Colt wake up at 07.00 and got up Colt sent all the ravens out to scout every. Colt was told by the city lords butler that he left early and was given everyone some coins he when all night and split up every equally between everyone and he when and pay everyone there back pay to help with getting everything up and running. Colt when to the City and walk around Colt found the blacksmith and ask him do you have any iron for sale yes 200,000 units 1 copper per unit so for all the units 200,000 copper yea here Colt gave him 200,000 copper show me where the iron is here the blacksmith show Colt took all for it thank you for your business. Then Colt when to the docks and see there was afew ships there a dock working came over to Colt is there something you looking for yea I heard there was a ship yard here yes this way boss I have someone looking for you. My name is Jamal I am in charge of the shipyard what can I help you with I want to buy some boats. What types are you looking for i am looking for small fishing boat,small to medium transport/ merchant boats and small to medium warships. For the fishing boat they are going to be small lugger and that will cost 5 gold apiece and will take 5 days apiece. I do have 5 build already over there but they do not have nets the nets will be 3 gold per boat. Them for the merchant ships they will be sloop or a small Brig the sloop will be 15 gold a piece and the small Brig is 30 gold the sloop is good for day trip and close to the shore. The small Brig is the smallest I would take to the ocean trips. And for war ships it will be war cutter, war sloop and the small war Brig. The war cutter is 15 gold with 4 light cannon,the war sloop is 30 gold with 4 light cannons and 2 medium. Both are for harbor guarding and close to shore patrol not able to do ocean trip they are not able to take big waves and they do not carry alot of supplies. The small war Brig can travel the ocean it carries 14 days worth of food and water it have two masts and carry 8 light cannons on the top deck and 8 medium cannons on the lower deck it costs 200 gold coins. I have 5 small lugger, 4 sloop, 2 small Brig ,4 war cutter, 2 war sloop and 1 small war Brig built out there he show Colt them. What is those the one is a small frigate and the other is a galleon. Galleon are the biggest transport/ merchant that we built and the frigate is one of the biggest warships how much the galleon is 5,000 gold and the frigate is 15,000 gold it carry 4 light cannons 14 medium cannons 24 heavy cannons. I will buy the everything we talk about so 5 small lugger, 4 sloop, 2 small Brig ,4 war cutter, 2 war sloop and 1 small war Brig the total should be 480 gold there 500 gold. The city lord will be getting with you about the boats. As Colt walk through the market he got some food that smells good as he sat there eating a raven landed in front of him my king we found him the angel lord go tell Ellie and Blossom to meet me at the city gate. Colt finish eating and when to the gate found out he was the last one there are yous really yes they both answered. Good there the plan yous will do the most fighting I will hang back yous will kill is asshole understand yes good. They make there way to the castle only to get ambush by the angel lord and his allies a snake lord a lord that have gaint bat mosters ,a lord with gaint gorilla's and a lord with hellhounds I got the lord with the hellhounds yous got the others.3 against 50,000 yous are going to die recount Blossom whistle and 2,000 fallen angels appear and Ellie put her hand out and said come forth and all 150,000 elements spirits appear kill them all the other lords where shocked by the amount of Ellie Troops and it was not just quantity they were powerful as the angel lords allies got slaughtered one of then what after Colt think he was weak only to get kill by Colt and kill all of the hellhound lord's troops then turn to him and kill him congratulations you have kill a lord you acquire 30,000 food and hellhounds bonus barrack. Then Colt got a notification congratulation a vassal lord kill a lord you will receive a small amount of experience that came up two more times. Blossom was fight with the angel lord instead of fighting me why don't we join forces and kill those two weaklings only if you truly knew who the strongest was you may have make it out alive but not it too late die Blossom drove her sword though his heart killing the angel lord and she look excited did you get a Bloodline yes good absorb it and it should be good. Blossom asbosb it them she black out Colt told Ellie to return to the city and tell them the good news okay I will. After 2 hour Blossom wake up with her head in Colts lap. What happened you absorb the angel Bloodline finishing your Bloodline. And you blackout Blossom when to get up but couldn't why can I get up calm down you have wings one white one black can you hide them I will try she stop panicking and breath in slowly and picture her wing not there and they started to return into her body until they are gone. Now try to get up Blossom got up so what did finishing you Bloodline do I can use fallen angel and angel magic and I will get 20 fallen angel,20 angel and 5 supreme angels the supreme angel will have one white and one black wing and will be able to use both magics like me and I when up w levels. That good let me storage all these corpses them we can going Colt summon 1,600 more damned soldiers and disassemble the corpses. Then they when back to the city once Colt got back he meet with the city lord with Blossom here Blossom gave all the coins she got from killing the angel lord to him is this the coins we gave the angel for his tribute yes he is dead and we got this from this castle. King Colt I will sign the paperwork now he sign the paperwork and Colt got the notification you have acquired the city of Rehull your points are now max out you need to upgrade your capital city level to get more points. King Colt I Wyatt the city lord steps down as the city lord of Rehull I hope your new lord will love it city he will. I king Colt of the kingdom of freedom assign the former lord of Rehull sir Wyatt as the acting lord of Rehull. I will not let you step down because you think you failed your people you did the best you could for your people if the time come you do fail your people because of your incompetence I will make you step down. Do you understand yes my king I will not disappoint you. Good to know is there an inn in this city. Yes 2 blocks to the west are you sure you do not want to stay here yes I'm sure. Okay if anything changes let me know. How do you want me to run this city I heard you where in financial crisis. Yes we where because the bandits activity a was hurting us with us getting the supplies we need for ship building so we had to buy it and have boats bring it here then the pirates became a problem then the Flying Dutchman began sinking all ships there was navy ships that try to defeat the Flying Dutchman but fail then the governments we where building ships for pull out on us there was a ship of the line we where building it would have been a 250,000 gold ship once they pull out we used the supplies from that ship to finish everything we where building then we need to start paying the angel and we could not continue we stop everything. So the walls are in bad shape because the angel lord attacked them to show his power and you could not repair that plus pay him yea. I heard there a dungeon in the ocean yea there a cave that you can enter at low tide but then you are trapped in the dungeon until the next low tide comes have anyone ever clear it no but many have died trying I will remember that. Colt when to the inn with his party and rented rooms and got dinner after dinner Colt heard they have a bath so Colt paid to use the bath for everyone in his party as Colt was relaxing in the bath heard a noise look to see it was Elven he did not think of anything until he feel her on his lap what do you want I want you inside me you are almost there she slide her pussy around Colts dick and rode it to her organs multiple times she only stop then Colt finish in her she slide off and lay back in the bath next to Colt afew minutes later she got out then Colt decided to get out and when to bed for the night