Today, the entirety of Harald Hardrada's family was gathered in the royal hall. Harald sat on his throne, while his two eldest sons were down on one knee in front of him; Rurik on the left, Magnus on the right.
By now, Rurik was wearing the wolf cloak his mother had made him years ago. It fully covered his shoulders and back in grey fur, and even included the wolf's head as a hood, although he currently wasn't using it. It had already a become a symbol of his power and status, as well as leaning nicely into his moniker: Wolfscar.
Behind Rurik stood Elisiv, Maria, and Ingegerd, while behind Magnus stood Tora and Olaf, Rurik's other half-brother.
Ingegerd was just twelve years old now, and she was definitely the one member of the family he was least close with, not counting his half-brothers.
In her free time, Ingegerd often came to watch her two siblings train, but unlike Maria, she had no interest in fighting, and preferred the regular teachings for Norse women.
That said, she was a kind girl who loved her big sister and brother, even if they didn't spend as much time with her as she'd like. It wasn't that Rurik tried to avoid her, he was simply extremely busy. He was already sleeping no more than five hours a night as it were.
Besides, he did always feel a little strange around her. On the one hand, he had no real desire to grow any closer to her, yet on the other, she was the one who most strongly activated his newly discovered protective instincts.
After lingering on Ingegerd for a moment, his thoughts turned to his eighteen-year-old half-brother. He and Rurik had few interactions over the years, despite his and his mother's futile attempts at hindering him.
The main reason for that, was because Rurik's training and teaching happened here at Harald's compound, but Magnus had instead been fostered by his grandfather, Tora's father, a nobleman by the name of Torberg Arnesson.
Only two years ago did Magnus return to Nidaros, where he and his mother started moving against Rurik. Yet, they had no idea their target had spent the better part of his previous life fending of schemes while carrying out his own. In comparison, Tora and Magnus's attempts to undermine him were laughable, and barely worthy of note.
Now, Tora was staring holes in Rurik, while Magnus glanced at him solemnly, but Rurik was indifferent to them both. He had other things on his mind, and was not interested in petty family rivalries, or even the Norwegian throne.
Although Luna's plan was still unclear to him, it was obvious he needed to be on the invasion force Harald would eventually lead towards England. If he ended up as the main heir to Norway, he would most certainly be forced to stay behind.
From slightly above them, Harald looked down at his sons with a frown. "I've called you both here to put an end to this rivalry between you," he said sternly and calmly. "It's been getting out of hand, and I want it to stop, before it gets any worse."
He turned his gaze towards Rurik sombrely. "You, especially, Rurik, have been getting more ruthless."
Inwardly, Rurik scoffed at the idea that his actions so far had been ruthless. He'd crippled a few of his brother's people, sure, but he hadn't even killed anyone yet. He wasn't surprised his father, a renowned raider, cared about such things, however. Killing and maiming were a part of Viking life, but you had to save such things for your enemies.
Regardless, despite being called out, Rurik remained calm, and looked up at his father. "I've only been defending myself, Father. I have no interest in these petty squabbles my brother insists on engaging in."
Rurik was careful not to mention Tora. Everyone knew she was involved, but mentioning it would put Harald in a tough position, which would just turn his father against him.
From a distance, Tora was quite obviously scoffing sceptically. Magnus, however, remained calm. Elisiv, Maria, and Ingegerd appeared anxious.
Harald studied his son's face, wondering if that was really true… But he couldn't come to a conclusion, and moved on. "It doesn't matter who the instigator is, it needs to end. Our people have no time for squabbles over inheritance in such a harsh world. Thus, to determine my successor, I've decided to let you both co-rule with me for a time, and judge you on your performance."
Instantly, Rurik's nose wrinkled. He really didn't want to do something so pointless and time consuming. 'I guess it's time…' he sighed to himself.
Before his father could say any more, Rurik spoke up. "Father, if I may, I have no intention of fighting my brother over this. He may have the Norwegian throne, if he wishes. Instead, I know you plan to sail for England, and I wish to join you, rather than remain here as steward."
Silence fell over the hall. All his family members had a different reaction. Tora's eyes bulged, barely able to believe what she heard. Magnus was shocked as well, but less so, and it was mixed with relief.
Elisiv, Maria, and Ingegerd all looked to be in various states of panic and worry, both for Rurik, and Harald. They had not heard about any plans to invade England, but it would definitely come at great risk. Certainly far greater than simple raids.
Harald blinked, but he quickly recovered, his brow furrowing further, and his tone becoming severe. "How did you hear about that, Son…? I've only been toying with the idea in my head, or discussing it privately with friends."
Rurik shrugged. "I merely overheard you, Father. Is it really important? The people will hear about it soon, anyway." The truth, of course, was that Rurik simply knew it should be around this time where Harald starts preparing for the invasion.
Harald looked at him sombrely for a moment. He felt sceptical about Rurik's explanation, but also couldn't deny it didn't matter much anymore. He was going to announce his intentions in a few weeks, anyway.
Rurik looked at his father, and realized he remained in thought, so he decided to add fuel to the fire. "This solution should satisfy the traditionalists, as well as most of the Christians, Father. By going to England, I can stake my claim to a throne there, instead."
Harald nodded slowly, before turning to Magnus. "Magnus? How do you feel about this solution, knowing my intentions for England?"
Magnus had recovered from his shock, and glanced at Rurik. "I—" he muttered, but then turned back to Harald with a serious frown. "I'll do what is best for the realm, Father. I have no problem with my brother's proposal."
Harald sighed, unsure how to feel about this development, yet he couldn't deny the benefits to them. Although he secretly considered Rurik the better candidate, he didn't believe Magnus to be unqualified at all.
So, he nodded. "Then, let it be so. From here on out, Magnus will be my co-ruler, become warden of Norway when I sail for England, and take its throne upon my death. Rurik, will sail with me to England, where he will earn land and glory by sword and blood at my side."
Tora and Magus couldn't believe it had been this simple, yet the news was far less favourably received by Elisiv, Maria, and Ingegerd.
"H— Hold on!" Maria exclaimed and took a determined step forward. "Don't you dare leave me behind! If Father and Big Brother sail for England, so will I!"
Silence fell, and everyone turned to her with stunned expressions.