day 41 the octagon of problems

Colt just sat there for a minute and think I have 8 problems to solve so I will have to take care of the easiest ones first.So Colt decided to go to his castle and collect everything and disassemble everything but before that he Colt summon 1072 damned pirates and 3,500 danmed soldiers.Colt have 72 pirates go and man the cutters and have 4,500 man the Flying Dutchman. Now to go to the capital and collect resources and disassemble the corpses. When Colt collected all the gathering resources and disassemble the corpses.6.3M Stone, 480k iron,3.864M wood,10.580m copper coins, 758k silver coins, 29,200 silver ore, 100,800 mithril,1,008 opal,479,000 food, 229,020 low grade magic crystals and 921 medium grade magic crystals. Colt decided to upgrade his capital. Colt upgraded Guardians of the dead to level 13,Shrine of the dead to level 4,stone quarry, iron mine, gold mine, silver mine, copper mine,granary, coin smith,hall of races,treasury, Alchemy workshop,Teleport gate,Stable,and Magic crystals mine all to level 7. You and now upgrade they castle do you want to upgrade yes your castle is now level 8 congratulations you city have level up to level 8 you have gained 3 more settlements point.Still have alot of resources let upgrade some more stone quarry, iron mine, gold mine, silver mine, copper mine,granary,warehouse,outer walls,and resident quarters all to level 8.

City level 8

Territory 20 square miles

Territorial 34 square miles

Settlement points 4/8

Castle level 8/50

Dungeon level 7/50

Barracks level 15/25

Shrine of the dead level 4/10

Guardians of the dead level 13/25

Forge level 7/50

Residents quarters level 8/50

Blacksmith level 3/25

Inter Walls level 7/50

Outer walls level 8/50

Energy towers inter level 3 / 25

Energy towers outer level 3 / 25

Energy cannon level 3/25

Farms level 7/50

Iron mine level 8/50

Mithril mine 3/25

Stone query 8/50

Lumber woods/sawmill 8/50

Warehouse level 8/50

Granary level 8/50

Leather Smith level 3/25

Weapon Smith level 3/25

Armory level 3/25

Siver mine level 8/ 50

Gold mine level 8/50

Coin Smith level 7/50

Copper mine level 8/50

Gem stone mine level 3/25

Dead fortress level 3/25

Hall of races level 7/50

City square level 7/50

Teleport gate level 7/50

Great library level 3/25

Mage tower level 3/25

Great shield level 7/50

Pastures land level 7/50

Treasury level 7/50

Jewelry Smith level 3/25.

Orchard level 7/50

Alchemy workshop 7/50.

Stable level 7/50.

Magic crystals mine level 7/50.

Colt link Diamond you can let the envoy in now yes my king I will do. I am going back to Rehull okay if I need anything I will let you know Colt.So for Rehull they are requesting 2m wood and stone 200k food,100k iron, 20k mithril,10k silver ore,50 opal,5k gold ore and all the medical supplies they ask for.Colt got all the resources move over to the undead navel base in Rehull. Once Colt got back he when to the Lords manor and ask him where do you want all the resources if you can my king the stone can go to the north gate the wood to the ship yard, the iron and mithril spit between the blacksmith and the ship yard the silver gold and opal can come here I will give it the the jewelry smith, ship yard and blacksmith as need. And here is more coins there are about 5,000 gold 50,000 silver and 500,000 copper. My king this is too much if you keep this up you will run out of money and resources I am not worried about it but my king the amount of resources and the gold silver and mithril. Wyatt yes my king you want to know why I am not worried. Yes my king I would. Because in the capital I have a mithril mine ,a gold mine,a silver mine, a copper mine,a gem stone mine that we are getting opals out of, a iron mine and a stone quarry. I have a coin smith making coins as we mine. My king did you say you have a gold and mithril mine yes. Do you know how rare they are most realms only have one and some go not at all let alone the opal,silver and copper mines. I did not know that good to know. Now to go talk to the village that are by the east gate when Colt when to them they told Colt that there are 2 villages it the east one is a fishing village will about 200 people and the other one is a town with about 3,000 people the town have a copper mine and farm land that they farm and make alcohol but they been having trouble with bandits. Colt told them that he will go to the village and town in the next few days but for now he can not go. Colt told them that he will have ravens follow them to their homes so he will be able to found them when he get a chance to go to them. The villager thank Colt for the time and left to go home. Colt then when to the dock and was going to go on the Flying Dutchman wait a minute Colt look good I have enough MP to summon the pirate king

Pirate general ( unname)

Level 1/75 can level up by killing enemies

Strength -20


Health- immortal as long as soul fire burns



Loyalty -never betrayed

Active skills-

Cannon barrage level 1

Call to arms level1

Cannon barrage will automatic load and fire Cannon continuously for 90 seconds cost 50 Mp

Call to arms when used all sailors get a 30% boost to all stats cost 10 Mp lasts for 5 minutes cooldown 15 minutes.

Passive skills- regeneration level max

Troop buff up level max

Troop up max

Regeneration repairs damage

Troop buff up increases all stats by 25

Troop up unlock troop levels of the general type. Your name will be Decken thank you my king for the name.Decken you will be the captain of the Flying Dutchman thank you my king for the honor I will not fail you. I do have a request for you my king what is it. Danmed pirates are not good with sailing or with the cannons so can you summon skeleton pirates for me and replace about 70%of my Danmed sailors. I will do but for now you will have to deal with the damned pirate. I understand my king will do. We are going to go and meet the cutters I have out because they have some merforks on them I understand my king. After sailing for about 30 minutes Colt seen the cutters and the merforks on the cutters. Once the Flying Dutchman is close enough they threw ropes to the cutter and tie them off and put boarding boards down and Colt walk over to the cutter once Colt was on the cutter he turned to the merforks why did you climb on my ship and what do you want. We want to join the city of Rehull and sail on the seas we had our own boats put they were sunk by the Flying Dutchman and they do not enough coins to buy a ship. So what want to join my city and sail my merchant ships. Yes it will be our honor King Colt. Very well how many of yous are there in our group about 60 are you good sailing with human. Yes we are my king. Very well have your people meet on the docks and we can discuss all the details and see if everything will work for yous thank you king Colt for giving us the opportunity to serve you and your kingdom. The merforks jump into the water. Now for the pirates I want all ships to sail and meet the pirates if they fire on us you have permission to return fire and sink them. Yes our king as soon as the pirate see the ships they flew white flags. Colt ordered the Flying Dutchman to go along side the biggest ship and threw them ropes and put boarding boards down and Colt walk over to the ship and ask to speak to the leader a young woman walk up to Colt I am the leader of these ships and who are you I am King Colt of the kingdom of freedom and the new king of Rehull you are in my waters what are your intentions. Some call us merchant some call us pirate we are outcast of the world. Yous can join my kingdom and join my merchant navy or my regular navy. What about our ship? They are in bad shape depending on what the shipyard say they make be reto fitted to be merchant ships or scrap and broken down. Fairly well we will take you up on your offer King Colt and join you good decision.Go to the dock. Colt follow them to the dock. 5 down 3 to go. Now for the hard ones.