New Ten Talent's Selection

The day after Floyd had sent the elf girl flying another person came up to his desk.


Like a repeat of yesterday another student slammed their hand on Floyd's desk causing Floyd to immediately sit in an up right position.

"I, a noble dragon, want to duel you."

"Do you accept or decline?"

A boy with a perfectly chiseled white face and tiny black horns pocking inbetween his brown hair said.

"I decline."

Floyd's body slummed down as he was feeling a little bit sleepy despite sleeping throughout most, if not all, of his school days.

"You dare decline me."

The boy's word hinted at his arrogance.

"I'm a dragon, a noble dragon, my family could burn you into little bits and yet you dare decline my duel."

He said with an entitled look as if he'd won before Floyd could even reply.

"Yea, I did."

Floyd's head was now back on the desk as he started to snooze off.

"Y-you lowly scu-"

Before the arrogant noble boy could finish his sentence he was sent flying by Floyd's magic.

Again. It was almost an exact repeat of yesterday.

This continued on and on and on until the very day of the new ten talent's selection, where everyone had ready themselves to show their strength.


Today's the day.

Walking through the long corridor with the entirety of the first-years around me, we walked into the arena below the crowd of people who watched from the coliseum-like stadium from above.

The people in the seats were either families of some students, teachers/administrators, or high through low ranking corporations looking to snag up new talents to boost their power, and there were also students from higher years.

That's why even though this was called the new ten talent's selection, it was a lot more than just that.

"Since this year we have a lot of new faces. We will be redoing the ten talents selection to account for them."

"We will also be making a new class for the ten talents and five other people specifically chosen by us, the administration."

The bright red-haired woman who looked down right gorgeous said whilst standing in the center of the arena we ,the first-year students. had just stepped into.

"Well here they are." 

The woman named, Jesica Vermelha, continued to say as her bright red eyes, the same color as her hair, gazed at us.

"This time though instead of using a points based system to see who killed the most monsters, we'll be doing plain old dueling."

She had already turned her head back to the crowd of onlookers upon stating the way they decided to rank the students.

"These duels are randomly selected so don't get mad at us and if a student is defeated once, don't worry they'll still be considered in the competition as long as they can prove themselves."

"With all the announcements done, we'll start the Ten Talent's Selection."

The mic in her hand disappeared as all the students except for two were teleported into the closest row of seats to the arena which was cut off to others.

I was one of the students teleported into the stands as the first duel was about to commence.

My white hair shifted to the cold breeze as I looked down at the two students who coincidentally had quite the background together.

On the far left of the arena was Floyd and on the far right was the green haired elf girl from before her similarly green eyes had a fire sparked within them as she realized who her opponent was.

Whilst she was thinking of many ways she would absolutely beat Floyd into a pulp, I prayed to god for her healthy return as I knew just how powerful Floyd was, he was able to get to the number one in school without even using his full power after all.

Jessica then signaled for a countdown as a loud robotic voice responded with the number three signaling the beginning of the countdown.

 "2....1....Go." The robot said with a sonic boom which rang across the stadium.

The green haired elf began her attack as she summoned her Shadow Demon instantly and simultaneously launched three energy balls towards Floyd.

Floyd remained unfazed as he raised his hand and the three energy balls rushing towards him disintegrated.

But that was merely the elf's ploy as her Shadow Demon appeared from behind the cover of the three energy balls.

Pulling it's fist back it then let out a terribly strong punch directed at Floyd with incredible speed.

Ducking below the first Floyd punched the gut of the elf's Shadow Demon and sent it flying into the sky.

The elf as well as everyone who hadn't seen Floyd fight before were understandably shocked as when no one had ever heard of fighting a Shadow Demon with your body instead of your own Shadow Demon, it was like common sense to them, but not to Floyd who defied these beliefs.

Squatting down Floyd prepared to jump up into the air with some of his limited strength.

Propelling into the air at top speed, Floyd reached the height at which the elf's Shadow Demon was at and then he kicked it down.

Falling even fast with the new force which had afflicted him mid-air the Shadow Demon neared closer to the ground with each second until he hit it causing a slight indent ,which matched the form of his body, to shape.

Landing safely and softly on the ground Floyd walked over towards the elf, each of his steps caused the elf to take a step back in fear for her safety.

Until Floyd reached her.

Standing about two feet away from her Floyd looked at her and then kicked her with enough force to send her flying but not knock her unconscious. This was for a reason and that was because he didn't want to needlessly hurt someone so he just decided to kick her out of the extremely large fighting ring which would therefore disqualify her.

"First round- First fight: Floyd wins!!!"

Jesica spoke into the mic and announced to everyone despite them already knowing.

Most of the scouters for the corporations were surprised at Floyd's display of power whilst not even using his Shadow Demon, making them even more curios about it's powers.

Floyd and the elf girl were teleported back as two new students appeared on the arena in their places.

"First round- Second fight will begin in 3....2....1..Go" Jesica said

Rushing at eachother, the two students who, to be frank, I didn't know existed engaged in a battle or actually their Shadow Demon's did.

That was how most fights were fought after all. People summoned their Shadow Demon and then the two Shadow Demons would fight and only the stronger one would come out on top.

Most people didn't even think of training physically because they'd only rely on their Shadow Demon to do all the work, people like Floyd who fought on the front themselves were complete anomalies, and people like the green haired elf were common- people who supported their Shadow Demon in battle but don't directly fight.

In this world it's not about your strength but your Shadow Demon's strength, but Floyd kinda flips the whole concept on it's head.

The fight ended abruptly as the Stronger Shadow Demon overpowered the weaker one with due time.

Then the winner was announced and the two were teleported out and replaced by another two who I still didn't recognize until Jesica said their names.

"Anastasia Emma Stratus versus Jillton Navion."

Looking at the two once more I saw a black haired girl on the far left whose pretty face was alluring, despite the distance and on the right I saw a black haired boy with crimson red eyes which never lost their blood red color.

The left was Anastasia Emma Stratus, the dragon prince, and on the right was Jillton Navion ,the second of the ten talents and the son of one of the governments leaders.

Both held extreme talent and power as well as fame so it would only be common knowledge that this battle would Garner the eyes and attention of many people.


Both sides of the arena let out a deafening sonic boom as both of the two ran towards each other at high speed.

Almost an instant after both summoned their Shadow Demon's in the places they had just launched from.

Meeting in the middle of the arena the two punched each other but their first also met and caused both to back off and make distance between each other.

Then simultaneously both of their Shadow Demon came from over the two's heads and started brawling in the middle of the arena as well but this did not stop the two from continuing their fist to fist fight.

Dashing around the battle of Shadow Demon's in the middle of the arena, the dragon prince and Jillton began to fight in a fist to fist fight.

Both knew that the fastest way to beat one's Shadow Demon and their opponent is not to fight the Shadow Demon head on, nor with another Shadow Demon but to focus on the Shadow Demon's owner because once their defeated the Shadow Demon goes with it.

Impaling the ground Jillton's Shadow Demon left itself open and Anastasia's Shadow Demon took advantage of that as it slashed at Jillton's Shadow Demon in turn causing a deep cut to form on it's surface.

The cut was quickly sealed as Shadow Demons are merely that, shadows and therefore do not shed blood nor face physical pain yet they do disappear after taking a certain amount of damage which would need to be healed in their owner's shadow. 

What type of damage that is, No one knows.

Anyway Jillton himself faced a similar fate to his Shadow Demon as he himself had left himself open and was attacked leading to his body being pushed back a few inches, he stood his ground though.

The fight was amazing actually, Jillton used countless moves to try and gain the upper hand after sustaining some loss but was unable to recover and was therefore slowly beaten until defeat.

Jillton, currently battered and bruised was on the ground and about to be defeated, before his Shadow Demon came speeding towards him and picked him up allowing him to get a distance away before Anastasia's Shadow Demon grab him and slammed him into the ground.

The Shadow Demon returned to Jillton's Shadow as a result and Jillton was declared defeated.

"Anastasia Emma Stratus is the victor."

Jesica's voice boomed out.

Turning around, I, Anastasia Emma Stratus, looked away from Jillton ,or whatever his name's, body as he wasn't one worth my acknowledgement.

Matter a fact there were only three humans worth my acknowledgement. One of them was my childhood friend who had died long ago, the other two, though, were the very reason I came to this academy.

The two prophesied by the Shadow Demon of a nigh-Supreme grade who also possessed a fragment of the future.

One of the prophesies foretold a boy cursed with Misfortune which would drive him/her to madness, solitude and despair which would lead him/her to later wreak havoc on the three great Realms of Earth, The Demon Realm, and the Aquinox Realm.

The other one prophesied about was said to have bared the burden of regression, yet he was banished by the Shadow Demons therefore severing his link with all Shadow Demons, but he was still supported by a Shadow Demon who was a weak outcast with incredible potential which could only awaken later, but because his Shadow Demon was weak he never used it and did almost everything himself leading to his hero-like nature to sprout.

These two revelations were made three years ago and are said to be taking motion right now, in this academy so she sped up the mutuality between races in order to get into the academy.

And here she is.

'But now the only problem is finding those two.' Anastasia thought

She then was swapped from her standing position to a seated position as she was teleported back to the stands.

'Guess I'll have to watch and see who these two could be.'

She already thought that one of these people could be Floyd Renvlair as it stated in the second prophecy that the person possessed a weak Shadow Demon which instead of fighting hid behind it's strong owner, but she couldn't quite say it was him yet.

All she knew was that there was a regressor student and a student cursed by Misfortune within this school.

She also knew that they were first-years as well and telling by how the prophecy said it, they were most likely guys.

That severely dwindled her searches but still that was a tall order. Finding two boy students throughout all four classes, and soon to be five classes was still nigh impossible.

But Anastasia swore to find them, and she would.

She would.....