In the quiet town of Quill Point, Indiana, eighteen-year-old Lydia Bell's life of isolation takes a supernatural turn when she discovers she can raise the dead. As she develops her first real connection through an online romance with Timothy, her mother vanishes without a trace, leaving behind only cryptic warnings about ancient Titans and a dark family legacy. When tragedy strikes Timothy and their friends, Lydia's newfound power to resurrect the dead becomes both a gift and a burden. But an even greater shock awaits: her father is the charismatic leader of a cult determined to restore the Titans' rule over Earth, and he will stop at nothing to harness Lydia's abilities for his sinister plans. Now, with her resurrected companions and Timothy's love as her only allies, Lydia must unravel her family's twisted past while evading her father's relentless pursuit—before an ancient evil buried beneath Indiana's soil awakens once more.