In the quiet village of Kalden, Kael Kaldar lives an ordinary life with his adoptive family, unaware of the storm brewing on the horizon. When whispers of mercenaries draw closer, the village's peace is shattered, forcing Kael to confront challenges he never imagined. Alongside his bold and skilled friend Lyra and the curious historian Dren, Kael is thrust into a journey of survival and discovery.
As danger looms and secrets unfold, Kael must navigate a world where alliances are fragile, and every step leads closer to a truth that could change everything. Bound by courage and driven by the unknown, their adventure will test their bonds and challenge their resolve.
Will they rise to the challenges ahead or succumb to the forces that threaten to consume them?
it's rare stumbling onto a novel like this one this novel has got a good hook and lore this novel potential to become a great one
First comment on my novel! feels great! anyways Hello, everyone! This is my first attempt at writing a novel, and I’ve been pouring my heart into every chapter. I have so much hope for this story and would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or anything you’d like to share. Your feedback would mean the world to me and help me grow as a writer!