Chapter 24 - Abusing Viking culture

Silence fell in the hall as everyone shuffled awkwardly on their seats. No one, certainly not a young girl, would have dared to speak that way to Harald Hardrada normally, and yet, they weren't sure if she would be punished for it. 

Harald's eyebrows twitched as indignation rose within him, yet he dared not make a move just yet. Killing a mortal with the spirit of a Valkyrie would certainly impact his ability to enter Valhalla. 

"Rurik…" he growled, trying to suppress his anger at her disrespect. "I think she passed your first test. But I'm warning you, if she doesn't pass the second one, I'll kill her myself!" 

Behind Harald's throne, Rurik was snickering lightly to himself. He'd fully expected Eilin to adjust quickly to her new circumstances, while entirely ignoring any authority besides his. 

Not because she was an idiot without self-preservation, but because Luna's message should have explained to her what was going on. That knowledge, combined with her desire to see him again, should have put her rebellious nature into overdrive. 

And that was the first test: to see if her so-called Valkyrie spirit would cause her to ignore the authority of mortal men… which she completed just by virtue of her fiery personality. 

Rurik smiled slightly. It actually felt good to hear the voice and attitude he'd become quite attached to during his retirement. 'That's definitely Eilin. I guess the next test should be no problem then.' 

"Indeed!" Rurik then exclaimed loudly as he walked out from behind the throne. Eilin immediately perked up her ears upon hearing her master's voice. Her lips creeped up into a grin and she stepped closer to him, but he quickly stopped her. 

With a stern gaze, he held up his hand, "Halt! First, you must prove to be a Valkyrie bound to my will by the all-father's decree!" 

Eilin blinked once… twice… but then she realized what was going on. Her intelligence was part of the reason why Rurik liked her. 

"Ha!" she exclaimed brazenly, quickly falling into her role. "I have no need to prove myself before mortal men!" She snorted, and looked around at those gathered there, as if wondering who would be brave enough to stand up to her. 

Each one, even the Christians, flinched back in their seats a little, afraid of the chance this actually was a Valkyrie. As direct servants of Odin, Valkyries were responsible for carrying fallen warriors to Valhalla—angering one was as good as giving up your chance to ascend after death, not to mention you might irk the all-father himself at the same time. 

"I understand your reluctance," Rurik said solemnly, and respectfully. "But as the one you have been sworn to serve, I ask you to respect my father and his court, by proving your identity!" 

Knowing she should play along, Eilin snorted, but still nodded. "Fine! Since my Master is the one to request it, I shall fulfil your wish. Give me an order, any order, and I will complete it without delay!" 

Rurik smiled slightly at the devotion he heard in her voice. The one he'd come to expect from her. But he quickly moved on, and waved at some people to the side. 

"I thank you, mighty Valkyrie!" he continued grandly, as two men approached with a basket between them. "Then, please, take the poisonous snake in this basket, regardless of the danger, and swear your loyalty to me while holding it!" 

Eilin barely hesitated. Trusting Rurik wouldn't risk her life in such a way, she stuck her hands inside the basket without looking, and grabbed the adder within. Instantly, it sank its teeth into her skin. 

Or, it tried… 

On Rurik's orders, the snake had been defanged, thus making it as impotent as a belt. This was a test of trust and obedience, not invincibility. After grasping the snake, she righted herself, and kneeled before Rurik, snake in hand. 

"I, Eilin Eiriksdottir, hereby renounce any loyalty to family or King, and recognize my true nature as a Valkyrie send by the all-father!" she exclaimed boldly, her eyes turned up towards Rurik. "From this day forward, my only masters are Lord Rurik and Odin himself" 

Silence descended on the hall as a wave of solemnity passed over all the lord's faces. Oaths of loyalty were judged as sacred among Vikings. 

Harald, too, looked at the display solemnly, before Rurik turned to him, "Well, Father? What do you think?" 

Harald didn't answer immediately, and instead panned his gaze over to Eilin, who ignored him, before continuing to his Gothi, an unspoken question in his eyes. 

The Gothi, an old man with a long beard, dressed only in furs, shook his wizened head, "My apologies, King Harald. I would not dare claim the ability to recognize the spirit of a true Valkyrie." 

Then, he frowned and offered his council, "That said, I am absolutely certain there is no malicious influence over the young lord. Furthermore, we know he and Lady Eilin have never met before today, so I see no other reason she should obey his orders to this extent. Finally, it also perfectly explains their mutual fainting spell." 

He struck the ground with his staff as if to underscore his words, "The decision is yours, my lord, and I offer no assurances that these claims are true. Still, in my opinion, there is a possibility. And, even if she's not a true Valkyrie, her bravery and loyalty to your son are without question… whatever reason she may have for them." 

Harald nodded, and turned back to Rurik and Eilin, the latter of whom was still kneeling, snake in hand. 

Softly, he sighed. There was still doubt in his mind, but he didn't care to utter it. The Gothi was right, after all. If Rurik was not under any spell, then this Eilin was either truly a Valkyrie, or simply an incredibly brave and loyal servant… for whatever reason that may be. 

So, he stood up and spread his arms. "Let it be known by all! Eilin has been recognized as a Valkyrie among mortals! No one is to give her orders or impose upon her any authority, as her only masters are my son, and the Gods themselves!" 

With that, he sat down and nodded sternly towards his son. "I recognize your claims, Rurik… but please instruct Lady Eilin to behave appropriately and with respect from now on. I do not wish to call her identity into question…" 

Understanding and thankful, Rurik nodded back. He knew his father still had doubts, but with this the matter was settled for now, and that was good enough for him. 

Not long after that, the hall emptied out, and Rurik returned to his cottage, Eilin in tow. On this day, Rurik's legendary tale had earned itself another chapter.