19. The wish pool

As they walked through the hallway, Asgard pointed out various rooms and features tp the fascinated young lady next to him. She listened intently, and admired the knowledge that Asgard possesses.

"Why am I not bound to someone like him?" She wondered while comparing his outward appearance to that of Kael.

First, they visited the grand ballroom, and Asgard explained that it was used for celebration and state functioning, this made Anna curious because she didn't know what else lay behind this wall.

"Was there a village or a state?" She just couldn't tell, but surely there were bound to be more people in this real than Kael and his mother.

Next, they visited the Palace library, the shelves stretched to the ceiling and it was packed with books, scrolls and ancient tomes bound in leather. Asgard explained that it was the largest in the land, containing rare ancient texts on magic, history and arcane.