Colt wake up at 08:00 I slept in alittle must have been tried. Colt when to the inns dining room and found everyone was there and some adventures that just got into the city. The adventurers where talking to the inn keepers daughter so we heard that the city join a kingdom yea the kingdom of freedom. One of adventurers ask are you kidding me no why. Why are you scared Alina do you not remember the notice at the guild. No why you fucking idiots the kingdom of freedom troops was recently attacked by adventurers because someone posted a job destroying undead in the kingdom of freedom. I am not following the main troops of the kingdom of freedom is undead troops. So that why there was so many undead outside the city yea and on the walls yes that why I told you not to attack them. So how did the kingdom of freedom make yous submit to then they did not they asked us to join them and since they cleared the bandits in the area,give us coins to restart our economy and killed the angel demanding us to pay him every week it was an easy call and instead of removing the city lord the king reappointed him the city lord and told him if he truly want to set down he will accept it but if he was doing it because he think he failed the city he will not accept it. So the lord stayed good he a good man he cares for his people and for his city. I heard there afew new laws that going to change afew things around here. Colt told everyone he will be going to the dungeon and he will be taking Morgana with him. After eating Colt when up to the room Morgana is staying in Colt knock on the door and Morgana open it for him master what can I do for you can you can you fight yes master we Cecaelia can fight well I water and we can use water and wind magic why because we are going to a dungeon there that have alot of water and water mosters in it. Okay when are we going master as soon as your are ready Then I'm ready okay then I will carry you to the cave Colt pick her up princess style thank you master Morgana face turned red are you okay yyyyesss mmmmaster. Okay then Colt decided not to ask why she look embarrassed.Once they got to the dungeon Colt put Morgana down you ready yea let good.Once they got in the dungeon Colt was surprised there was a water every the dungeon was completely underwater but there was a path under the water that you could walk in that was dry land but only about 7feet tall and feet wide and the dungeon mosters can still attack you. How the water it feels so great to be in the water again Morgana was so happy start killing the weak mosters and I will summon undead from them ok the first floor have shark mosters they just look like big sharks Morgana kill them with no issues there was 100 on this floor. Colt summon 100 skeleton sharks that should help they continue though the dungeon the first 5 floor only have shark mosters and other small mosters. When the hit the 6th floor there was whale mosters just look like whale but just meaner they kill about 70 though floors 6th - 9th but on the 10th there was a huge whale moster must be the boss after beating it there was a treasure chest in it was a spell book. And a note the rest of the dungeon will not have any dry land to continue you must be able to use domains. Domains are power skills that can manipulate your surroundings area the range and strength is determined by your level, skill,strength, will,and Magic power. Everyone is unique so you will have a domain specific to you. The domain you will learn from this book is the water domain once you learn it you can created it and you will be able to fight in the water as if you are on dry land but if you run into someone who have a domain once the domains over lap they will begin to try to overtake the other one if this happens the stronger domain will win and the other people will be affected by the domain the affects will depend on the domain. You can learn different domain and if you have enough magic power you can use multiple domains at once the most common are domain based of element magic and once you master all the magic of a certain element you will be able to use that domain. It only took Colt one hour to read the book thanks to skill magic scholar. Colt got multiple notifications congratulations you have level up you are now level 18.
Lord level 18
You have learned active skills
Water magic level max
Mist magic level max
Water barrier level max
Black water level 2
So water magic let me make water using magic since I have manipulation magic I can make the water into anything water bullets,spears I can make a gaint hand and bitch slap the next asshole I meet. Water barrier makes a barrier using water. Mist magic let me make mist. And black water let me make black water that causes soul damage.
You have learned passive skill
Water god max level.
Water god allows you to move in water without your movement being affected by the water resistant, you will not be affected by water pressure, and you will be able to breath under water. Some magic will be not be effective underwater.
Congratulations you have learned the unique skill domain magic max level. You have acquired water domain and unique domain death domain.
And it looks like skeleton and zombie manipulation, healing magic,black barrier, and MP rapid recovery max out their levels and Spatial storage and Magic scholar are now level 6. Spatial storage can store 350,000 item that is great. I am almost out of room and my mp recoveries 1 every 15 seconds now but the domain takes alot.Water domain takes 1Mp per 10 seconds and death domain takes 1Mp per second. Colt and Morgana continue to the 11th floor as they continue the mosters turn into merforks Morgana are you sure you good killing your own kind yes master the ones in this dungeon are mosters not people okay they fought their way to the bosses chamber when we enter I want you to stay by the door yes master once they are in the chamber the door closed and the dragon king appears. It a sea orc Morgana yell hello there human you are a big one so have you fought my kind dragons yes a sea orc never. I do not want to fight I been trap here so instead of fighting show me your domain and not the one you learn from that book unless it truly your only one. Morgana yes master stay at the door so my domain do not effective you yes master Colt walk up to the dragon. Try not to die Colt active his domain the death domain as soon as the domain hit the dragon he laughed if I was not undead I would be need trouble. I will submit to you my king and with that congratulations you have defeated the king of the sea orc.Special task have been updated collected 3/9 dragon kings. Colt when to the treasure chest at the end of the room and open it congratulations he have acquired the Death ring for every level the ring can store 100 items and Mp is boost by 3% currently ring level is 18 ring can store 1,800 items and Mp is boost by 54%. Then a magic circle appear Colt ask the sea orc do you have a name yes I was call Scylla. That a good name that is what I will call you thank you my king. Let's look at your stats
Level 1/75 can level up by killing enemies
Strength -50
Health- immortal as long as soul fire burns
Loyalty -never betrayed
Active skills-
Water magic level 1
Dragon breath level 1
Dragon breath do soul damage Mp cost 10 no cool downs
Passive skills- regeneration level max
Troop buff up level max
Troop up max
Regeneration repairs damage
Troop buff up increases all stats by 50
Troop up unlock troop levels of the general type. They are not bad I will.but you in storage for now yes my king and Scylla when into storage. Colt and Morgana walk though the magic circle and they where outside the cave. It was already late I am going to quick summon everything we got and see how many dragons we will get there was only 1,500 corpses from the dungeon left so Colt summon 3,000 undead only 30 where dragons and 5 was sea orc and the rest was almost even between the other Colt order the sea orc to kill mosters and level up Colt ordered the other sea undead to scout the area. All the other undead is to leave the city and make sure the roads stay bandits and mosters free. Master can I stay in the ocean yes if you want I will have some of the undead stay close to you in the water and on the shore thank you master.Colt return to the inn did anything happen when I was gone no good I am exhausted Colt ate and when to bed.