The next day.
I opened my eyes to myself staring straight into his ocean ones. It was then I realized how handsome he looks in the morning.
Damn, how did I get such a handsome guy for my boyfriend. Thinking of it, our relationship looks more of friendship, besides the kissing and cuddling. I want to know him more.
He knows a lot about me than I thought, but I know little of him and I'm sad about that.
You know, I never thought I and him will last this long, so I tried to keep away a little, but now, I don't think I'm willing to give him up to anyone because I .....
He calls out and I realized I was lost in thought. He hardly calls me by my name, but when he does, I just love it.
"Good morning ,beauty. " He said smiling with a hand on my cheek.
Oh my God, I love that smile
"Morning Luke". I said calmly.
Few minutes later.
"Good morning ,mom". I said as I headed down.
"Good morning, cu... Luke, I didn't know you spent the night", my mom said.
I had tried to make him jump back out of the window he managed to climb yesterday and head on without me, but this jerk always seem to want to put me in trouble.
"Sauna...." ,She said pulling me away.
I turned to look at Luke who was seated comfortablely with a stupid smirk on his face.
When we were away.
Yes, mom
What is he doing here.
It's not what you think mom"I said shaking my head.
"You should have told me he'ld be here with you last night. I wasn't ready for extras". She said to my surprise.
"Your not mad he spent the night with me",I asked.
"It's not my business to interfere with you guys, he is your boyfriend , and I know him, not some stranger. ",she said.
"Now, gee next time he's coming inform me. Hurry and eat breakfast or you'll be late ",she said pushing me away.
"Oh and one last thing",she said
"Please, you and Luke should take it easy. Try not to bring any babies to the house",she said laughing.
"Momm!",I said looking at her with embarrassment.
It has been a while my mom laughed like this, seems im not the only one he has brought a little joy to. Thank you Luke.
The next moment, we were zooming of to school. As he rode, a question stoke me.
"Luke, how come you are a rich kid, but don't have a fancy car like other guys. ",I asked him and he laughed.
"If you want to ride in a fancy car, I can buy one",he said.
"I'm not saying I want to, but why you don't",I said.
"Well, that because I'm a biker. I love riding bikes as my hobby. And during my free time I go racing."he said and I froze.
You never told me you race. And are you good at it",I said surprised. He looked like the type, but.
"I like to keep that part a secret. A lot of people don't know even my parents, except my sis . And of course I'm good. Your boyfriend is a God at racing". He said proudly.
Truth be told, love always wanted to date a biker. I just love how they dress with their helmet and protective gears and how they zoom of with their bikes, so cool. I never knew I was already dating one, no wonder he speeds a lot.
"It's been a while since I've gone there,since I met you, I usually use that time for you, so maybe after school, I'll take you to meet the gang and my whole world of racing."he said making me scream.
It's good to know I hold an important place in him , but I feel kinda bad .
"Really","I can come with you", I asked excitedly.
"Come down, where from all this excitement",he said with surprise.
"I really want to see you race and meet your squad", I said squeezing him.
"Careful, you want me to lose control of the bike",he said turning to glare at me.
"You are a racer, you can handle it",I said to him.
"Enough of the racing, that's an after school issue",he said as we approached school.
Throughout class, I couldn't concentrate until school was over.
"I shouldn't have told you about it in the morning",Luke said as I pulled him for us to get going.
"Let's go, Luke",I said.
As we arrived, I was amazed. It was more fancier than I thought.
I was even more amazed when I saw the racing and skills displaued others.
Show offs, I think my boyfriend would be way better. I thought as we got off.
Everybody seemed to know , Luke with the way they greeted him with respect. Then we came cross some six others.
"Luke, my guy",said one as they all hugged.
It's been a while.....
There were five guys and a lady.
So cool.
And who is this",they finally notice me.
"Everyone, meet Sauna my girlfriend".
"Girl what?",they all asked in unison.
"You're kidding right, the Luke we know never entertains girls, but I understand why this one caught your eye",one said looking at me with a smile.
"Anyways, I'm going out , I'll need my gear and bike", he said as he walked.
"The bike that was brought out was different , more modern than the one he rides around
"Shit, Luke. I love your bike",I said staring at it.
"I'm up, watch what a gifted boyfriend you have. Wish me luck",he said giving me a passionate and long kiss on the lips.
I turned to find his friends staring in disbelief.
"You have to tell us everything sometime,"they said.
I don't know the big deal about this
"Yeah, sometime, but now let's watch some racing." I said.
"Oh, you don't know what an amazing racer Luke is. None of us has ever won him in a race and now that his girlfriend is here, they don't stand a chance",said one.
I spotted Luke at the start line, he waved.
"He looks so good in what he's wearing and cool with the bike.
The whistle blew and...
"Man he was fast, I thought he rode fast with me but, now he was not holding back. With the way he was riding, some just gave him a path. He was like an unstoppable force. Some stayed on his trail, but gave up. I was shocked at how easily he won.
When he came up. I hit him in the chest.
"Luke, are you looking for death",I asked him straight forward.
"Why?",he asked smiling.
"Because you ride like a psychopath",I said with my eyes down still shocked.
Please what
"Take me for a ride with that bike now",I said raising my glittering eyes with admiration.
"Seriously",he asked
"Do I look like I'm joking",I said.
"Fine, let's go",he said giving me a hand.
And he sped off.
"Whooooooo",I screamed with excitement throwing my hands at the speed we were going.
"Settle down, or I'll drop you",he said.
"I trust you with my life",I said to him as I continued screaming.
"Whoopi, this is the most exciting day of my life",I screamed as we sped through the road.
But who knew this days were soon coming to an end.