Chapter 30 - Why can't you just stay with me…

Maria wore the same furs and leathers as a warrior, but slightly adjusted for her female form. By her side dangled the two axes she'd chosen as her weapons. 

None quite knew how to respond, although Magnus, Tora, and Olaf quickly decided to stay out of it. They'd already gotten what they wanted. 

Rurik looked at her wryly, but with no evident surprise. Harald frowned thoughtfully, which actually surprised most everyone there. They'd expected him to instantly refuse. Finally, Ingegerd looked anxious, but it was Elisiv who had the first reaction. 

"Maria…" she pleaded softly. "Please don't do this… I've always known Harald and Rurik would seek a life of glory and battle, but not you, too… Learning to fight is one thing, but this….!" 

The young girl trembled slightly and turned around to face her worried mother and little sister with a guilty expression. "I— I'm sorry, Mom… But please don't try to stop me. I know you're still hoping I'll grow out of the desire to be a warrior, but I won't! This is what I want! I never want to be helpless in front of physical danger again!" 

"So you're rushing into danger instead?!" Elisiv yelled angrily, obviously out of worry and concern. 

Maria grew solemn, as she pushed out her chest in pride. "Yes, I will! I will meet my end like any warrior will! On the battlefield, dancing with death and danger, while spitting in their faces! I will not let my end sneak up on me like it did in the forest, where Big Brother had to save me!" 

"You—!" Elisiv's finger pointed at Maria, but she wasn't sure what to say. She knew how to recognize determination; she just didn't want to see it. "Why… Why can't you just stay with me…? Where it's safe…?" she finally muttered sadly, her eyes downcast. "Do I have to lose all my children to battle?" 

Suddenly, she felt something tugging on her clothes from beside her. Looking down, she noticed it was Ingegerd, looking up at her with a pure smile. "I'll stay with you, Mom!" Then, she turned to Maria with the same smile. "And big sister Maria is super strong! I'm sure she'll come back to us!" 

Elisiv was stunned for a moment, but then blinked her tears away and stroked the young Ingegerd hair with a small, sad smile. "You're so smart, dearest little Ingegerd… I'm sure you're right." 

Yet, despite her words, she looked back at Maria with a pleading gaze. Her eyes were still begging Maria not to do this, yet she was unwilling to contradict Ingegerd aloud. 

Unfortunately, Maria didn't budge. "I'm sorry, Mom…" she muttered, still feeling guilty, but unwilling to give up her warrior spirit. "… but I won't give up on this. I— I want to fight! I want to follow Father and big Brother across the world!" 

Quickly deflating again, she poked her fingers together, "Please, don't be sad, Mom… I love you, but I'm living the live I want to live, isn't that a good thing?" 

Elisiv opened and closed her mouth a few times, her eyes desperately looking for a good argument to convince her. But then she simply looked away. "You— You can't ask me not to be sad about this, Maria… But if this is what you want, then… then I'll learn to live with it." 

That was not an answer that satisfied Maria, but before she could say anything else, Harald finally spoke up. 

"I believe you two are forgetting something here," he grumbled with narrowed eyes. "Maria isn't going anywhere without my say-so." 

So far, Rurik and Harald had been unwilling to interrupt the heartbroken mother and her rebellious daughter, but now it was time for their king, husband, and father to lay down the law. 

Everyone turned towards Harald, but Rurik quickly noticed something. Despite his father's words and apparent anger, there was a distinct glint of pride in his eyes. Regardless of Viking societal norms, Maria's words were those of a true warrior, which any Viking could appreciate. 

Still, it wouldn't be that easy. Elisiv was now looking at Harald with a pleading gaze, hoping he'd be the one to put a stop to this. Yet, to everyone's surprise, he remained in thought. 

Everyone held their breath, waiting for his judgement. Maria looked at him hopefully, Rurik curiously. He wasn't really sure what he wanted here. 

 If it hadn't been for Luna's warning about bringing Eilin to England, he surely would have been in favour of taking Maria along as well. It was dangerous, sure, but it was her choice, and he didn't doubt her fighting talent or skill. 

The main problem was, that he had no idea what was going to happen when they sailed for England… which meant he had no idea if he wanted Maria involved or not. 

Thus, he was resolved to simply not interfere with his father's decision on the matter. 

A decision that soon arrived. "I'm… not necessarily opposed," he said, slowly and with a frown, stunning most of his family. Rurik simply sighed inwardly, and Maria's eyes began to sparkle. 

But before anyone could say anything, Harald raised his hand to stop them. "But…! You need to prove yourself. Not just for me, but for your fellow warriors. When, or rather, if, we sail for England, you'll be fighting with them side by side, and they need to trust you, a woman, to have their back. You'll have an uphill battle to climb." 

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you ready for that?" he asked, gravely. 

Maria nodded seriously. "I'll do whatever it takes, Father." 

Behind her, Elisiv shuddered in defeat, but remained on her feet. The least she could do for her children was be there for them, even if they hurt her… 

"Good," Harald nodded, while glancing apologetically at his wife. He knew he'd be in for it later. "But your moment won't come just yet. You're still too young. When your sixteenth winter arrives, I'll take you along on a raid, and we'll see how you do there. Fail, and I'll start looking for a husband instead, understood?" 

Maria gulped, rapidly nodding her assent. "Understood, Father…" 

Harald nodded again, before turning to Rurik. "As for you, my son. Magnus has already been joining me on my raids for two years, and you'll be doing the same from now on. If you wish to bring your servant with you to England, she'll need to come on raids as well." 

Eilin's status in Harald's court was still a little strange. The opinions about her true identity were divided, but Harald had decided to keep his hands off, and let Rurik decide everything to do with Eilin. No matter the truth about her, she was clearly a devoted, loyal servant to his son, with no small amount of fighting skill. What more could he want? 

Naturally, Rurik nodded his understanding. He didn't mind this activity as much as the co-ruling one, as he could still hone his skills on a raid. He even looked forward to the action. 

Before his first raid, however, there was one more thing he needed to do: cement Eilin's devotion and ensure she was ready to kill…