Chapter 25 - Eilin's devotion

After telling his family he wanted some time alone with Eilin, Rurik made his way back to the cottage he'd been gifted by his father. Eilin walked behind him at a respectful distance—they didn't say a word. 

Only once they entered the cottage and closed the door, did Eilin suddenly lunge forward, wrap her arms around Rurik's chest, and burry her face in his back. Fortunately, he was taller than her. Rurik stopped walking and smirked a little. 

For a moment, they stood still. No one said anything, as Rurik simply enjoyed her affection, and she, his presence. In their previous lives, Rurik had manipulated her into love and obedience, but he couldn't deny to feeling some affection for her as well. 

H may not love her like he did Luna, but he liked her—even if their devotion to each other was far from equal. She was a lover and a servant, and he cared for her in that respect. 

After a few minutes of standing silently, Eilin suddenly inhaled deeply. "Hmm, you even smell the same, Master…" she purred mischievously, slightly muffled by the clothes she was pushing her face into. 

 Rurik chuckled and shook his head, "I highly doubt that, Eilin, but I'll take your word for it." 

"Hmpf, don't doubt my senses, Master!" she grumbled before taking another few whiffs and tightening her grip on him. Rurik simply smiled indulgently, giving Eilin the time she needed to come to grips with this situation. 

"I can't believe I'm holding you, Master…" she suddenly whispered, hoarsely. "I saw you die in front of my eyes… I— I still don't understand how this is happening." 

Rurik sighed helplessly, "Neither do I, Eilin. All I know for sure is that Luna knows more about it. Clearly, there's more to her than even I knew." 

Finally, he tore himself free of Eilin's grip and moved over to a comfortable chair. "Come, let's get a little more comfortable." 

The cute ginger girl pouted. She looked at her empty arms with dismay, but then quickly followed after her master. Her behaviour was a far-cry from the one that barged into the royal hall and dared to demand things of Harald Hardrada. 

Rurik sat down, and Eilin quickly kneeled down beside him. Leaning against his right leg, she crossed her hands behind her back and looked up at him with devotion. Rurik extended his hand and started to pat her hair. Eilin immediately leaned into it. 

All of their actions were fluid and practiced, as if they'd done them a hundred times before… which was true, just not in this lifetime. 

"I see death and reincarnation have not made you forget your training," he smiled slightly. 

"Of course not, Master," Eilin responded with a gravity she hadn't yet shown. "I was lost before I met you and Mistress Luna. You showed me the way out, allowed me to follow someone greater than I, and I swore my eternal service in return." 

She began to blush slightly, giving some colour to her pale, freckled cheeks, "I'm… so happy you're alive, Master, and there's nothing I'd rather do than accompany you to our next death, whenever that may be." 

Rurik looked at the adoration and fanaticism that practically leaked out of Eilin's eyes, and chuckled proudly. 

He knew was Eilin had fallen for him in a way he could never reciprocate—at the same time, the combined efforts of him and Luna to temper her fiery nature had resulted in the fanatic obedience and trust that caused her to grab that snake without hesitation. 

Part of their success with Eilin's training was due to their abilities, but for the most part it was actually EIlin's own desires brought to the surface. After all, Luna's ability had only minor long-term effects, and Rurik's was of a different nature. 

Rurik raised an eyebrow and looked at her curiously, "So, I guess there's no desire to take this chance at a new life, free from us? I'd let you go if you asked." 

He wasn't lying about that. If she chose to leave, he would let her. The most loyal servants are those who have a choice, after all, because they willingly choose their service every day, even if unconsciously. 

The important thing for people like Rurik and Luna, was to never ask that question until they already knew the answer they'd get. Like now, there was no doubt in his mind Eilin would stay, and yet he asked, because it gave her the illusion of choice, despite the figurative chains that bound her to him. 

And, as expected, Eilin's face fell. "Of course not, Master," she growled, almost indignantly as the firebrand inside her reared its head for a moment. "If you try to send me away, I'll sneak back in!" 

"Good girl," Rurik grinned, sending a shiver through Eilin's spine. 

Deciding to move on Rurik's expression became serious. 

"Anyway, you regained your memories when I touched you, right?" he asked, frowning slightly. "Did you hear Luna's voice?" 

"I did!" she nodded with a thoughtful frown, recalling what happened before. "After the… other me…? fainted, I suddenly awoke in a void, and Mistress explained someone had caused you to be reborn in the past, and that she'd send me after you to help." 

Still on her knees, she smiled wryly and shrugged, "At the time, my last memory was actually of, you know, getting killed, so I was naturally confused, as well as grief stricken over your death, Master. I barely registered Mistress's words!" 

A smile slowly appeared, "But then I awoke in that room, and I started to recall my memories of the me who was born here. Mistress's words were starting to click, and I realized what was going on. It took me a little while to put it all together, but by the time those guards came to get me, I'd already come to terms with it... and was anxious to see you again." 

Rurik grinned warmly. Slowly, he caressed her hair and looked at her. She could be a little impulsive, but he'd truly lucked out with her. He'd have to thank Luna for sending her to him. "You did good, Eilin. But I expected no less of you." 

Eilin grinned mischievously, "Thank you, Master. I think I deserve a reward, don't you?" 

Rurik rolled his eyes. Despite her fanatic devotion, Eilin remained cheeky at times… but he could only appreciate that. "What would you like?" 

Eilin's grin widened, but she also started fidgeting slightly, "Well… since we've basically started new lives," she began to blush slightly, despite her mischievous grin, "my virginity is obviously yours, but can I be your first as well?" 

Rurik raised an eyebrow, but couldn't help chuckling a little. 'Guess I should have expected that,' he thought to himself. 

"So long as Luna doesn't show up in the next six years, fine," he nodded magnanimously. 

There was no reason not to grand her that. After turning sixteen in this life, he'd surely need to start controlling his lust again. Besides, in his mind, the first time he had sex would always have been with Luna. No rebirth could change that. 

"Six years…?" Eilin pouted slightly, actually seeming disappointed. 

Rurik looked at her strangely and barely contained his laughter, "I don't know about you, EIlin, but I have no interest in having sex with a child. We'll wait until we're both at least sixteen." 

Slowly, Eilin began to blink, as if she'd completely forgot their current circumstances. Then, she began to cough awkwardly. "R— Right… Sorry, Master. I'm still getting used to this situation. I half-feel like I'm still in my original body." 

Rurik nodded with a frown, "That reminds me. Your situation was a little different from mine. Let me tell you what happened to me in the last few years…"