Your king do not sound like any king I have meet before. Because he is not he is from the same world as you hero. Ryder looked at Diamond what you mean from my world. My king is from the same world you where summon from by what he tells me there was a super storm that kill 100 million people and everyone came here as lords. Do you know when he will be back no I do not very well we will be leaving after we eat lunch. After lunch the hero got ready to leave when your king come back let him know I would like to meet him I will tell him Diamond answered good until then. Meanwhile in Howe Colt and Crystal was just getting back Colt asked Calantha is there anything yous need food, building supplies, and medicines. No the only thing we need help with bandits and mosters. I can fix that come forth 100 skeleton warriors and one liche appear these are my troops they will protect the village. Colt told Crystal, Elio and Beck I want yous to go back to the kingdom for now okay will do answered Crystal. Colt and party got ready to go Calantha ask Colt do you need anything before you leave no we will be good. Colt left Howe it will be 4 hours until we make it to the next village. About a hour away from the village the ravens seen a caravan under attack. My king there a caravan under attack about 10 minutes to the road all ravens in the area attack the bandits attacking the caravan. Yes our king just as the bandits though they have the merchant and their goods the ravens began attacking them moment later the skeleton cavalry was attacking the bandits. The bandits was caught off guard and where defeated quickly. Out of 100 bandits only 10 lived once the carriages caught up Colt got out of the lead carriage he walk up to the capture bandits tell me we're your camp is. The bandits closest to Colt yell go to hell you first Colt kill him. I am going to ask again where is your camp at. No one go to talk every well Colt used curse magic on them they all started coughing blood up. Now I am going to ask you again where is your camp at. Still no one will talk fairly well Colt cast curse magic again and again finally a female bandit told Colt where the camp was at fairly well Colt kill the rest of the bandits. Colt turn to the caravan were are you going we are going to a port city of Rehull we are also on our way there we could escort you there. But I do not have alot of gold it be okay we are going the same way. Colt order the caravan to continue to the village without him. Colt used Judgment of the dead and summon 99 damned solders he disassemble the corpses and 4950 gold and 100 black dagers. Colt ran to the west after running for 30 minutes he found the bandits hide out it a lords castle there was about 600 bandits. Colt sneak in he noticed no lord troop but there was Bicorns there I wonder if that the lords troops Colt sneak inside the castle he when it the dungeon and found it full of captured villager and merchant after freeing them he have 30 danmed soldiers and 10 liches stay when I give the order I want yous to get the captives out of there yes my king they responded. Colt sneak up to the lords chamber to find a bearly alive woman when Colt walk up to her she ask him are you from my world yes. Please kill me my love is dead they kill him as I watch please end this for me very well I will end your suffering and I will avenge you and your love not even one of this bandits will live. Colt walk up with his sword and drove it in her heart thank you. Colt used the ring to storage her body. Get the captives out now get them away from here. Once the captives was outside the castle the bandits when to stop them but Colt appear and use earth magic to make the bandits go fly once the captives were clear Colt see the bandits send a signal into the sky this is only a outer base there are 50,000 bandits here in total Colt laughed good have them all came to me it makes this easy. Elven and the caravan made it to the village with no issues in the village Elven found out there was a bandits stronghold in the woods just then there was a fire ball in the sky what that. A villager told Elven that a signal that one of the bandits outer bases are under attack. What happened lady Elven a liche appear by order of the king you are to hold in the village and all people in this village are to stay in the village. Why because the bandits will be judge by the angel of death. Elven you mean yes my king is enraged he will judge the bandits for their sins. The village elder ask did you say the angel of death yes. She started crying we are saved. The villagers ask her who or what is the angel of death. He is the great judge that judge everyone even the gods. He will judge the wicked for their sins and protect the innocent. About hour later the captives where at the village some of the captives when running to there family. Colt destroyed all the outer bases and 5,000 bandits kill about 300 captives saved. So far Colt only found one lord with the bandits but when he found the bandits stronghold he realized it was a lord castle and the lord was waiting for him so you are the bastard that killed my man you all will die here but I have one question why become a bandit. It simple I take what I want I fuck what I want I kill what I want and no one can stop me I will. Just then Colt got hit with holy magic. Colt look over and see a gryphon so your troops are gryphon and they can use holy magic to back it will not stop me . The gryphon try attack Colt all at once but Colt use black barrier and blocked the holy magic then use black lighting, black flames shooting fireballs, black mist,black wind as wind blades and curse magic killing the gryphon Colt attack the lord next with his death scythe the lord try to block it with holy shield it stop it so Colt try again but this time he imbued the scythe with black flames and broke though the shield cutting the lord and burning him in the process. Colt continue his attack pushing the lord back then the bandits attack Colt.colt summon his dragon king kill the bandits do not let any escape.Colt chase the lord into his castle and corner him you will now died Colt use his death scythe and cut off his head. After killing the lord Colt seach the castle and found about 150 women in the dungeon and then Colt when up to the lords chamber he found a girl chain to the bed but only her top half look like a woman there bottom half look like an octopus. Her hands are chain above her head her tentacles as chain down so she could not move and there was a gag in her mouth. Colt notice a tank full of water next to the wall. Colt walk up to her she pull on her restraints but couldn't move. I am going to remove your gag so you could answer my questions if you try anything I will kill you if you do not answer my questions i wiil kill you if I do not like your answer. Do you understand me she knoted her head. As soon as Colt remove the gag she said why did you just kill me you fucking human Colt slap her across the face hard she almost black out I will not torarate any outburst do you understand me yes she answered what are you I am a Cecaelia I see the tank over there so how long can you be out of water I'm not sure so far I have be left chain up for 5 days straight with out dying. How about walking around on dry land I can but I am slow. How long do you need in the tank about 30 minutes and I will be good for 5 days good. So I am going to assume that your reproductive system is the same as a human yes she answered. I am going to make you into my slave. After the contract is complete I am going to unchained you. Colt use contract magic and watch as his slave crest burn into her chest and soul. After the contract was completed Colt unchained her and put her in her tank after 30 minutes she climbed out of the tank master I am done good here put this on it was a top to cover her breast thank you master is that enough covering for you yes master it is perfect. Once they are outside the castle crumble into the ground. What your name it is Morgana master. An undead brought a bicorn over Morgana you are going to ride this bicorn. Yes master Colt help her up he them use his ring and spatial magic to storage all the bandits Colt now have 55,000 bandits corpse in his storage I will have to break them up as I go Colt use Judgment of the dead and it use 3,200 corpses instead of 1,600 how did that happened Colt read everything he could on Judgment of the dead the only thing he can see is because he got double summon it is a sideffect of the requirement of Judgment of the dead. It requires a soul to summon a damned soldiers. This will help with the summoning alot. Colt ordered the all the undead except for 2 liches to stay around the village for protecting. And the dragon undead when back into storage. Colt have the undead hook up the bicorns to the wagons they found at the stronghold and loaded up all the captives there was not alot of resources at the bandits hide out but there was some treasures there and some gold. Colt will give it to the villagers. Once Colt returned to the village of Norwich he got with the village chief and told him the same thing he told the village of Howe. You are aware you offered is too good to be true I know but the town will be double and city will be 2.5 times more still that not bad. Most other kingdom changes the high one for the villages and 10x that for city live it hard but you are so low that simple because I want people to come to our kingdom I think I understand. I will talk to the village tomorrow morning good I will be leaving at 11 am I want an answer by them. I understand Colt when and killed a wild boar and process the meat and cooking some of the meat up he heard someone walking up behind him Elven and Morgana what do yous want we smell the food have nether of yous eat no they answered then sit down and I will make some for yous. Master what are you going to do with me. What do you mean Morgana. I am a rare race you can sell me for alot of gold coins.Colt walk up to her and trace his crest on her chest you wear my crest I can not sell you this contract is unbreakable even death can not break it. Then are you going to use me as you sex slave Colt laughed no Morgana I have enough woman fighting to be in my bed every night I do not need another one. Then what are you going to do with me. You will help me build up my water base troops. You are going to kill mosters that live in the ocean and I will use them to make undead. I understand good let eat. After everyone was done eating everyone when to sleep.