get ready as well…" She glanced quickly at the tub, then back to him. He raised an eyebrow at her, and curled a corner of his mouth. She instantly turned three sheets of red. He could swear her hair tinged red as well.

"I, I really should be. going, -now! I, yes… The ahmmm, servants will -see you to my room! I, I mean the -dining room! Yes, so…" She was backing out of the room. Her hands were fidgeting. He spun on the chair, following her exit. She bumped into the door. She dipped to him nervously. She spun on her heels and went through the doorway. He could hear her footsteps receding quickly. He remembered something.

"Elsa? There's a package from Valdor on the bed." He heard a few footsteps, a pause, then more. She called to him.

"Thank, thank you Hiccup! I'll -I'll see you in a little while!" More footsteps, then the door opening and then slamming shut. He chuckled, he enjoyed that a little too much.

He managed to take a short nap before the servant came to fetch him. He followed Kirvil down a flight of stairs, and through another hallway. Kristoffs' hints were helpful, but he was sure he would be lost in no time by himself. He appraised his clothing again. It was basically what he wore to lunch the other day. Only a white waistcoat was added, with gold buttons and trimming. They had also found a reasonable form of animal skin cloak. It was black not brown, and nearly the same length, but it was lighter in construction. More for show than anything he thought. He was finished off with a pair of knee-high black boots… well…

He was handed off at a set of doors to a portly man in an impeccable staff uniform. He bowed deeply. "Good evening My Lord! I am Kai, Court Chamberlain. Pray tell me, by what title would you like me to announce you as?" Hiccup was annoyed. Such a waste of time! He could think of a couple, but the man was only doing his job. He decided on something short. Kai bowed again, and opened the doors and announced him.

Hiccup strode purposefully and stopped five steps into the room. It was a medium-sized gathering on his quick assessment. Anna and Kristoff, Rapunzel and Eugene. He recognized the council members. They looked slightly nervous. The others must be foreign dignitaries and local noble persons. They all at once bowed. He bowed in return. He walked up to what he assumed was his chair. Anna smiled at him brightly. He wasn't sure about what he was to do next. His eyes flitted from Anna to his chair. She nodded slightly, and everyone took their seats as he did. He sighed to himself, so far, so good. He had been observing, but he was sure he had missed -things.

He was seated next to Rapunzel, thankfully. She immediately engaged him. He asked her discreetly what was expected of him, and she happily filled him in. He was very grateful. He didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of foreigners. Anna was seated across from them. They made light conversation until the Queen was announced.

He stood and stepped around his chair. He was floored. Her hair was piled on top of her head, highlighted with ice. She wore a light blue gown with lace at the top. Her shoulders were bare. She had lacy sleeves from the middle of her arm to her wrists. A gossamer train followed her. She seemed as stricken as he was, for she stopped for the slightest of moments. She bowed, and walked up to him briskly. She offered her hand. He bowed and kissed it. She told him in a low voice. "You look amazing!"

"Not nearly as good as you!" He told her. A small blush crept up her face. She smiled and bit her lip. He led her to her chair, and pushed it in when she sat. Rapunzel gave him a wink when he took his chair. Elsa stood and made a short speech, welcoming everyone and introduced him and some of the other guests. She then bade them enjoy the meal. The food was brought out, and everyone tucked in to their food.

They made conversation while eating. He could barely keep his eyes off her. She was so beautiful! She Seemed to have a hard time as well. About halfway through the meal, Anna asked.

"So Hiccup? Did you enjoy your bath?" She blinked her eyes innocently. But he was beginning to figure her out. Some teasing was about to be had. Who was he to deny a foreign Princess? A small smile curled the corner of his mouth. He glanced quickly at Elsa, he was about to reply. He found out something new about the Queen in that instant… She had incredible aim.

Her foot contacted just the right spot above his prosthetic. He stifled a yelp of surprise. And fought to not reach down and rub the pain away. He glared at her. She glared right back, only her eyes had a dark-bluish glow to them. Dangerous, he thought. He grumbled. Anna just laughed. After an hour, everyone had slowed or stopped eating. Elsa stood and bid them all a goodnight and safe travels, for many of them would be leaving tomorrow. She took Hiccups' arm, and then they and the other two couples filed out of the room.

Elsa led them to the parlor they had been in earlier. They all sat, and struck up conversation about their time in the kingdom, with some mild teasing directed at Hiccup and Elsa. He unconsciously rubbed his leg, playfully glaring at her. She just smiled and bit her lip. Looking at him apologetically.

When the conversation slowed, Elsa stood. "Anna, I have something for you." Annas' eyes grew wide. Elsa handed her the package Valdor had given him.

"This is for you helping me, and learning about running the kingdom. And… for, for everything." Anna greedily opened the package, revealing a star sapphire the size of a robins' egg. It was mounted in silver, with a medium silver chain. She gasped and held it to Kristoff to put it on her.

"Oh Elsa I, I love it! Where ever did you get this?"

"I had commissioned it from Valdor the Smith, but as I understand it, Hiccup made it." She told her. Elsa inspected it for the first time herself, and although it was not fine and intricate, Its' simplicity was what made it beautiful. And it came from Hiccups' hands.

"Oh Hiccup! It's, it's beautiful! Thank you!" Anna immediately attacked with a ferocious hug.

"It's Ahhh, Anna… I, you're welcome."

Elsa sat down next to him. She snaked her arms around his waist and leaned into him. Their conversation turned to ships and boats and traveling. Soon, the other two stood up, and said their good-nights. Rapunzel used a rather threatening tone about coming to see them off. He was planning to come anyway. Anna shot him a suggestive look before closing the door behind her.

It was the signal Elsa was waiting for, as she leaned in and kissed his cheek. She then nuzzled along his jaw, and kissed his ear. He turned in, and did the same to her. He brought his hands around to her sides, moving in circles from under her arms to around her sides, to her back. He then worked in the opposite direction. Kissing her along her jaw, around her chin to her other ear, Sucking the lobe into his mouth. She shuddered. He then kissed the soft skin just below her ear. Working his way down her neck, kissing, nipping, licking. She gasped as he found his way to the top of her shoulder. Her perfume and her scent was fuel for the fire that was burning within him.

She brought a hand up to his chest, not pushing him away exactly, but applying gentle pressure. It brought him back to his senses. He should not push too far. He applied a few more kisses to her neck, Finishing with a long, open-mouthed kiss on her lips. Taking his courage, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, and flicked hers. Inviting her to come and play.

They separated with a loud smack. She was looking down, panting. It took her a bit to look him in the face. Her face was flushed, her eyes had lost half of their blueness, replaced by the black of her irises. She leaned forward resting her head on his shoulder, her nose burying in his neck.

"Hiccup, I… I" She never finished her sentence. She was trying to steady her breathing, and having a hard time.

She pulled back, looking at his face. That look he was starting to get used to. Her face had regained some of its normal color as well as her eyes. Her blue, blue eyes. He would be happy to just get lost in them for the rest of his days, Gods willing. She brought her hands up and caressed his face. He closed his eyes relishing the feel of her soft hands on his skin. She threaded her fingers through his hair. Her hands found their way to the back of his head. She pulled him towards her, leaning back as she did. As soon as she was against the back of the couch, her lips were devouring his. Opening her mouth, inviting his tongue to dance. And dance they did. Teasing and probing. Sliding along each others'.

He brought his right hand and snaked it around her shoulders and neck to anchor himself. He brought his other around and traced a path with his palm. From around her back, along her sides, down past her hip to her thigh. He then traced a slow, languorous path back up. As he crossed her thigh, she moaned into his mouth. He brought his hand across her stomach to her chest, stopping below her breast. He paused a moment, then moved his hand around to her back, and pulled her to him. He broke their kiss to plant more on her nose, her cheek, along her jaw, And then down her neck. She was breathing heavily. When he reached the point where her neck met her shoulders, she whimpered. He kissed his way to the end of her shoulder, then back. As he was paying attention to her collarbone, her breaths came out in gasps. When he reached her neck again, her hands came up, and this time, she did push him away.

He lifted slightly away from her, letting her compose herself. Her face was completely flushed. Her eyes black. There was a fire there, slowly dying. He reached around and down, pulling her to sit across his lap. She was as a rag-doll. She leaned against him. Her head resting on his shoulder. It took her longer to steady her breathing. When she did, her voice came out almost as a whisper.

"That was, wow! I, -I never knew, I never -guessed that kissing, kissing someone, -could be… like THAT! " He chuckled.

"Only with the right partner…" She punched him weakly in the gut. He could feel her smile though. "Hey! No more further injuries to your future… king!" She laughed a breathy laugh. She put a hand on his shoulder, and traced a path to his hand, intertwining their fingers. She placed a quick kiss to his neck. After another minute, she spoke.

"Hiccup, I, -we…" She was -searching…"There's so much more -we need to, -talk about. Will, will you -stay?" He wasn't sure what she meant.

"Not, not -tonight, I…" This was a serious moment. "I, I have to get back… But I'll see you tomorrow? yeah? I'll come for breakfast, and spend the morning with you!" She seemed to deflate a little.

"But you will have to… go, -go -home eventually? Right?" He still wasn't sure…

"Well, my plan was to leave after the festival… before, before all -this. Now, I… I don't WANT to, but yes, I guess I'll -have. to…" He thought for a moment. "I'm guessing I can go another week, maybe two… Otherwise, I'll have to take you along, so you can freeze my mother… just before she kills me." She laughed softly.

"Do you, do you think she will, -like me?"

"I'm sure she will Elsa." They sat there for a few more minutes, enjoying each others' touch.

"Hiccup? I, -I love you…" She squeezed his hand. "I love you too, Elsa…" He hugged her tightly. After a few more moments, she raised her head looking for the clock.

"I, I should go…" She stood up somewhat unsteadily. She smoothed her dress, and took a couple of steps. He stood up, and closed the distance between them. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, an pulled her to him. She stiffened a little. He planted sweet small kisses to her ear and neck. Her knees seemed to buckle a little.

"Hiccup!" It came out as a breath. Her hands came up over his arms to his hands. She relished this last, small gesture, then unwrapped his arms from her. She drew in a breath, steadying herself. She turned around and took his hands in hers. She took a step towards him. Raising up on her toes, she planted a chaste, but lingering kiss on his lips. They made their way to the door, then out.

They walked hand in hand through the castle towards the door. When they got there, they turned to each other. They hugged for more than a few moments. "I love you Elsa…" "I love you, Hiccup…" He took her right hand in his, kissed the back of it, and placed it over his heart. She took his left, caressing the back with her cheek, and kissed it. They parted without another word.

They sat on a high cliff, on a point of rock they found a day after they arrived. The sea on one side, the fjord on the other. The moon was out tonight casting its cool light over the world. They watched the surface of the water, looking for anything out of the ordinary. His thoughts were interrupted by a draconic growl and a huff. Toothless had obviously worried when he hadn't arrived by sunset. Jumping and wiggling his happiness, until he sniffed Hiccup. The dragon caught the scent of a female he was familiar with. The scent of her, anyway. Also another scent he was familiar with, heat. Toothless was indignant for a while, until Hiccup got out the flying gear and started saddling him. A belly full of fish, and a high roost to digest it on soothed him. But only just, it seemed.

His thoughts wandered through the day that had been. Staring at her power and beauty was intoxicating. Then the sign. He had been through this forwards and backwards, and still couldn't make any sense of it. He came to two possibilities. One, was that he and Elsa had some sort of task to perform together. That he didn't mind, for as long as he was with her, he knew he could go through with… whatever it was.

The second, the one he didn't prefer, was that they would not be together at all. Or, at least were destined to spend some time apart. Those thoughts caused the bottom of his stomach to drop out. He was already trying to come to grips with leaving Arendelle, and her. The thought of being without her hurt. He knew he had to go. They both did. It didn't make it any easier.

And then in the bath! Gods! He was a little proud of himself for staying in control. But, he admitted, it was only by the smallest of threads. Her touch had started a fire within him. And her curiosity found something deeper. They had talked. They had shared -something. It brought them closer to that point where it would all come together. The end result would be sweeter than all the honey in Midgard.

Then dinner, and… after. Especially their -alone time. He thought he might have pressed too far but, he let her set the pace for the most part. But her scent, her softness. It was enough to send his thoughts towards the more -racy aspects of their relationship. He chided himself. he shouldn't think of those things… just yet… They had talked. Talked about -leaving. And -well, he was back where he started…

He sighed, He made up his mind to not worry too much about what MIGHT happen. Make plans, yes. Allow for the unforeseen, certainly. But to worry excessively over things that haven't even happened yet was a fools' errand. Toothless crooned at this point, seeming to give his assent. He chuckled, and ran his hands over the dragons' head and jaw.

"Thanks, Bud, for, for being there…" Toothless huffed and shook his head once.

He looked out over the water again, then at the moon. He had to get back if he was to get any sleep. He got up and stretched. Toothless did the same, sensing it was time to go. They made one circuit of their quick patrol route, then headed for the cave. Toothless lit the fire, then settled down next to it. Hiccup removed his gear, the sat down by his side. Thankfully sleep came quickly…