The long vacations came by really fast. I wasn't able to see my handsome prince as often as I used to. But he made sure to call and sometimes visited me at home with his annoying presence.

Even though he was annoying, I found myself drawn to him, even though I tried my best to not get too close to him. It was like I was falling for help him even more with each passing day, and I hated it. He really knew how to find his way into people's minds. Or maybe because he was my first love, I was getting too attached to him. This way, if he were to break my heart, it will hurt a lot, and that was what I was trying to avoid.

I was at home doing some work when blue eyes showed up at my door.

"Hi, Luke", I said as I let him in.

"Hey beauty, hope you are good",he said giving me a tight hug.

"What brings you here",I asked him with a tired look.

"You act like you are not my girlfriend", he said with a frown.

"Well, maybe am not, because your way too annoying to be my boyfriend",I said turning to him with a smirk.

"Oh, so you want me to act different, huh", he asked with a smile.

"At least, try to be serious",I said Bach with a smile.

"So, you want me to be rough and hard",he said still smiling.

"What, that's not what I meant..."

"No , I get you ,no problem. Sauna, get up to your room, change and meet me outside. I'm taking you to meet someone",he said ,not leaving room for questions as he begun to walk away.

"Wait, what....",I didn't finish.

"Don't let me come there and repeat myself or things wouldn't be good",he warned.

I was scared a bit and stood there a little surprised. I kinda like his rude side, it gave him some spicy feeling.

"Stop wasting my time, or I leave without you,"he shouted, bringing me back."Like seriously, I never opted to follow you",I thought. What could I say.