Chapter 28 - Growing [2/2]

"What now, Master?" Eilin asked as they walked side by side across the compound, getting respectful glances from anyone they met. "Do we go to your father, or… handle this ourselves?" 

Rurik shrugged indifferently, "We'll go to Jan, and ask what he wants. It's his sister, after all, and we're looking to indebt him to us." 

Jan was just one of the prospective members of Rurik's network, even if he didn't know it yet. He was the son of a minor noble, whose sister had disappeared a little while ago, and was quite frantic to find her again. 

With the experience from his past life, Rurik determined Jan could easily be turned into a fanatical loyalist by pressing the right buttons and saving his sister… so that's what he did. 

Ingrid's husband, who turned out to be the kidnapper, was another minor noble. His actions weren't out of rivalry or directed malice, but simply due to a lack of scruples, and infatuation with a pretty girl. 

Regardless, with the location and culprit discovered, things moved quickly. After discussing the situation with Jan, it became clear the man just wanted his sisters back, and that revenge could wait for later, understanding that moving against a minor noble like his father wouldn't be easy. 

Thus, Rurik engaged his network and leveraged his experience. Within a week, the girl was back with her family, and Rurik put an entire noble family in his debt. 

* * * 

Aside from growing his personal network, and managing his lust, he also ensured he had a reliable weapon. Rurik decided to leverage his size and strength, by mainly wielding a sword that he could hold in either one, or both hands. 

Measuring at approximately three and a half feet (105 cm), Kane's sword was long enough to give him reach, but not so long he couldn't wield it with one hand. 

The weapon had a single, mostly straight edge, only curving at the tip, making it gleam with menacing grace. This design was similar to a 17th century kriegsmesser, and would allow for powerful cuts, but not be as effective at thrusts. A robust crossguard protected his hands, and a thick knuckle guard protruded out a few inches, both of which, as well as the grip, were covered in runic symbols. 

Unfortunately, a sword like that hadn't been invented yet, but the Viking smiths were known for their skill and versatility. With a few tips and some random knowledge he'd picked up during a rich life, Rurik managed to obtain his current weapon with the help of one of the local smiths. 

Obviously, the man was curious where Rurik got that knowledge from, but Rurik remained purposely vague. Fortunately, the smith didn't bother pushing. 

When it was done, the smith actually thanked him with full-throated enthusiasm, rather than the other way around. Rurik's knowledge had helped propel this man to the top of his field, and he was eternally grateful… thus putting another person in his debt. 

* * * 

He also spent much of his time in combat training. He still had an instructor, but for the most part it involved participating in competitions and practicing swing after swing, for hours on end. 

It should come as no surprise that he usually dominated quite effectively in these competitions. Actual sword fighting competitions were still a little more difficult, but wrestling and hand-to-hand was where he really shone. 

In his past life, he'd made sure to master several types of combat sport, but sword fighting was not among them. A knife was the only melee weapon he'd used back then, and he mostly used them for throwing. 

Fortunately, the discipline, wisdom, and instincts he'd gained in that time still helped him propel his sword fighting rapidly, until he started pulling ahead of peers even there. 

Later, after the public training, he'd continue in private, with Eilin and Maria. The first thing he did after meeting Eilin and deciding to train Maria, was finding them instructors who didn't mind training women. 

It hadn't been easy, especially not since they also needed to be discreet, but he'd managed in the end—fortunately, his father had thrown his weight behind the search, making things much easier. 

During this time, Eilin and Maria also managed to bond. Maria now considered Eilin to be the big sister she'd never had, and spend most of her time with both of them. Fortunately, Harald had kept him promise, and allowed Rurik to take over all teaching for Maria, thus giving her plenty of free time. 

Occasionally, their father organized slightly more private competitions for his closest allies and their families, in which Maria and Eilin were also allowed to participate. Of course, with the age-gap that existed between the three of them, they all had their own brackets, never facing each other outside of training. 

These events were also intended for Harald to examine his daughter's progress as a warrior… because if he ever determined she was falling short, he'd put her back on a more traditional teaching schedule for Viking women. 

Fortunately, he'd not found a reason to do so yet. Maria was bright, determined, and, most of all, talented. In fact, despite her often-cute behaviour, she turned out to be a berserker in the making. 

She'd copied her father's fighting style by using double axes, and whenever combat started, she'd become a whirlwind of unrestrained fury that caught most of her opponents off-guard. 

Yet, it was Eilin who was considered unbeatable in these competitions. Her determination, confidence, and sheer grit were what pushed her through. Her endurance was sky-high, because she simply refused to go down… If her opponent got ten hits in; she'd endure eleven just to prove a point. 

But while her defences were Eilin's strong point, her spear work was no less worthy of mention. She twirled it elegantly, occasionally managed to get a slash in, but mostly stabbed with extreme precision and speed. 

All-in-all, none could deny that both these women were worthy warriors, no worse than any man their own age. With no reason not to, Harald allowed Maria to continue training, and Eilin's Valkyrie status gained another point of credibility. 

* * * 

Personal combat training was not the only type of combat he worked at, however. It was far from any of his main foci, but he did also arrange drills with the warriors among his followers. 

Vikings around this time were famous for their disciplined fighting and effective shield walls, but Rurik wanted more than that. He wanted his people to be even more effective, so he spent at least some hours a week making his people do group exercises to improve cohesion and formations in battle. 

Not only did it improve his fighting forces, it also increased the respect and awe they felt for him, thus improving their loyalty. 

* * * 

Last, and… probably also least, he had to deal with a rivalry between him and his half-brother, Magnus. It was a bothersome feud that was mostly maintained by Magnus and his mother Tora, because Rurik barely engaged with it. He simply didn't care. 

He wasn't interested in the Norwegian throne, anyway. No, he wanted to sail for England, but his father hadn't announced those plans yet, so he couldn't simply come out and say it. 

Regardless, the mother and son duo were hopelessly outmatched. Rurik's network of loyalists, his experience as a crime lord, and a Viking's disinterest in true schemes ensured that the buzzing of Magnus and Tora was no more than an inconvenience for him. 

But, finally, he was forced to deal with it, when Harald called both Rurik and Magnus to him.