Day 36 welcome to the city by the ocean Rehull

Colt wake up at 07.00 let quick look at my stats I think I may have level up again.

Lord name colt

Bloodline angel of death 8/20

Race death angle

Lord level 16






Equipment-Death scythe level 16 will level up with Lord.When not in use it will be a ring form.

Death cloak level 16 1/10 death set will level up with Lord.

Death sword level 16 2/10 death set will level up with Lord.

Death boots level 16 3/10 death set will level up with Lord.

Active skills

Black barrier level 9

Black mist level 7

Wind magic level 3

Black wind magic level 3

Black lighting magic level 9

Passive skills

Death guard ( unique skill) level 9

Angel eye level 7

MP rapid recovery level max

Spatial storage level 6

Kings guard level 1

Kings guard transfer damage from you to your troops at a rato of 1 to 1.This skill can be ether on or off. Once this skill levels up the damage transfer to your troops will be reduced as it transfer and the skill will automatic active when you hp drops below 20% or instant death attacks.

So less mp cost ,stronger attack power, and reduce cool down.Death guard ,and angel eye both improve by 5%. The most important thing that just happened is the king guard that skill is the most important one I have I must max it out as fast as possible that last fight show we I have a big weakness light magic if it was not for death guard and black barrier I be dead now. Elven wrap her hand around Colt pulling him out of his thoughts my king come back to bed no Elven we need to get ready to go. Colt and Elven got dressed and found Morgana, Edward, Ellie,and Blossom was already waiting for him. Have anyone eaten yet no they answered will let see if the inns dining hall is open. They walk in and there was afew people there Colt and party took a table near the back. They ordered there food. Right after the food came out the merchant that Colt save came over sorry to bother you in the middle of your meal. It okay what do you need when are you planning to be leaving here. At 11:00 good good that will work we will be making it to Rehull at about 19:00. We that far away if the road was good no we be there by 16:00 but the road from here is bad that good to know. After finishing eating Colt check his notification he got from killing the lords congratulations you have acquired the bicorns bonus barrack and a special blueprint. Do you want to use special blueprint yes congratulation you have acquired undead navy base ( unique building ) the requirements are you must build it on the coastline of the ocean and it will use a dead fortress crystal and a slot in the dead fortress. Required 4m stone 50,000 iron,1m wood,100,000 low grade magic crystals and 1,000 medium grade magic crystals. Danm what does it do. Allows you to build undead warships. Undead warships can't be destroyed as long as soul fire burns they can be temporary sunken or disabled. They must be man by undead privateers. So how do I get privateers I guess I will have to figure it out then I get there. At 10:00 the village chef got with Colt we will join your kingdom good sign this paperwork and the village chef sign it and there was a notification congratulation you have acquired a village you have unlock the settlement management function in the system you can only have a specify amount of settlement determine by your city level and by the stats of the settlement villages are 1 point,towns are 2 points and city are 3 points. Every level you upgrade you city you get more points for more settlements. Settlements will naturally grow by them themselves as long as you manage them properly you can always help physically with resources and manpower. Once a village is ready to upgrade to a town you will need resources and free point to cover for the correct status. When upgrade your settlement you will build walls and extend the border of the settlement large enough for the growth to the next step. Colt sent the sign papers to the capital and Colt sent a raven to the village of Howe to sign theirs. So two down one to going Colt summon 1,600 damned solders to guard the village of Norwich. And Colt left 2 liches there so if they need anything they can rely it to Colt. Once 11:00 came they set off to Rehull. Morgana when in the carriage with Colt and Elven. So Morgana I want to know about the ocean people and there different races and kingdoms. Colt found out that there where thousands of races in the ocean and seas most of them do not care about the land walkers as everyone that live on land is call but there are some that kill land walker for food and others that just kill them because they on in their territory and are under the ocean people. There really only one king of the ocean and his is know as the ocean god Poseidon. But there are small factions of merpeople that do not recognize him as anything. After 3 hours the caravan stopped to water the horses Colt quickly when aways from the caravan and summon more undead from the bandits and disassemble the corpses 3,200 down about 50,000 to go. Colt walk back over to the caravan and they started going again 3 hours later they stopped again to water the horses and Colt sneak away to summon 3,200 more damned solders and disassemble the corpses. After watering the horses the merchant said that the next time they stop they will be in the City of Rehull after 3 more hours they finally see the walls of Rehull. Colt notice it looks rundown as they approached the wall Colt can see how bad it really was once they got to the gate there was no one there that not good Colt quickly summon took out 3200 corpses and summon damned soldiers and ordered them though the gate first there was no one on other side guarding it the damned soldiers opened the main gate and the caravan made it way into the city Colt ordered the cavalry to go around the wall. Colt ordered the danmed soldiers to closed the gate let any one in or out but be on watch. The caravan make it way to the trader the merchant was coming to see. After knocking on the door the trader answer the door Smith you are a site of sore eyes. Joseph why was there no guards at the gate come in I will explain everything to you. Once everyone was in so there alot going on first we where having trouble with bandits on the trade roads that should lessing for awhile why because king Colt took out a bandit lord outside the village of Norwich and now the village of Howe and Norwich have joined a kingdom and is being protected and the bandits are currently being hunted down. That good we are also having coin shortage that making hard to trade and do business, there a angel not too far away from here that is demanding a tribute to be pay every week or he will purify the city. And we do not think means it the way he says it there was a fishing village and too far away that refused and he kill everyone. Where is the lord of the city he is at his manor trying to get the tribute but with the bandits and the last few weeks of payment we do not have any coins. How about the sea trade routes the Flying Dutchman is attacking any ship he sees and the merpeople are attacking the ships on the other routes. The kingdoms and realms have ships being built pull out. Everyone stay here Ellie, Blossom yous are with me. Where are you going to the lord of the city I will give he a way to save his city. How by giving coins, killing this angel lord and defeating the Flying Dutchman. Colt, Ellie, and Blossom walk to the lords manor and knock on the door an old man answer the door I am sorry but the lord is not seeing anyone before he close the door Colt grab it and said it not polite to close a door on a king when he came here to save your city Colt walk in sir I have to ask you to leave not happening just then 100 bandits came out you heard the geezer you have to leave or I can just kill you cockroaches and be on my way they attacked Colt and before they knew what happened they were all dead . Colt use black lighting killing them then Colt summon damned soldiers and disassemble the bodies all in a moment. Now will you show me to the lord yes this way are there anymore bandits here no just the leader in with the lord. When Colt walk in he was surprised the bandit leader was a female demon. How did you get in here the demon ask I use the door it is the easiest way into a room. My man should have stopped you they are dead. Do you know who we are yes the black dager gang just then Colt used S spatial storage and dump out half of the black dager on the floor. I am call the black collector have you heard of me. A s rank adventurer that goes out of your way to kill bandits. That one name I am King Colt of the kingdom of freedom and I am here to absorb this city into my kingdom so demon you can either submit to me or die. Fuck you she blast Colt with a hell fire ball but Colt blocked it with his hand and counter with black lighting knocking her out. He walk over to her she is out cold very well I will used contract magic and she will be my slave. Colt casted the most powerful contract magic on her burning his crest on her chest but she try to fight it making it more painful and giving the contract more control over her because Colt have to use double the MP to cast it. Colt walk over to the city lords desk and sat down now let talk business I want this city you will sign this city over to me first read my requirements and my laws. The city lord readed everything this is great. I wish you would been here a year ago why this is the best 2 for the city we have taxes number a good thing but we will have the protection of being in a kingdom. But we have nothing now you have your people and that all I need there 6 million copper coins, 250,000 silver coins and 5,000 gold coins here give this to the people tell the merchant do not over charge and the slave traders do not tell them that slavery is illegal. I will get with them myself and no I will not kill them I will buy everything for the asking price amd then give them a choose to stay in my kingdom but do something else or they can be escort out my kingdom to what ever kingdom they want. The trade route that goes though the villages of Howe and Norwich are clear of bandits. Both villages are in my kingdom now. That will help 2 things taken care of 3 left. 3 left ask the city lord. Yea first I am going to kill this bastard calling himself an angel, second thing I'd defeat the Flying Dutchman. But that will have to happen tomorrow Ellie how many troops do you have in storage 150,000 and 100,000 I'm the kingdom the 150,000 in storage let them out and have them watch out for the angels and they will be the main attack force tomorrow. Okay Colt we will rest for now but tomorrow we will destroy them. Will it be okay if we stay here tonight yes my king it will be my honor. Once everyone was there the demon wake up she feels weird she put her hand on her chest is a slave crest but how it simple you are my slave it was ether kill you or make you my slave. She look at Colt how is this probable maybe because I am not 100% human anymore. What you name it is Moira master. Elven was there watching first thing Ellie, Blossom, and Edward are vassal that serves me if they tell you something I expect you to listen to them. Yes master and this is Elven she is one of my concubines I expect you obey her yes master that it for now yes master. Everyone let's eat and then go to bed Moira you will be staying in the same room as Ellie and Blossom. Yes master.