Colt wake up like normal at 7:00 he found a naked Elven in his bed so he decided to wake her up with his dick in her ass at first she beg for him it stop but as he continued she being to get close so she started to tell him to go faster after they both cum. They got ready for the day. After eating breakfast Colt when down to the shipyard and the docks and seen the city lord talking to the man in charge of the shipyard and dock. When Colt walk up they were finishing their conversation. My king what are you doing walking around with any guards I do not need them and if anything would happen Colt said arise and 50 undead appeared I always have my vanguard with me. Still you should have afew walking with you.What are you doing down here ask Jamal I am here to talk to you how can I be of service my king. First do not do that talk to me like you did the other day. Very well what can I do for you the ships that the contracts were dropped. The elfs realm,demon realm,dwarfs realm,angel realm,and afew from the human realm. I will sent messager to the demons and the elfs. The next question is the anyone that can use the vessels I bought. Do you mean here yes fisher man and sailors. Yes the more then enough fisher man and for the merchant ships 4 sloop, 2 small Brig no there only enough man for 2 sloops and 1 small Brig. And for the 4 war cutter, 2 war sloop and 1 small war Brig you be lucky if there be enough for 1 war sloop and 2 war cutter and that only once the Flying Dutchman is defeated.My king you are not planning to conscript sailors to fight the Flying Dutchman are you? No but after I deal with him I will need a regular navy. Jamal on the other side of the shipyard I see an old building is it used for any with a old dock no the building was from the old realm and we use the docks for years but after we built the new ones we stop using them so if I wad to destroy them it would not matter. No you be doing us a favor.When colt when over to there he receive a notification congratulation you found the navel shipyard and navel docks Requirements for unlocking navel shipyard and navel docks is blueprint for both building. Colt check the system I have the undead navy base blueprint let see. Colt pull up his item storage and check on the undead navy base blueprint do you want to use it yes congratulation your navel shipyard and navel docks have become undead navel base.So for level one requirements are 3m stone 50,000 iron,1m wood,100,000 low grade magic crystals and 1,000 medium grade magic crystals and one death fortress crystal.Do you want to built undead navel base yes. Congratulations you have built level undead navel base. You have not met requirements for level 2 city must be level 10 to unlock level 2 undead navel base. Colt walk into the navel base and found a working teleport gate. Colt walk into it and he was in the undead fortress in his castle stit so it just a super undead fortress good to know Colt when back to the undead navel base. So now let's look at all it functions. So this will automatically attack enemies that get too close it function correctly it need at least 1,000 undead I can arrange that Colt summon 4,572 danmed soldiers and disassemble them right away. I can built 6 ship they look like regular ship except they are all black with blue sails and the flag of freedom on them the close is alot. Looking at the stats every look the same wait unsinkable what. If enough damage is done the ship will stop working for a specific amount of time once the time is up the ship will become operational again.The only ship I can build is cutters. Okay I will build 6 cutters the cost is 300k wood,60k iron,30k low grade magic crystals and 60k gold screw it. It will be well worth it once I beat the Flying Dutchman.As soon as the resources come out there was 6 cutters sit in the docks attached to the undead navel base.So there no building times good each one need 12 undead to man colt sent 72 damned soldiers to the ships I want yous to get use to how to operate this ship stay in the harbor yes your king and the damned soldiers when to the ships and left the docks. Colt decided to wait until tomorrow to attack the Flying Dutchman it will give my undead time to learn the ships and for the sea orc to level up. Colt when to the slave trader once Colt walk in Colt told the slaver he will buy everything. There was 20 elfs, 40 goblins,15 dwarves,29 demi-humans cow people,4 tiger beastkin, 20 lycans,6 werewolves,and one every special one a female vampire daywalker royalty.How much 543 gold coins I will take them all. After giving the slave traders the gold coins Colt told them that they will ether find another trade or they will have to leave the kingdom. Okay how long do we have to decide what we want to do you have one week. Colt got with the slaves he just bought they all decided to stay in the kingdom. Once they got to the undead navel base Colt opened the portal grate and teleport them straight to Hope. But Colt did not send the vampire. So you are a royal. I have alot of questions.First were do the vampires live at. We live between the demi-- and demons realm. How may difference types of vampires there are five but now do not know now if they all still exist. Why I was imprisoned for about 200 hundred years I was in a dungeon with my men when we were trapped in the dungeon my men died but I lived trap but about 3 months ago I group of adventurers free me and knowing how much a vampire would go for they captured me and sold me to the slave traders here. Since you bought me I am yours do as you please with me. I'm not sure yet. Can I ask you something master what is it can I drink alittle of your blood. Yes you can she came over when to her knees and grab Colt hand a bite him back side of his wrist. As soon as she tasted the blood she knew who Colt is after drinking alitte she lick it to seal it master I know who your are and I will not ask again to drink your blood. So who am I the angel of death. Are you not afraid of me no the angel of death do not judge by your race. You judge people by their actions and their souls. What is your name it is Ambrosia master. Please allow me to become your concubine. If you really want to I will allow it. Thank you master but I must tell you the truth I am the princess of the daywalker. Are you sure Ambrosia that you still want to be my concubine yes my king every will I well allow it follow me yes my king they walk though the portal and they where at Colts castle he showed her to her room and then showed her the terminal in her room and how to use then told her she have one hour I will be in my room waiting for you you will become my concubine then yes my king. Ambrosia when and washed herself it feels so great to be clean finally I have 10 mins she went over to the terminal and pick a pair of black leather thigh high boot with 6 in heels a black leather corset that the breast pop out of. Ambrosia walk to Colts room and knock enter when she entered she see Colt on the bed waiting for her. Colt was surprised she have long white hair red eyes white skin,very big breast and ass and a little waist the other girls Colt know what he was getting she was covered in dirt and her clothes where so baggy he did not realize she was a goddess. She climbed on top of Colt and slide herself on Colts dick before he realized it is everything okay my king yes you are gorgeous I was are bad ether my king.Ambrosia are you sure about being my concubine. Yes it my decision and you when with it before you knew I was gorgeous. I want this fairly well princess I am all your do as you please after 3 hours she was finally done. Go get a quick shower and get dressed we have to go back to Rehull there still work there yes my king they both shower and get dressed and them back to Rehull Colt talk to Jamal amd the city lord and told them to get a listen of supplies that the is needed for all the shops and every the city makes and for any building that needs to be done but the road out side the city he was working on starting tomorrow and he need the list by tomorrow night we understand my king they both said. Colt when to the inn and eat where have you been busy I will like to introduce my new concubine Ambrosia.You been a busy men in more ways then yous know after dinner Colt when to bed.