night 40/Day 41 Diamond true form.

Why are you telling us to stay because yous will be in the way. Diamond was hold Colt close to her. She look at the liches I want 4 of you to use healing magic and the rest stay really yes lady Diamond send a message to the undead at the carriage to bring it here tell the lord we will be needing to use one of his guests rooms and tell Luna to get her ass over there. Will do. Draco told the city lord he ran back to his manor to make sure they where ready. Draco I am no Draco look at Elven lady Diamond said not to let anyone through but I am one of his concubines point lady Diamond is his second in command his most trusted advisor,his supreme commander of his royal guard and his concubine. What she also a concubine yes and alot she is the only one that can stop my king when he lost control of his power. Just then Luna flew though the gate Draco where is he. He on the big ship but you stay here but Luna this not a but thing you will stay here is that understand yes a general Draco. Elven and Ambrosia general yes any undead with a name is the general of that type. So you are dragon general. Not exactly I am the general of the coatyl zombie dragons. I think I understand just then the carriage got there they see Diamond and a danmed soldier bringing Colt to the carriage Ellie yes lady Diamond have all of your troops assist with security me, Luna and Colt are all here you understand yea. And Elven and what your name it is Ambrosia lady Diamond. Elven and Ambrosia come with us. They all got in the carriage Diamond what are you planning on doing. Luna ask you know that I am going to do. Think you are same race as me. You can not do that unless you are soul mates. Have you ever noticed that I never show my tail. Luna was quiet. Once they got the the lords manor Diamond and Luna carry Colt to the guest floor and the 10 damned soldiers and 10 liches follow them Diamond ordered them to stand guard and not let anyone in once the door was close and you two what you are about to see you did not tell anyone or I will kill yous myself you yous understand. You know I am immortal Ambrosia say that is not entirely true and we both know that. A Luna that goes for you too. I know Diamond Elven do you understand yes lady Diamond. Good she dropped her dress and show her true form Diamond is that a ring on your tail yes Luna it is and your eyes are have red irises with gold pupils yes Elven. Diamond are you a queen succubus I am a true queen not that yous call a queen her wings change and her tail grow. I thought the last one died 200 years ago she did she was my mother. Did she ever found her mate no but I did he your mate yes. It is time she walk over to Colt and and use her ability to heal Colt she drained all her power to heal her after finishing healing Colt. She laid down with Colt. What just happened. A true succubus queen can use the life force she took to heal or even resurrect someone. After afew hours Colt wake up with Diamond laying naked next to him and Luna, Ambrosia,and Elven watching them. So you finally awake Colt yea so I assume she use her power since she is in her true form. Yea so is it true that you are her true mate yea. But I told her I did not want her to go through with it he played with the ring on her tail but she was not going to listen to me. How long have yous since I completed the contract magic. Diamond wake up Colt you are awake yes you are an idiot you know that yes I know. How are you feeling Diamond I am weak but Diamond put her hand on Colts chest you can fix that Colt she look at the other three yous can join us it will be fun. Colt wake up at 07.00 to find all four in bed with him Colt ordered his undead to get him clothes. They bought him clothes. After getting dressed Colt when and seen the lord. Wyatt king Colt you are wake yes I am good now. That great to hear. So now the ocean is cleared of the Flying Dutchman it is now my ship I will man it with undead it will be a great help. The only thing left to deal with is the merforks I will be leaving for afew hours to use the teleport gate to go back to the capital and get the supply's for yous. We will need to get people to man the merchant ships and man for the war ships. A raven bring a letter to him when Colt opened it it was a letter from the vampire king requesting to have an audience with Colt .I guess I should respond back . Colt answer when I have a moment i will send a messager and make the arrangements to come and have an audience. Where is the vampire at they are deep in the demon realm. Colt sent a messager to the demons about the vampire asking if the demons know anything about then. Undead came to Colt my king there are merforks that board one of the ships asking you speak to you and there are ships coming they look like they are pirate my king have all ships approach them and stop them is thank attack they are to defend themselves yes my king. Wyatt what you know about merforks and pirates. The merforks can be peaceful or they can be hostle. And the same of pirates they usually are those who have been exiled. So let see what they want have all troops on high alert yes my king.Colt order Diamond and Luna to return to the capital. Just then Colt got three messages at the same time. Everyone stop there too many at once the one that said they are in the east there are some humans there they are from some of the local villages they want to speak to you my king. Have they hold there and ask them about their villages once they tell you the direction I want ravens to scout them out and report back to me. The one in the north we found 3 lords north east. It appears that one have drakes,the other looks like cow demi-humans human and the last have reririan. What are reririan they are a are wolfs with wings and some of them can use magic is that so watch them for now. Colt message Jimmy and Matt do ether one of yous what any vassal lords Matt answer right a way no you can have all of them I am happy with my troops and serving you. Okay if you ever change your mind let me know. Afew minutes later Jimmy answer yea that bought be great I will take afew ok in the undead fortress there a teleport gate go through it and wait for me. Colt message Crystal do you want to get another vassal lord. She answered right away yea Jimmy was telling me should I follow him yea bring troop you may have to fight I will and I will bring Elio with me Okay. Colt the ask the undead in the west what do you have over there we have 100 vampire here they want to talk to you and if possible see there true leader princess Ambrosia. So I am surrounded by issues ugh I do not know we're to turn first. Then Colt got a link from Diamond my king there is an envoy from the demi-human realm here waiting to speak to you turn them away for now I would but this one have the king of the demi-human and one of the beastkin queen with him. And about 80,000 troops stit so leave then in and see them I would but there alot of resources and corpse piled up.Stit now what my king Colt look at Wyatt I have the list of supplies we need and the ones underline are the supplies we are need immediately like medicine and food. Okay so 7 different things happening at once I need to try to calm down and think clearly just then my king we have a problem in the north west we have beastkin approach they want to speak to the king of freedom what are race are they from they are crow people.Now 8 problems at once this is going to be a long day. Now for the merforks will have to wait. Colt when to the dock Colt looked I have enough MP I can summon the pirate king so Colt summon the pirate king.