Colt was wake up at 02:00 by Ambrosia my king I sense so of my kind close by are they daywalker yes I thing they are in the city. There something I need to tell you what is it Ambrosia I believe me and my men there intentionally trapped in the dungeon by my older bother. Ambrosia you are no longer able to take the throne you are a concubine of the king of freedom I already sent papers work to my allies. My king who are your allies elf realm ,multiple human kingdom, the holy empire, and the demon realm. That good to know fairly well I will leave everything to you. Colt found some gargoyles and destroyers found the vampire Colt told an undead angel to approach them with the gargoyles and destroyers as back up if they are hostile kill them yes my king. Because the vampires knows what happened they where surrounded by undead but before that attack the undead angel got there and ask them what is their business here. At first they did not answer fairly well if you do not answer we will take it as yous are hostile and kill you just then 3 zoombie dragons show up. We are here looking for our missing princess princess Ambrosia. As soon as the undead heard the name they got ready to kill them why are you looking for this princess. Osanna yea I seen it as soon as I said her name there demeanor change so they know where she is what are your names.Osanna,Munster,Dorian,Dimitri, and Orpheus. Colt ask Ambrosia do you name Osanna,Munster,Dorian,Dimitri, and Orpheus. Yes they served me when I lived in the castle and Osanna make a blood pack with me. So that probably how they found me so far. Only someone who have a blood pack can found me is there anyone else with one with you no my king good let go to them. Are you going to get dress Colt ask Ambrosia no we vampires are not like you humans this is appropriate attire for going out late at night. Okay Colt quickly got dress what wrong Elven ask nothing something just came up go back to sleep.Okay and she when back to sleep. Let go and meet these vampires. Colt opened the window can you fly. My king you have jokes I am a vampire we learn to fly before we can walk. Then let's go Colt just walk out the window when starts fly Ambrosia catch up to him this way Ambrosia leaded the way and when they got there Colt see the undead have swarmed the area. They clear a path as Colt and Ambrosia got there Colt told Ambrosia he will stand back as she talk to them. Ambrosia walk up to Osanna. Osanna slapped her 200 years you where missing and then you show up like nothing happened.And where is my brother he is dead just like the good men the service me. We where trick and trapped in a dungeon and my men died and I was trapped for 200 years then when I was found I was sold into slavery and I was not alot to drink any blood not even mosters blood I was bought and the man that bought me gave me his blood. So I regained my true form and my powers. Lady Ambrosia there are more vampires on there way. Did you tell anyone no princess Ambrosia but they are probably not here because they are want to talk.My older bother probably sent them to kill me not possible he was killed 100 years ago we do not know who your younger brother is now king and your younger sisters are generals. Colt and 5,000 undead angels,destroyers and gargoyles. And 50 dragons stopped the vampire what is your business in the kingdom of freedom. There is no such kingdom yes there is the demon realm, elf realm and about 20 human kingdom and the holy empire all acknowledge this newer kingdom. We are from the vampire kingdom and we are here under the order of our king to find his older sister Ambrosia. Are you sure that she is here in this kingdom. Yes he can sense her presence and the one she have a blood pack left and was heading this way.Colt told the undead with Ambrosia have her come to his local. Afew minutes later Ambrosia was next to Colt what do yous want princess Ambrosia your brother sent us to get you and bring you home that is not possible. Why not because I am a concubine we will not take no for answer. Colt look that the vampires you will ether leave this kingdom or die. We will leave for now but we will be back.Tell my brother that I will not leave. Very well princess until we meet again.Colt and Ambrosia when back to town and when back to bed.Colt, Elven, and Ambrosia got up at 9:00 they went to the dining hall Colt told everyone to be on high alert because of what happened last night and that Colt was going to be attacking the Flying Dutchman as soon as he finished eating. At 11:00 Colt was at the undead navel base and he called Morgana to meet him there. Morgana popped up at the docks you need me master. Yes there Colt gave her armor and weapons.Morgana tried on the armor it's amazing but steel will rust in the ocean good thing it not steel. Then what is it mithril Colt answer what no I can not take it it is only for a warrior that is worthy of it then I suggest you become worthy enough for it because you are to wear this. Yes master after Morgana put it on this is flexible go in the water and swin with it she did it amazing and here what are these you put your tentacles in them she did I see then she hit a stone in front of her and it shatter I see they make my attack more powerful yes. That good I need you to keep your eyes open I am going after the Flying Dutchman so I need you to watch the bay for me yes master I will good. All the undead cutters are at the docks we need to attack the Flying Dutchman all hands prepared for battle.The 6 cutter left the docks they have there battle plans 5 cutters will attack the Flying Dutchman in range battle and the cutter Colt is on will go straight to the Dutchman and board it and try to kill the boss. As soon as Colt see it stit it a frigate or a first rate we are out match and underman fuck it we need to destroy them all. As soon as they are close enough Colt jumped on to the Flying Dutchman and climbed onto the deck there was alot of skeleton pirates they attacking Colt. Colt managed to summon 30 damned soldiers the fight was hard but they were holding there ground slowly Colt started to advance but then the elite fighters appear and they started to push the damned soldiers back but Colt was still pushing though them when then the captain appeared are you the admiral of this fleet yes you left you fleet with no commander they have there orders. Now you can join me or I will destroy you. Hahaha try not to died too quickly. He attack Colt Colt block it and the fight begins the captain was strong and fast as they fight Colt began to get pushed back and the captain cut Colt in the stomach and on the left arm badly Colt was losing alot of blood you are finished the captain said you are extremely skill but i am not done death domain active then Colt used black flames,black water,black lighting,and black wing all together and they combine into one attack and hit the captain hard he fell to the ground but when to get up but Draco show up and hit him with his dragon breath defeating him. Colt got a notification congratulation you have defeated the captain of the Flying Dutchman you have acquired the soul of the captain Congratulation you have acquired the first rate Flying Dutchman. Congratulations you have learned pirate summon level 1 congratulation skill Judgment of the dead ( unique magic) have gained the ability to summon damned pirate or danmed soldiers you can choose. Pirate summon summons pirates and navy base troops. It cost 3Mp with a 5 minutes cooldown. Colt look at the soul of the captain you can summon the pirate king will take 2,000 Mp and 10k gold I do not have that much I only have 100 mp left so I'm going to summon 50 danmed pirates to sail this ship and use 50 mp to heal my wounds Draco yes my king go to the city and let my vassals know what happened and that I was injured yes my king. Draco flew to the city and found Blossom, Ellie , Edward, Elven, and Ambrosia in the market place as soon as Ellie seen Draco she yell to him Draco what wrong the king been severely wounded in battle he defeated the Flying Dutchman but he can use healing magic he out of magic and the injuries are serious. The fleet was severely damaged and is currently limping back to the navel base he want yous there when they got there. And can someone notify lady Diamond. I will Edward message Crystal are close to lady Diamond yea why. Colt have been serious injured in battle he requested her here. Okay she on her way though the gate. When Diamond got to the gate she seen 10,000 undead going through the gate. There was a surge of undead in Rehall the city lord found the the group what going on king Colt defeated the Flying Dutchman that great news but why the surge of troops he was severely wounded his troops are acting on there own answered Draco. Our king is concerned about the safety of the city so his troops are surging to set their kings mind at ease and we know he is severely wounded we will consider it the highest honor to be destroyed protecting our king. The undead have always been treated like nothing but our king leads us in battle not ordered us to be destroyed as he hides in safety the undead have spirit of the dead warrior of the past and this king make the warriors feel like actually soldiers. I did not know that why his troops will act on there own they know the will of their king once they got the the navel base they seen lady Diamond waiting once they got there he not back no. Who is this this is the city lord. City lord Wyatt. Lord Wyatt this is Lady Diamond the second in command of the kingdom of freedom and the supreme commander of the kingdom of freedom royal army. My lady Wyatt bow. Stit where is he how much long he is about 10 minutes out my Lady I can just fly to him no my Lady the king have ordered everyone to stay on land and not to go if he have not ordered that we would be with him now. Stit that fucking idiot why would he give an order like the because of the merforks answer Morgana and who are you I am Morgana she shown Diamond her crest warrior for my master I got to the ship after the fight master ordered me to return to the navy base and hold in the shallow water. Before I could voice against it he past out. There the ship the big one is the one he is on they watch as the ship dock once the boat was tied to the dock Diamond was flying to it on the top deck she found a severely wounded Colt the liches was right behind her. Draco told everyone to stay put.