My Turn

After the third round finished the rest were went by swimmingly until it was finally my turn to step into the ring.

By now all the other ten talents had already fought their opponents and won, therefore slightly solidifying their spot even more, except Jillton that is. Now it is my turn to solidify my spot.

Jesica shouted into the mic, "Azriel Viala versus Creed Gallion Cirrus."

The boy in front of me rang a bell as I looked up on his familiar face.

He was one of the many dragons who attempted to fight Floyd before the competition, and was the second one to do it ,at that.

I remember him talking about how " I'm a dragon noble this and dragon noble that."

But in all seriousness he was. He is one of the children of the four big dragon families, he belongs to Cirrus one of the big families along with Cumulus, Nimbus, and Stratus.

Stratus being the biggest as it holds both the since the princess, Anastasia Emma Stratus, is born from it as the rightful heir to the dragon kingdom.

Anyway Creed Gallion Cirrus will be a tough opponent.


Consumed by my thoughts I hadn't even realized that the countdown had ended and that the fight was around the corner.

Rushing at me Creed summoned his Shadow Demon.

I had already snapped out of it and summoned my Shadow Demon but rather than jumping towards Creed I backed up and went closer to the corner of the arena, but still at a safe distance.

Both our Shadow Demons rushed forward at each other and started trading fist in the middle of me and Creed.

Creed moved forward around the Shadow Demon's fight and towards me. Taking notice of this I, too, went towards Creed.

-Looking down on the fight Anastasia thought if I could be one of the people mentioned in the prophecy.-

The force in my fist stopped as it came in contact with a force of equal power, aka Creed's fist.

The first battle between me and Creed was different from the battle between Anastasia and Jillton as their battle actually had profound technique behind each move but our first fight felt like it was dull.

Fist to fist duels, like what was the academy thinking.

 The clatter of our fists really didn't matter as as long as our Shadow Demon's won and we didn't do anything stupid we both could win.

'That was only if my Shadow Demon was stronger than his.' both Azriel and Creed thought in the mists of battle as their Shadow Demons seemed evenly matched just like they were.

"This battle is just a stand still." One student said.

"This is actually getting boring." Another groaned.

"Hey, you never know when they might surprise you." a third student chimed in.

"As if. I'll die before this battle ends."A fourth student sitting next to them said.

Shortly after the entire stadium was filled with murmurs.

 Alright then, I'll try something crazy then.

Turning around mid-fight I dashed towards the battle between the Shadow Demons.

Creed was a few seconds behind me but realized my agility was way faster than his and stopped running, but he also stopped because he realized were I was running to.

Entering the heated fist fight between the two Shadow Demons, my head was almost blown off until my Shadow Demon protected me by blocking the attack from Creed's Shadow Demon.

Using this I punched out at Creed's Shadow Demon and hit it, blowing a hole through it's right stomach.

Taken by surprise Creed's Shadow Demon attacked me with no hesitation as it's fist came hurtling from above me. The impact was blocked by my Shadow Demon who used his back to block the attack after he jumped in to protect me.

Using the body of my Shadow Demon as both a shield and a cover up, I spun around and attacked at the opposite angle the Shadow Demon had expected me to come from which allowed me to hit the Shadow Demon squarely in the head and blow it off, completely defeating it.

The Shadow Demon then retreated to its owners Shadow.

My Shadow Demon on the other hand still had a lot of health left due to it's tough skin which allowed it to tank the Shadow Demon's attack on it's back and still be standing.

Using my Shadow Demon I easily beat Creed and claimed my victory.

"Azriel Viala is the victor." Jessica announced.

Teleporting back to the seat I was originally teleported out of, I watched the other duels unfold before my eyes.

-Anastasia thought to herself wondering how she would confront both Floyd and Azriel as they were her two prime suspects for being the Regressor and the Misfortunate one.-

Azriel then thought to himself about how his Shadow Demon was different, like he had thought. First, it lacks color ,or should I say light as it feels like it just consumes all the light allowing none to be bounced off of it causing it to appear pitch black.

After all, the other kids Shadow Demons all had some type of main color like Jillton's was red and Creed's was green

Second, it's weaker in terms of physical ability but strong in terms of skills and physical features as well as it's potential.

Only time will tell?.