I sat on his bike behind and he started to move. The wind blew on my face, making my hair fly. It felt refreshing ,after a while, I lended my head on his back ,after all his my boyfriend. It's just like a romantic scene in a movie.

I almost fell asleep, when he announced our arrival. At where, I didn't know exactly.l stretched before finally looking arround, it was something like an amusement park , filled with excitement.

"Wow, this is..",

"The house of excitement",he said it with a smile.

There were game areas, shopping sites, food joints, places where you could take fun rides and many more.

"Come on, let's go",he said as he held my hand and pulled me along.

I remember that day very well, because it was the most exciting and wonderful experience. I didn't even know what to do first, I was just confused. But I was always the one leading him, I hadn't had so much fun since he died,thus my dad or even thought of such things. Since then ,I've been hiding behind a book. I studied to keep my mind busy and through that, I jumped two classes and then to high school. Sad things kept aside, I enjoyed it.

We went to the ride first, exciting, yet scary. Then we played a number of games. We went to the snacks part and had ice cream and he also bought some candy for me as well.

I was just about to eat my ice cream ,when he pushed my face into it. He annoyed me even more when he begun laughing. This guy was getting on my nerve. But he replaced it and just kept smiling at me.

The next thing we did, he pulled me there. He played this one and won a cute white doll rabbit , which he gave to me.

He told me that he played that game to win the rabbit , because it looked like me when I was angry. I became annoyed , but just couldn't get myself to throw it, it was just so cute,that I hugged it.

The last thing we did was climbing the excitement tower, I was so glad when we made it. It had an amazing view, and the wind added a little something to the moment. We could see the whole town from there. Luke pulled me into an embrace and I closed my eyes. Today was amazing, it seemed like everyday I fall for him even more. If I hadn't become his project partner and become his girlfriend, my life wouldn't have become this exciting, but would have continued to be boring.

I hugged him tightly.

On the way home, the sun was just setting. I kept replaying the day, how we ran around laughing. When we arrived, I thanked Luke for the day.

"Thank you ,Luke, today was amazing, the best day I've had in a while. And thanks for the rabbit too",I said as a gave him a heart warming hug.

"No problem, my beauty. I'm happy if you are happy",he said, hugging me back.

"I think ,I should get going",I said as I let go of him. Come on Sauna, he did this for you and all you have is a hug, you can do better.

I turned around and walked back to him. Then I gave him a kiss on the cheek, but before I got to his cheek, he turned his face, and what was supposed to be a perk turned to a hot kiss on the lips.

My eyes widen when our lips touched. The kiss was soft and calm. I wanted to pull away, but my heart melted and I couldn't resist. Anyway, he deserved it, but damn he really knows how to kiss a girl. Even though he's the only guy I've kissed, his kiss is just good.